r/SneerClub archives


Refusing to accept “the other side’s” words for a topic and then creating new and more cumbersome terms for the *exact same idea* is very on brand.

Lol, he reinvented national identities. This kinda shit is half of European bigotry. (The other half is skin color bigotry)

The other other half is religious bigotry of course. (whatever bad things you can say about Europeans, you can't fault us with spending insufficient effort on bigotry)
The other other other half is just conservative sexism, holy shit we suck.

Does… does he not know that white has already been used that way?? Like the 1700s Germans or Italians were just Thanos snapped I guess because they’re history with the concept doesn’t exist apparently.

He alludes to that in the next tweets tbh. [https://twitter.com/benlandautaylor/status/1375142553830387713](https://twitter.com/benlandautaylor/status/1375142553830387713)
Ah well that’s a bit better, I’m curious why he thinks a new term is needed then.
presumably to co-opt "model minorities" ie East Asians and South Asians into support/defence of the status quo/ "meritocracy"

Low-key the dumbest thing here is the background assumption that starting an idea with “prediction” makes any fucking sense

I mean, I’ve done it as a joke, but it’s a trope in [certain circles] where you just kick off a random speculation with “prediction” and immediately you’re taken seriously by people in [certain circles]

Then you can just go off with whatever nonsense you thought of in the shower after you read an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, the author of which also came up with it in the shower.

Is someone going to tell him about the Irish?

So, a theory. In short, Mexican Americans are going to become white within a generation. White is a made up category, and we all know it. The Irish, Italians, Catholics in general, and Jews have all alternated between white and not white depending on the exact country we’re talking about and when. Nowadays Americans consider Italians and Italian Americans to be white, and very few seem to recognize that they were once considered not white a scant century ago. That process of Italians becoming white was the consequence of mass migration, cultural transfusion (a two way process), political and economic upheaval, and conflict with nativist parties screeching about the death of the American way of life. Sound familiar? The other tell is how Hispanic is separated on government forms as completely separate from other races. That’s a tell that we’re already treating Hispanics as a different category from say, Pacific Islanders. It wouldn’t surprise me if in 30-40 years Mexican Americans are considered as white as Italian Americans are, because the category of “white” is arbitrary.
It reminds me of that guy who posted a 1930s german textbook on race, and it had the "white race" go all the way into ethiopia, neatly folding MENA into whiteness.
At the boxing gym, [wondering whether Italians are white](https://youtu.be/VJu1gxvpT6Y?t=264).
Later in the boxing video there's discussion of whether the red-haired, white-skinned Canelo Alvarez is white ("no - we know he's a Mexican"), and exactly where the line through the old Soviet Union is between whites and non-whites ("Kovalev is white??" "Russians are white unless they're, like, Uzbeks"). At least that's a step up from deciding which race someone is in based on [whether their moustache droops](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism).
The Aryan Decider in chief also once had his official photographer [photograph Stalin's earlobes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Hoffmann_(photographer)#Serving_Hitler's_regime) (for the record separate was Good, attached was Bad).
"Scientific racism".

Wow, predicting proud boys after they had their time in they day and are getting crushed. Somebody tell this guy Internet explorer is no longer the latest browser.

Is the Slowpoke Pokemon meme still a thing? If so this is pretty much the perfect use-case for it.