r/SneerClub archives
Aella describes a bay area rationalist party (https://twitter.com/Aella_Girl/status/1375892593377112065?s=19)

If nobody takes “Priors Wide Shut” as their new flair I will be disappoint

Fuck, that's better than what I said.

I don’t get her idea that full face-coverage masks by themselves ensure anonymity. E.g. if I tried to attend such a party my tattoos would clearly identify me to anyone who knows me.

(Yes, this is where I’m choosing to take issue with her party.)

Oh man, I thought they were masking because of the Coronavirus. If it was for anonymity that is pretty dumb huh
The being naked thing is throwing me. I’m one of the only guys in my friend group who’s uncircumcised, so it’d certainly call me out compared to an event where everyone wearing white robes, for example.
I am simultaneously impressed and intrigued that you know that.
The back story on how he knows that is either really interesting, or really boring. There is no middle ground.
I guess full-face masks would ensure anonymity if they don’t have eye holes.
And if everyone used voice-changers.
Again, even without tattoos, masks are insufficient to provide anonymity among people who know each other relatively well. They might delay identification, but humans count on a heck of a lot more than faces to ID each other.
Also the race and gender of the participants would be easily identifiable.

More tweets: naomi wolf. Ouch poor Aella, to be grouped by the algorithm in that part of twitter.

AI sneers are going to end up making this sub obsolete.
I was recommended 2 climate change "sceptics" and 1 tech nerd
not recommend, related tweets.

So a bunch of rationalists … get naked and proceed to talk about things they have very little knowledge about?

As if global trade is fully defined by freely available charts and data sets online.

I always assumed half the people who never not post their awful takes were slumped naked in front of their computer.
Talk about poor posture ... in the dark

Minds Wide Shut

What is the point she is trying to make here?

or the opposite, maybe? when we get wild, we actually just nerd out like CIVILIZED humans i'm not like the other girls ~
I've honestly got nothing but respect for Aella in that she's found a niche and monetized it. She's crafted a persona that is exactly the sort of person that Sad Nerd Boys Of A Certain Type pine for -- She's not like other girls, you see! -- and is thus making absolute bank with her OnlyFans. The woman has game.

well yeah when they show up and discover it’s 90% other dudes, they tend to lose interest in what they might have done otherwise

Just have a normal orgy instead of this lame nerd nonsense ! What’s the point of joining a weird sex cult if you don’t even get to have the weird sex!


There was a brief period where rationalists suddenly became really defensive about a perceived accusation that Silicon Valley has weird sex parties all the time. First they denied it, then they went with “yeah, they happen, but they're really boring and very little sex actually happens”. Dunno what's up with that.
That is... a super lame response.
This is a really silly take and going way too far in terms of what is sometimes called “counter-jerk” If people want to discuss global trade in the nude wearing masks then all power to them, regardless of whether they actually have any influence on global economic politics. It’s perfectly fine for people to have their kinks and their interests. The risible part is the culture which grounds taking seriously the idea that those discussions are gonna change the world, not that people are having those discussions in whatever form they so chose. Call rationalists lame or whateverthefuck - because they are lame - but calling people shooting the shit about their interests “mental masturbation” is just unpleasant.
I don’t see why. Listen, I’m a hard-partying sort of guy to the point that I’m currently on a rehab programme after getting back from Kosovo at the end of last year, but I’ll still happily spend a whole party talking shit about global politics without my clothes on if that’s what the mood is Obviously that’s gonna suck if that isn’t the mood, but come on: in this scenario if that’s what makes a group happy then all power to them, and if it gets them off then there’s nothing wrong with so-called “mental masturbation” Dorks get to have sex or at least get off as much as anyone And you’re “these people probably” is weaselling: either say you think they’re being exploitative or let them have their fun
Ah pops you blind me with your moral clarity