r/SneerClub archives

The postrationalists refer to a group of individuals claiming to disagree with most of rationalism but still carry some beliefs. They have a tendency towards: •woo • mysticism And the like. Are they collectively fash-adjacent?

We have a general policy of not referring to rationalists as “rats”

Comrade, understood

Only insofar as the wider community-cluster is prone to airing fash-adjacent ideas.

So, yes, but it’s not the woo and mysticism which makes them fashy. It’s just that some of them want to transcend rationalism by doubling down instead of leaving it behind.

a pile of them are literally the remaining neoreactionaries

a non-negligible proportion are, scientific racism race-and-IQ theories are just accepted as true by the postrationalists, and - the key point - neither of these gets any pushback from the ones who claim not to be fash or scientific racists

Given that liminal_warmth is a chaos magician who believes in cryptozoology to some degree, I conclude that the extremes of postrationalism do veer towards the sort of irrationalism sympathetic to the far right. Elements of the pseudo-libertarian techbro postrationalist subset, like Roon, do endorse fascist-adjacent/NRX ideas, but the group as a whole includes anti-natalists like Sarah Perry of Every Cradle is a Grave, the diehard neoliberal Venkatesh Rao (who refuses to acknowledge Scooter is a racist) and others whose bliefs. It’s a mixed bag overall, although a subset most definitely does use “postrational” as a marker for antirational (heh) fascist sympathies.

tbf Sarah Perry also endorses fascist-adjacent/NRX ideas she just also thinks having babies is bad.
She follows Nine Banded Books, an antinatalist publishing house whose acct holder is a Holocaust denier
I used to keep tabs on antinatalist blogs and Chip Smith is, aside from being a human toilet, one of the worst writers I've ever seen.
John Grauenholtz is worse
And there’s ... this blog that combines Scott Alexander discourse with antinatalism https://entitledtoanopinion.wordpress.com/2021/02/18/my-dialogue-with-jeff-in-the-comments-at-ac10-over-west-african-sprinting-ability/
[Nine Banded Books » Books Banned on Amazon](http://www.ninebandedbooks.com/books-banned-on-amazon/) [The Hoover Hog: In Praise of Delicious Tacos (typepad.com)](https://hooverhog.typepad.com/hognotes/2019/05/every-day-at-work-i-felt-like-the-meteor-needed-to-hit-and-i-needed-to-die.html)
> I conclude that the extremes of postrationalism do veer towards the sort of irrationalism sympathetic to the far right also the bit where a pile of them are literally still neoreactionaries
Why the heck would you consider cryptozoology, of all things, sympathetic to the far right? Chaos magic also seems questionable, though at least a lot of the Western occultic traditions tended to cross over with racism, but cryptozoology is largely just people who believe in Bigfoot and the chupacabra.
Cryptozoology unfortunately has a broad rightwing fanbase due to strong overlap with Creationism and biblical literalism, European mythological literalism ("knights slaying dragons was real"), and general skepticism of scientific consensus.
Gonna become a radically leftwing cryptozoologist who says things like "knights slaying dragons was real & one of many disgusting examples of european genocide and general disdain for nonhuman life which still pervades western culture today"
I'm more interested in knights battling giant snails.
and never shutting up about how the snails were actually giant dicks terrorising the land
This is going too far Cryptozoology in its broadest conception - even though it’s a crock - is a much broader church than you’re implying I’m not averse to drawing the links you’re drawing, but you’re generalising a bit too much in associating it with biblical literalism that closely
Yeah, this... still seems like a stretch. The Ken Hams of the world aside, the most visible engagements of cryptozoology with the world are MonsterQuest and similar things. Which are mostly people hiking around dark forests at night looking for Bigfoot and overgrown wildlife.
Log off bro
I don’t believe in cryptozoology the way most people would understand it, though. 🤷‍♀️ I’ve explicitly said Bigfoot isn’t real and I think chupacabras are silly (and this goes for most physical cryptids as well). Chaos Magic isn’t really NRx coded more than any other ideology (and I’d argue veers left more than right), and I’m really more of an occult researcher open to interesting philosophical ideas than a diehard Chaote.
lmao roon is gonna love this

Also vgr and buddies literally are planning to abandon books, netflix for only Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/ankurrsharma/status/1376053243453829120

>In Jan 2019, I decided to stop reading completely to see what happens. So far, good, better, stronger. This is the most rationalist thing ever. As for the question, I am truly blessed to not know what a post-rationalist is exactly. But I can safely assume they are at least fash-adjacent-adjacent, a property inherited from rationalism.
> So far, good, better, stronger. Worst Daft Punk cover song ever. Also, this has ... how do I put it delicately ... "big No Nut November energy"? All the posturing about cutting vice and *impurity* out of one's life.
>cutting vice and *impurity* out of one's life With the peculiar omission that he is allowed to read Twitter posts. I quit all stimulants to see what would happen. No coke or dexies for me, no thank you! brb injecting meth into my dick
"Being sober is the realest high around, man."
"Women uh, women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I... I do not avoid women, Mandrake. But I do deny them my essence."
Post-rationalists have rejected the central teachings of the cult, but their social identities and profession are too tied to the community. So they stay, but in a detached, post-ironic kind of way.
That description is somehow less bad than what I had envisioned.
Ehh... more than a few of them left on a note something like "The problem with all this scientific racism is... that it's too scientific! From now on I'm only peddling genuine occult mystical racism."
if only they'd take a vow of silence as well as a vow of ignorance
[Inspired me to make this.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469738764647006210/825764791611686993/unknown.png)
Isn’t this very anti-knowledge or at least anti-academic?
so just rationalism then

They’re a diverse bunch, but a significant portion of them certainly are. There’s also a large New Age current in that community/diaspora, which of course overlaps with the fashy current to an extent.

It's enough of an overlap that there's [a popular podcast dedicated to criticizing it](http://conspirituality.net).

Sister Sarah on Twitter: “@SamoBurja was just asked & couldn’t answer - do we have a euphemism like”race realism” but for sex?” / Twitter

Samo Burja is associated w/ Palladium and “we” acutely refers to nrx types so….

And vgr assumed Scott wasn’t racist so I could see how cryptonrx types could go under his nose

You might be falling down a rabbit hole here.
Yeah, but it’s real. And vgr said Scott wasn’t racist so
I mean yes, but your point is kinda made and further evidence belabors it.
But I'm actually shocked/disgusted by the degree which Rao was bamboozled by Perry et. al. and the Berggrun Thinktank even had a meeting for them: https://twitter.com/berggruenInst/status/1224527679682011136
[@sarahdoingthing - Twitter Search / Twitter](https://twitter.com/KevinSimler/status/1162128182276792320/photo/1) Basically she said that since she abstained from carbs, her mental illness which prompted her to write has been cured (good for her i guess)


Hoo boy! Sister Sarah/Y asking about https://entitledtoanopinion.wordpress.com/2009/05/23/something-to-investigate/ “ if there was evidence “Northern Euros and Tuaregs more blissed-out, docile, and civilization-adapted than Asians””

Venkat’s wife is of Korean (“Asian” in American parlance) descent so.... Also, is she totally ignorant of the Tuareg Azawad risings in 2012?
>is she totally ignorant of the Tuareg Azawad risings in 2012? Presumably she was unaware of them in the year 2009, when she asked the question.

Lapsus Lima, a Ribbonfarmer and Sarah Perry both emphasize “beauty” and “class” (Lapsus once taught a manners class and is really into Classical Beauty a la Alex Kaschuta). Both despise modernity for being not beautiful and for lacking “class” in the old sense.

Holy shit… https://web.archive.org/web/20131110110340/http://theviewfromhell.blogspot.com/2009/02/is-webcam-suicide-ever-appropriate.html?showComment=1242801479791#c4879269553342980923 Sarah was into racerealist bs while working with … Venkat so “

CuratorMay 19, 2009 at 11:37 PM Hmmm, I can’t view your link to the lactose/gluten thing. Are Northern Euros and Tuaregs more blissed-out, docile, and civilization-adapted than Asians?

N.B. Robert Lindsay’s blog is apparently “under review” and not viewable by non-authors. And anyway you’re not excused from getting high with me just ’cause it causes brain damage or whatever. Reply”

Apparently Robert Lindsay is another "race realist" with comments like > (((Joe Biden)))\* just bombed pro-Iranian militias in the Syrian War for the Jews today. Why in the Hell did he do that? Also, (((Biden))) is increasing the number of US bases in the Syrian War for the Jews.

How do I upload an image?

What perry is up to: Recent Results in Ignorance Studies w/ Sarah Perry - YouTube

This is another pseudophilosophical grift again… ugh

Metamodern play with states and States: STCWD: Metamodern Play w/ John Vervaeke, Daniel Görtz, Sarah Perry, and Laurence Currie-Clark - YouTube

I already told you to stop spamming, fuck off with this if you don’t want to cop a ban

What does fash-adjacent mean? What are some examples of people or ideologies that are fash-adjacent?

lol u a psycho