r/SneerClub archives

The capital-R rationalist stanned Singal in a poem: https://mobile.twitter.com/yashkaf/status/1372746504281149440

His quilettes: https://quillette.com/2018/05/25/groups-groups-idw/

“The IDW consists of high decoupling scientists like Jordan Peterson” wtf

"high decoupling" is my new favorite euphemism for premature ejaculation
that's fabulously on topic
This is what happens when you read the orange site too much, and try to ape engineering style without actually knowing any engineering yourself.

Jess Singal people off because he’s disagreeable /But he never lies or harms anyone because he’s ethical / So people make shit up about him because they’re unethical / And they support each others’ baseless accusation because they’re agreeable

Fucking give this guy a pulitzer already what are you waiting for?

50 years from now it will be taught in high schools
Given how big the TERF crowd is on Vogon-level poetry, perhaps this is an attempt at pandering to Singal's audience.
being cited in arguments used to ban internationally accepted standards of care, a consensus shared by practitioners and researchers from multiple fields of medicine, psychology etc, supported by clinical observations.. a ban directly leading to at least 4 suicide attempts in a week.. bans that are part of a wave of bans.. that are done against the recommendation of any major medical org, only supported by astroterfed and astroturfed groups of people who have no qualifications, no licence or have produced results that are wildly discredited and designated dangerous torture by qualified medical professionals.. I wouldn't call this not harming. outing a trans kid by lying about the contents of the Atlantic article, misrepresentation of studies and what certain terms mean /how treatment actually works.. organising mailing lists where he actively blocked far more qualified people from getting space to talk.. trying bad faith bullshit and underhanded crap incl hounding employers to get shit he doesn't like removed, i. e doing the exact shit he falsely accuses his critics of.. excusing horrible behaviour like smearing sbdy a pedo or mealy mouthed weak admission that this is wrong, but obsessively demanding the most friendly good faith critic of his multiple fuck ups showing that again, he projects about trans critics not being objective. because those critics have a far better rep sheet re: not doing harm. I'm sure he'll be appalled and accuse me of emotional manipulation and weaponizing suicide bc I don't ignore that his stuff led to the horrible anti trans laws by making bad science and polite bigotry acceptable which directly led to harmed children

“ IDW members attempt to discuss highly charged issues like gender and race differences, material progress, free speech, or religious belief in a dispassionate way. In response, contextualizing journalists (almost universally from non-science backgrounds) accuse the IDWs of being against some group or other: against trans people, against women, against blacks, against Muslims, and so on. The IDWs are indignant. “We’re not against anyone,” they retort, often from the pages of this very magazine. “We’re just looking at the data.” ”- Falkovich

But he never lies


[Obligatory reading](http://juliaserano.blogspot.com/2017/12/my-jesse-singal-story_11.html) whenever anyone claims that Jesse Singal is just this poor innocent boy who never lies. >my Twitter notifications were suddenly flooded with social conservatives, [TERFs](http://www.juliaserano.com/terminology.html#TERF), and (to a lesser degree) people who have detransitioned, all of whom were virtual-yelling at me for supposedly denying the existence of people who detransition. Even though I never said or insinuated either of those things in my *Medium* essay or *Vox* interview (this is plainly obvious if you read the actual pieces). Turns out that this backlash was largely attributable to an alarmist tweet (or tweets, I don’t remember if it was more than one, and I cannot access them now that he shut his Twitter account down) Singal posted wherein he falsely claimed that this was what I was saying. In other words, he *flat-out spread lies about me*. 
In 2021 we should know that distributed harassment attacks are a thing. But lot of journalists and people with large audiences pretend that it isnt happening. (And yes that is also a risk of sneerclub).
Indeed, just today Serano deactivated her twitter account due to the harassment she was facing from Singal's horde cuz he was lying again about her.
It was such a punch to the gut to see that today. It feels like we're going to see the US go the way of the UK with regards to trans rights and coverage, and I can't say I'm thrilled about that
As someone from and in the UK - with a lot of American friends - I’d make the point that trans rights in the US already fucking suck about as bad as they do here The difference is the hyper-focus in the increasingly desperate print media - which controls a lot of politics here - on contrarian transphobic takes in the opinion pages By contrast, in the US there is the same problem at the level of reality, but a focus on different issues in the news
I wasn't trying to suggest that actual trans rights were better in the US (although I feel like trans healthcare is certainly more dire in your neck of the woods, with reports of potential 20+ year waiting lists for trans healthcare as is), but more that the momentum against trans issues is only really starting to build steam in the US, as opposed to the UK, where my impression is that momentum has been there for quite a while. The mainstream media focus or the willingness of the center left parts of the US political landscape to stand against trans rights seems like a relatively newer phenomenon. Idk I just this past week had to listen to my personal elected representative to the US senate spout off transphobic shit in a senate committee hearing, and one of the Democratic state senators for my state joined with the Republicans in a recent anti-trans bill. Or things like Tulsi Gabbard floating her anti-trans legislation last year. I guess it feels like there is a steady bit of momentum against trans people in the public consciousness in the UK, and those views can be found in public figures left of center as well as right. That sort of mainstream "bipartisan" criticism of trans rights is relatively newer to the US, and it feels like it's starting to gain a lot of momentum, and that has me more pessimistic about the future of trans rights in the US than I was a year ago. Idk, it's just been something of a rough couple weeks for trans issues in the US, and that has me rambling at 3 in the morning. Edit: and apparently 60 Minutes, one of the most prestigious news programs in America, is apparently doing a program on detransitioners.
This is one of those areas where America’s instinctive libertarianism tends to help a bit. A lot of Americans are pretty meh on trans rights in general, but their hackles start to rise whenever the government tries to regulate anything new. Not everyone, obviously, but enough to make a difference.
I’m not sure how true that is, though it isn’t my place to speak beyond general impressions In America there’s still evangelicals pushing horrific conversion therapy lines And then there’s Jesse Singal...
Yeah, I don’t want to overstate it; there are certainly lots of people here that hold retrograde views on gay and trans people. It’s just that often when they try and pass bad laws, a coalition forms between those who oppose the laws on principle, and those who in general oppose government getting involved in private affairs like that. In general, it’s my understanding that this small government right-wing libertarianism is more of an American phenomenon than anywhere else.
It’s really frustrating watching regular journalists defend Sengal and act like those attacking *him* are the modern GamerGaters. Slow fucking learners.
maybe this is a main advantage of rationalism, adhering to it makes lying impossible, or at least irrelevant

Oh great he has a Quillette https://quillette.com/2021/02/16/the-narrative-and-its-discontents/

Cool poem, still blatant example of in-group bias. 0/10 not Rational(TM) at all

Also Falkovich once preached Rationalists were like a monastic order seeking wisdom or some shit

A ratadj wants church: https://mobile.twitter.com/spiderfoods/status/1372762941674590218

What is this sub’s stance on Singal? I’m not that familiar with him.

He's an insufferable cis journalist who loooves to insert himself into conversations about trans issues, stirs up faux-controversy about our medical treatment and communities, and is generally transphobic beneath the airs of "just having reasonable concerns" and "wanting to make sure that only 'real' trans people are allowed to transition". Naturally, because he presents himself as a dispassionate truth-teller who just asks hard questions, IDW-type internet intellectuals love to cover for him. There's also more apocryphal accounts of his being a creep to trans women - and I believe them myself - but he's only as bad as he is because he can drum up so much support and legitimacy in the aforementioned ways.
and, let's not forget, was on a mailing list for transphobic journalists that leaked