r/SneerClub archives

Ziz’s text of the Brent Dill confessions and a surprisingly coherent series of messages between her and Dill

Brent Dill Confessions Full Redacted – Sinceriously

2 thoughts:

First, is there a meaningful distinction between a cult and a group which is frequently described as a cult by its ex-members? How would you recognize one from the other?


so i’ve been less directly concerned with “abuse against minors” than I am about a particular kind of really dangerous hypocrisy, which says that people are only allowed to make choices for themselves if those choices match the group moral consensus.

It’s wild how even the folks who get out are still FUBAR. I wonder where the primary causality is here – this group attracts people with fucked up ideas, or produces them?

The sociology literature on “cults” (so-called or actual) emphasises the role of reinforcement techniques, which creates ex-members who still have issues after leaving. As a result it’s very chicken and egg. Some ex-members will have been susceptible to ideas that get reinforced in the first place, while others will have found themselves influenced by certain ideas and wound up carrying them on even after deciding to leave the cult. Osho and the Human Potential Movement is one of my favourite examples: taken in by his wit and rhetoric, even people who quit the cult upon realising how fucked up everything was went on to advocate for ideas they’d picked up from him.
It’s not uncommon to hear about ex-religious cult members talk about how they still think the teachings are true, only that the current leadership has gone astray.
Yeah we get that in waves on here whenever there’s a prominent scandal, in fact as a mod I often find myself trying to discourage that kind of talk because ex-pats from the rationalists can clog up the sub when that happens, and we the mods often get misunderstood as defectors from rationalism elsewhere on the internet
Also, those “I’ve seen the light!!” Posts are, frankly, quite boring.
Some of them are pretty good, and the casual nature of the sub means I don’t want to put off otherwise perfectly nice seeming people from hanging around, even if they’re not great writers The ones that annoy me are the presumptuous and the ones which haven’t gotten over the rationalist house style with all that rambling and especially the ones packed with jargon This is still supposed to be a fun rather than an activist space, but it has provided a public service in the past to actual victims, and I don’t want to compromise that
What I was trying to say with the right terms
If it helps I’ve heard about this new sight called “google” that uses keywords and other things to help you find out things you didn’t know or have trouble remembering (Sorry I’m just being a dick, I don’t mean anything by that)
Both, really. And it both attracts people with dysfunctions, predatory behaviors and warps people
How is this guy not in prison right now?
He’s a member of an obscure cult funded by Thiel
Only when they’re left wing. Right wing ones are left to fester.
No one can draw the line between Thiel funding Yud, Yud running the group houses and child rape
> really dangerous hypocrisy, which says that people are only allowed to make choices for themselves if those choices match the group moral consensus. Why am I not allowed to murder people? I'm not morally opposed to murder, it is the group consensus which is against murder. (What im trying to say here is 'group moral consensus' is doing a lot of work here).

Brent Dill is an abusive manipulative narcissistic psychopath to a degree most of even seriously deranged rationalists don’t even come close. I wish this post contained some revelations that could really help shed light on what’s actually going on in these group houses, but it looks to me like his attempt to paint himself as a victim and deflect blame.

He said Yud et al passed him the victims after they did to the victims


Ah, via the comments:

Confessions of formerly local rapist Brent Dill, to involvement with the rationality community’s coverups. Mixed with with conspiracy theory, potentially mixed with some lies. He’s a thoroughly evil man, by his own history and statements unlikely to stop repeating his history in this community

Also, if Thiel’s $ is involved, it won’t be the last time we’ll hear of the rationalists - although Yud and co will eventually, actually die. Maybe generations of rationalists will emerge, and it will become embarassing to sneer once little rationalists whose parents read them the Sequences to sleep and play “Motte and Bailey” appear.

>although Yud and co will eventually, actually die. but then they'll be thawed out and resucitated or uploaded into a computer right?
Nah, we’ll just unplug their tanks when nobody’s looking. Not even technically murder.

there’s an awful lot of words on this blog

tfw no bestself factory to forcibly mold everyone into beings that can only make right choices

Why hasn’t Brent been arrested yet?

Ziz is like all these people, smart enough and always paying attention and thinking, yet some bizarre single warping interpretive aspect constantly present in everything they do - unable to stop it no matter how philosophical they are

It’s like someone telling you they are bulimic, then when you tell them that’s upsetting news, they tell you they have to be able to say their truth to you and be free, that you shouldn’t have reacted like that. They use some sort of rhetoric to justify perverting your worldview and making you their accomplice. They are also passive-aggressively jealous, bored and annoyed unless they can convert you into a bulimic and barf with you.

These people are always grooming you in some way, it’s their natural way of being.

Natural Born Groomers

>Natural Born Groomers An extremely normal and not at all concerning thing to call the trans women you're degendering.
pfft ok i used 'they' because i went in and out of talking about ziz, 'people like that' and the community she's a part of sorry not sorry. ziz is not gonna be my hero just because she's not as bad as brent dill
Yes, being asked to be mindful of the way you talk about trans women is exactly like being asked to worship them and forgive them of their wrongs. Obviously.