r/SneerClub archives

Might wanna do something with your time other than obsessing over Venkatesh for a while

As someone who has been where /u/Cool-Jicama-4674 probably is now: yes, yes they could.
Yeah, it's just that I'm pissed he went out of his way to tolerate Sarah's nrx-adj leanings and claim Scooter is not racist. I'd never thought he'd stoop *that* low
Venkat sucks, yeah. I asked him what his caste was once and he said, Brahmin, but it doesn't matter, which sounds an awful lot like a white guy in America saying he's colorblind. Anyway, his friendliness with these NRXers helps whitewash some disturbing ideas, but getting too angry at rationalists and their fellow travelers is generally counterproductive to one's mental health.
Have a cup of tea or something
A muffit o tea!? *What's a muffit*!?!?
That girl what sat on a tuffet
aye that *is* a bit civilized
If I was better at sneering, I’d have gone on some rant about how tea is for weak willed monarchists, and that right thinking (small r) republicans drink coffee. But it’s late and I’m tired, so just imagine a better sneer here than I can come up with.
When Dr Condescending Faggot tells you to stop obsessing about someone from the rationalist zone, you should probably do something else for a while

writes a blog with her too.

who is this person though?

Sarah Perry is a very weird antinatalist insight-porn blogger who's considered part of the postrationalist canon, along with Venkat, Chapman, Simler, "Weird Sun Twitter," and others. IIRC, she claimed that she changed her diet and cured the mental illness that was forcing her to write, which is why she doesn't write much anymore. She had a blog called The View From Hell that she nuked, along with a lot of essays on Ribbonfarm. Like a few of her GenX contrarian fellow travelers\*, she became more explicitly right-wing during the Obama years, although I think she memory-holed a lot of the evidence of that. (She lacks Venkat's sense of playfulness, but clearly knows her way around plausible deniability.) She has a lot of NRx, HBD, and other hard-right Twitter playmates. \*Her publisher Nine Banded Books is basically Feral House for Dummies, and is thus an heir to the ['90s fash-goth trend](https://twitter.com/dreamingnoctis/status/1120395969093349376) that presaged the alt-right.
Goths being too tolerant about the fascists is certainly something I noticed, and saly also something I and many others participated in. Embarrassing mea culpa that. Turns out the people complaining about it were right and the people making up excuses were wrong.
Weird Sun Twitter could have been such a fun idea, but it had to come from some of the most annoying/worst people, which ruined it
That's a good thread on the fash-goth trend, it does seem like a precursor of the edgelord-to-alt-right pipeline...I remember Dan Clowes' *Ghost World* comic had a character that satirized that kind of ironic fascism in "alternative" culture, the wikipedia page summarizes him like this: >John Ellis, an acquaintance of Enid and Becky's, who often associates with them despite their dislike of him. John Ellis is obsessed with stereotypically "morbid" and "offensive" things, such as Nazis, serial killers, child pornography, guns, circus freaks, torture, snuff films, and so forth. He is referred to as having a zine called Mayhem which runs stories on these topics.
I call bullshit on her claims that diet curing mental illness that caused her to write. It just sounds so .... contrived
Her and Samo Burja can’t even be canceled because she makes a living selling weird antinatalist books and attending pseudo philosophy conferences and he runs the “Bismarck Institute” so
Apparently, she talked to Samo Burja about what an appropriate analogue to "race realism" regarding gender would be, so she's nRx/HBD herself
Maybe, just maybe the reason she left was because vgr's support of more liberal beliefs and his growing disgust for Trumpists/alt-right etc. clashed with her vaguely worded support for them, so she just left.

Honestly the tweet after the poll is much more sneerworthy for jargonising a dumb twitter poll
