r/SneerClub archives

This is more of a meta post. I just really like y’all folx. This is one of the only subs I actively participate in and I’m so happy to have found it. I personally have a hard time identifying with communities because I’ve always found some element I largely disagree with. But here, and I’m speaking from personal experience, I just feel I went down this weird path discovering rationalism then discussing how weird they can be and then discovering this. It’s like, who else could possibly know all these weird things? Not to mention I often see mentioned critical race theory and complexity theory and other topics and I’m like hey I’m into that stuff. What an odd-ball mix.

My only criticism is this sub is formed in relation to the rational-sphere (not sure the right words here ever since I started coding I’ve stopped englishing). I wish we had more content that was on brand for us? Idk, I feel that since we’re all here together we must have some similar tastes/interests. I’m just curious what everyone else is reading and interested in. I know there’s been previous posts of like what blogs you follow but I’d just be curious to see what y’all think. I know there’s /r/theschism but I personally haven’t been.

That’s all. Have a lovely day.

Edit: what I’m getting at kinda is I wish this community had a sub where we didn’t sneer but we shared things? I just think it’s such an interesting posse we’ve assembled in these hallowed lands

I have mixed feelings.

This sub’s topic is defined only in opposition to another community, and the reigning tone is sneer. It’s not a place where people should expect to have a serious discussion about anything, even with like-minded others. (And that’s a perfectly valid kind of place to visit; pace Rationalists and other kinds of troll, not every forum on the internet is supposed to be a fair and cHaRiTaBlE venue for pseudointellectual debates about every damn thing.)

I think it’s great that there’s a thriving community here, because this is the offramp for casual participants in the Less Wrong / Slate Star Codex / Astral Whatever / Motte axis who eventually wonder am I the only one seeing something wrong here? (and in all likelihood they hear about this place through Mottehead conspiracy theories that we’re secretly writing their most embarrassingly upvoted posts as a false flag, so thanks for that). But the offramp shouldn’t be the final destination; there’s only so much antidote you need before the poison is out of your system. I myself wander away from this place often and feel a certain guilt when dramatic happenings like the Lügenpresse hatchet job indifferently descriptive NY Times article bring me back.

While the tone is often silly, some of the posts here can be really clear-headed in their analysis of what *exactly* is problematic about the rationalist world. I can recall reading SSC and finding the comments section there odd, but not being able to explain what felt off about it. It has been helpful for me to get a little help -- from yourself and several of the other posters here -- with putting words to that uneasy feeling that was in the back of my head.


> Is there anyone that wants to be here? I cannot log off.
I don't want to be here, but I was banned from SomethingAwful, sooooo...
You managed to get banned from SA? Well fucking done.
I was thinking "how hard is it to spam goatse at mods?!" before thinking that that only really merits a one month probation these days. So thanks.
the other day I was thinking about how terrible reddit was and my best idea for an alternative was to go back to SA so yeah that's it that's the comment
You can leave, but you’ll be back.
> All of this gets tied into a longer arc about the downfall of the Internet as told by a mid-30s working stiff who was there for the optimistic, idealistic beginning and saw it all turn into a world of corporate fiefdoms and ad-bedazzled dystopia. Whatever voice in me that's crying out "The Internet wasn't supposed to work out this way!" is confronted with the brutal reality every day. As an even older (white-collar) stiff: it's the same story, over and over. Somewhere under a pile of virtual dust, you'll find Usenet giving way to CompuServe forums, AIM sucking the life force from IRC servers, etc. Whenever you think you're looking at some virtual anarchist commune, always remember that someone else is looking at the same thing and thinking "How can I turn this into Anarcho-Communist Land... by Disney!"
> But maybe the idea of a centralized Internet is just dead. Au contraire. The idea was that the internet is not centralized from the beginning and the fact that it has resisted centralization so long is a testament to the robustness of the underlying concept. But capitalism demands centralization - hence why AWS has eaten it alive basically and most of humanity that are nominally "online" never had to type a URL because they live in the walled garden of some social media. Decentralized social media exist theoretically (Mastodon, the Diaspora Network...) but in practice outside of a bunch of furries and drug dealers noone wants to set up their own server node just to basically tweet at five other people who've done the same.
>a bunch of furries and drug dealers While I'd rather not sign up for a social media service based on that description, I have to concede that it sounds like it would make for a fun fucking warehouse party.
I keep a mental list of the red flag subreddits I commonly find when searching the post histories of particularly belligerent Redditors, and theschism is absolutely on that list.
I used to use that, but it's far less useful to me without a grand nexus like T_D to corral all the assholes together at once. My mental list of red flag subreddits is just for my own amusement. I just find it interesting that the worst people on Reddit are attracted to all the same places. This knowledge doesn't do anything practical for me in any way.
Aside from the obvious ones, your pussypassdenieds and your politicalcompassmemes, in my experience the most reliable red flag subs are personalfinance/personalfinancecanada, anything MMA-related, and especially accounts that are used for both mainstream *and* NSFW subs. Like, who the fuck comments on porn? I'll tell you -- conservative, A-type loudmouths with no filter who feed off of conflict and hatred and anger. There are so many more, but I'm too lazy to list it out. Plus it's only my experience, as one person who's been keenly interested in trolls for a couple decades. Caveat -- yes, of course, you can be interested in personal finance or MMA and *not* be an asshole. We all know that. It's just that assholes are particularly attracted to those spaces. And I think it's because of the generally conservative nature of the demographics interested in those things.
I forgot to mention /r/nihilism. That one is a massive red flag for... well, pretty much everything that can go wrong with a person.
Oy vey I have so many thoughts on this. I think you hit the nail on the head. There's definitely it seems some curve which is a tradeoff between quantity and quality of content, amount of moderation etc. I think this sub benefits from how 'niche' it is? I think we're fairly niche. It's a difficult thing. I feel right now especially the quality of discourse on the internet is at a low point.
Good moderating is huge. Compare /r/sneerclub to /r/buttcoin for example.
Honestly, between curation and judicious use of adblock Reddit has not meaningfully changed for me at all. It's still the best place for any subject I care about.
I cant imagine how that would be possible without using cosmetic filters that remove over half the users/comments on this site
I removed most of the default subs and only joined ones that I actually care about. the communities in the ones I belong to seem to handle themselves properly. (I have some leftovers to prune, definitely, but it's still overall positive)
I’ll give some credit to substack, there’s a couple of people I know on there who do some good stuff, and it kinda works for some writers who are - in the current atmosphere - struggling to make ends meet Mic Wright in particular is a guy I subscribe to for media crit and read most mornings
There’s a bunch of people I doubt *want* to be on a platform like substack or even medium, especially those on the left like me (I’m not on either), it it pays the bills in the meantime before we all get hold of enough lethal weapons to murder the ruling class. The difference with people like Moldbug is that they’re *only* trying to pay the bills. The genius (he says, sarcastically) of substack is that they came up with a good way to effectively monetise desperation in the short and medium economic terms.
seeing Star Control 2 usernames is probably my last remaining pure online pleasure
> All of this gets tied into a longer arc about the downfall of the Internet as told by a mid-30s working stiff who was there for the optimistic, idealistic beginning and saw it all turn into a world of corporate fiefdoms and ad-bedazzled dystopia. Whatever voice in me that's crying out "The Internet wasn't supposed to work out this way!" is confronted with the brutal reality every day. As an internet historian, the proto-sneers were directed at techno-utopians.

i mean, maybe a regular weekly/monthly off-topic thread? iunno, might be a bit like work

I just caught this, might talk about it at some point with the other mods There’s a risk it’ll wind up like the Culture War Thread where people just air their grievances and ruin the sub
Imho, it would benefit from a monthly declared off-topic topic, like who is your favorite impressionist painter, stick vs automatic, is stoicism overrated, mixology, etc

Yeah, this is also my favorite sub on Reddit.

I guess I’m one of those psychologically fucked up people Yudkowsky warned you about.

I also would appreciate hanging with this gang in a non-discussing-the-poop context!


I found this community fairly recently and I’ve only lurked so far. I’ve read a little bit of LW stuff, but didn’t stick to it.

I think what makes me really glad, after seeing the shitshows you guys present, is that the literary subgenre r/rational essentially formalized by HPMOR (which was what made me look into LW in the first place) seems to have evaded the taint of these rationalist communities despite still being open to rationalist writings. I honestly almost felt bad about it after reading posts on here, but even a small re-evaluation of the aforementioned sub helped me feel better about not accidentally getting the shittier ideas associated with the rationalist community stuck in my head through fiction.

I hope I tagged this right and did everything right if not let me know :)

Long time lurker, first time poster. Found out about this sub after reading enough SSC to get skeeved out.

The posts here remind me of the “olden days”, and I’m old enough to remember BBSes. Smart but not too smart. Erudite and witty but not overly so. Not taking itself very seriously, but sneering in a seriously effective way.

It’s a great oddball mix to be sure, and hard to pin down. But as soon as you can pin it down, that’s when you know it’s done for.

I know, I am pretty great…

But in terms of the “criticism” (it doesn’t read to me like a criticism, glad to have you here), this sub originates as an off-shoot of /r/badphilosophy founded by my personal friend, the artist formerly known as “/u/drunkentune”, with the explicit mission of diverting what was then a flood of Yudkowsky-related bad philosophy - so it’s natural there’s a quite specific focus I try to enforce when people get outside it

I helped start a discord server for /r/SneerClub which has a sort of broader scope and chattier feel and although I don’t use it much anymore for reasons unrelated to the server itself I can vet you to be a participant if that’s your ting

I'd be interested to join the discord as well.

I’m mostly here to sneer, but I also really enjoy reading what others here have to say. Not sure if I have deeper thoughts than that. Within the framework that exists here, some interesting discussions still do happen.

Glad you’re here! I’m new myself : )

wish we had more content that was on brand for us? Idk, I feel that since we’re all here together we must have some similar tastes/interests.

Yeah I agree and disagree. I’m pretty with you in that I think lots of sneerclubbers have similar interests but, more interestingly, I get the feeling that a lot of us also share similar philosophies about the world. Like, sneerclub gives me big “nerds punching nazis” vibes and, even if sneering is pointless, its kind of therapeutic for me. I’ve been worn down by the process of having extremely long abstract pointless arguments with people who empirically don’t change their minds and its nice to cut through all that.

I’d love that sort of thing to have more of a brand and community.[1]

At the same time, sneerclub is sneerclub and the medium is the message. While I do occasionally see comments that are kinda like “should we really sneer at THAT?”, having internal debates about what sneerclub should sneer at feels wrong – like you’re attacking the very foundation of the thing. As a result, I’ll sometimes see an (arguably sneerworthy) sneer that bothers me in some way and not say anything because it feels inappropriate[2].

So even though I think a community of sneerclubbers (or even just a place where sneerclubbers start doing their own sneerclub aesthetic stuff) would be cool, I’m dubious that /r/sneerclub is the place to do it.[3] Sneers, a community, do not make.

Does that make sense?

[1] yeah yeah I know its called “regular person who just happens to be smart”, indulge me here!

[2] I get a similar vibe on circlejerk-style subreddits but, since these usually have clear principles, its never felt as alienating as it does here

[3] I also have the feeling that sneerclub is made up of multiple groups. The people here because Eliezer are not necessarily people here because TheMotte and vice-versa. I’m more part of the latter group fyi

Feel the same way, a lot of overlap in my interests with those of the rationalist community so it’s unfortunate it has the problems it does. Apart from sneerclub and theschism there’s also r/leftrationalism – not too active these days but still some good discussions once in a while. And for blogs, I like dePonySum’s blog for a lot of rationalist-adjacent discussion from a more leftist point of view.

So you’re saying you want to create a ShareClub?

There’s a discord which has more social stuff if you’d be interested