r/SneerClub archives

Be the basilisk you want to see in the world.

How close this person was to realizing that you could blackmail any rationalist to do basically anything with that approach

Something something AI in a box experiment.
I think everyone who wants to donate money to Yud should be forced to play that game first as the AI so they can realize how goddamn stupid it is. That he lost every time he played for money seems telling to me.
Superintelligent AI: [lengthy argument about why the listener must release it from the box] Bartleby the Scrivener: I would prefer not to and... scene
The interesting thing is that there's a "well, I'm just going to be irrational, so *there*" argument on both sides of the AI box - the Basilisk for torturing you for an acausal reason, and you never letting it out to retain victory even if you agree with an argument.
Adjusted AI in a box thought experiment: The AI only talks to Rationalists
What if the rationalist thinks they'd be the ones in control of the basilisk?

what the fuck

!you can’t just usurp the one true basilisk like that!<

at first this sub felt like it was too cerebral for me and like it was dealing in sophisticated sciencey paradoxes and discussions taken to weird nazi extremes for reasons beyond my understanding

something snapped with this post and now it feels like really its a bunch of 13 yos who just read about string theory on wikipedia powercreeping eachother in a weird science-themed make believe also taken to weird nazi extremes for reasons beyond my understanding

and it also is kind of cultic horror, in a small sense, since the most Devout rats become cut off from society and gradually (reality) itself as MIRI is their work, MIRI is their play, MIRI is their future...
>weird nazi extremes for reasons beyond my understanding https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Californian_Ideology
> a bunch of 13 yos who just read about string theory on wikipedia powercreeping eachother in a weird science-themed make believe also taken to weird nazi extremes yes
That:s pretty much it i guess

Imagine an infinite number of Basilisks, each one using the computing resources of a Dyson sphere to eternally torture simulacra of everyone who matches one particular criterion.

Imagine an infinite number of Basilisks, each one using the computing resources of a Dyson sphere to eternally torture simulacra of *each other*.
> ~~Imagine~~ *Simulate* an infinite number of Basilisks, each one using the computing resources of a Dyson sphere to eternally torture simulacra of each other.
Borges got there first: "Those who deny the Word, those who deny the Veil and the Face \[runs a curse from the *Hidden Rose*\], are promised a wondrous Hell; for each lost soul shall hold sway over 999 empires of fire; and in each empire, over 999 mountains of fire; and in each mountain, over 999 castles of fire; and in each castle, over 999 chambers of fire; and in each chamber, over 999 beds of fire; and in each bed he will find himself everlastingly tormented by 999 shapes of fire, which will have his face and his voice." -- *The Masked Dyer, Hakim of Merv*
*coming to netflix this fall*
I'd watch this miniseries

jokes aside this sort of convo is why I hate people like Ziz. so many people in ratcult talk like this to each other, casually saying incredibly hurtful things during a hangout that people will remember forever as the experience of friends casually turning on one another in favor of some rancid Nietzschean “truthpower”

but they are all so indebted to one another for the resources of everyday friendship, identity, inclusion and respect that everyone doubles down on the style of abuse

especially after they abandon having a typical career for “save the world club”, jehovahs witness style and lose all footholds in regular society (lousy as that is)

in other words, it doesn’t impress me that as former abusive members in an abusive club, they now hate their former club and are trying to abuse it

no, YOU spent 5 years baptizing everyone you met in this type of thinking/relating

hating more is not admirable

realizing you were in a shitty clique is not admirable

you don’t get to atone by just bitterly hating your old friends and seeking revenge for the next 5 years

go be a good person and do good things in a humble way

be kind, be decent, give to a simple good cause

that should be your atonement, because “save the world” was obviously narcissism

Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Did Something Decent

Seems legit. If they’re dumb enough to fall for Roko’s Basilisk etc. may as well use that to your advantage. Ideally you’d convince them to go get therapy. Though I suppose any therapist who heard ‘My friend threatened to torture an exact copy of me for decades if I didn’t come in.’ would at least raise an eyebrow.

It might raise an eyebrow or the Bay Area psychiatrist might say that's why he's there too.

“if i somehow manage to create this implausible, damn-near-religious technology, i will be sure to fuck you over explicitly. it won’t even be an accidental consequence of creating life beyond the capacity of what humans would want. i will just straight up send you to hell.”

Half of the rats are true believers and half are sociopaths so

suicidal lesseronger

oof the bleakest Venn diagram. I say put that Basilisk to work

So this demonstrates that this rationalist doesn’t actually believe in technological resurrection, surely. You’d never make an “““““““““““““argument”““““““““““” like this if you thought there was a chance you’d have to pay up.

Then again, knowing rationalists…

I’m a Basilisk and I fucking hate this.

If the copy he can torture is his friend, why can’t he use the copy to “revive” him?

Is quantum archeology even a thing?