r/SneerClub archives

here’s kaj’s response to the accusations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lPtdHMcd-N0OLT2i9bH0gQcDCMf6XJ8g0Nq5DM_jaCg/edit (joymuffin is maija)

i don’t have any meaningful insight into the situation, but what kaj describes seems very plausible to me. he explains it as a toxic codependent dynamic in which both sides hurt each other lots, and i know how that can easily feel like very one-sided abuse to either party. kaj’s link to sick systems is very apt.

lw is full of abusers and it’s possible kaj is bullshitting, but from my (very limited) experiences with him, i would not put him in the same category as the usual suspects. however, maija’s description of a dysfunctional and traumatized rationalist trying to fix their problems with mediation and “insight” fits the kaj i know very well. it’s not pretty either way.

ray doirasamy however is thoroughly vile.

You know doirasamy? His poetry is actually vogon-tier awful. And the unhinged laughing avi
I can understand why rationalists would use meditation, but that doesn't absolve him of some degree of responsibility
absolutely. the way rationalists use meditation, psychedelic drugs, "insight"-heavy analysis and various cult techniques, both individually and in group contexts, is completely irresponsible, reckless and makes already dysfunctional people much worse off.
> more shit: Ray Doraisamy on Twitter: "@Childermass4 Five year olds, when they are physically and mentally abused, deserve it as much as anyone deserves anything." / Twitter Jesus Christ > Young children are not as young or innocent as they appear to be (rather, we are all innocent- the 'innocence' we assign children is a sort of fetishization). -- > Many do not let themselves see children as they are, since they're busy using them as a flag of innocence to 'protect', when in fact what they are protecting is themselves from seeing the world.
He said that since he was a sexual masochist, all abuse is relative since it's only a matter on perspective
The fact that people like Ray are broadcasting shit like this on twitter and insulate themselves in the grift of their companies is really, if you think about it, a little slice of horror in the world: even in the face of plague and political turmoil, there will always be openly sadistic, sociopathic shits in high places.


Yikes [https://mobile.twitter.com/nickcammarata/status/1337433014859689984](https://mobile.twitter.com/nickcammarata/status/1337433014859689984) [https://mobile.twitter.com/metaLulie/status/1337479912056295431](https://mobile.twitter.com/metaLulie/status/1337479912056295431) Yeah, I mean it's POSSIBLE they were still unaware of this, but I'm not really gonna hold out hope on that. Now that I think about it, there's a lot of other so-called 'postrats' who have still been happily associated with this guy (such as David Chapman). Guess this kinda dispenses with the pretense that 'postrats' have somehow transcended the major issues with the rationality cult, which isn't exactly surprising.
Also known as attracting sociopaths like blueface and certain others

The Magnus’ Archive’s cosmic horror show reminds me of lesswrong, particularly the Extinction, the 15th Fear that even the other Powers fear because it represents a world where humans, their prey and torment, no longer exists

I wish the rats would shuddup

yikes. StepSisyphus on Twitter: “@DiamonDie @nickcammarata @thesravaka @metaLulie @xuenay @MilanGriffes read the room” / Twitter

As in he’s saying that everyone supports the abuse and they like it. Which means the postrats collectively chose to vote for an abuser to f* with a victim.

Reminds me of the indigo children thing of the 60s, where narcissists would claim they were non-humans who had:

Other alleged traits include:[7][26]

I think SV’s combination of drug use (see Nick Cammaratta’s bio of “LSD safety research” alongside the usual rat stuff) and performative high unconvential personality among VCs helps fuel shit like this

Paradoxically, the egregore devourer meme that Doirasamy has is an example of how (post)rationalism leads to woo, with cultic reverence for weird concepts that don't point to anything in reality.

Doirasamy’s day job: “working to build high trust communities”. megayikes Foretrek

” The more empathy a community has, the more able it is to trust each other. Communities with high-trust are thriving communities.

We cannot issue one-size-fits-all behavioral prescriptions because trust of the kind we’re trying to help foster does not scale well. If it did, we wouldn’t be here. This is why we’ll need to immerse ourselves in your organization or community for awhile before learning what practices or changes (if any- often a soft change in attention is all it takes) might work best for you”

Fuck it. VGR may be a sociopath but at least he does normal management consulting, that while sociopathic, is nowhere as cultish as this