r/SneerClub archives
I did a "woke" AMA on themotte. White supremacists predictably came out of the woodwork to tell me how my ideology of being nice to people is actually horrible (https://i.redd.it/tylcafycu9r61.png)

I did a… AMA on themotte


Im instantly reminded of Jamie Loftis year in Mensa [podcast series](https://open.spotify.com/show/0HOAQQu2JglNvaTQXsCyC1) where there also was a leftwinger who loved to spar verbally with the weird conservatives.

I can’t get over the guy who did the table with incomes focusing on the mathematical question of whether or not the “naive model” is true.

From his own data, it’s obvious that black women make less than black men, or white women. Regardless of what happens when you start multiplying percentages, this would seem to be an obvious victory for the intersectionalist argument. Being black and a woman is clearly a disadvantage in income relatively to being black or a woman.

(If he’s reading this: Hi!)

I doubt many of the Motters actually know what intersectionality means, they just know that it’s some evil woke thing they need to oppose.
intersectionality is when sjws do stuff and the more stuff they do the more intersectional it is
or possibly it's when sjws stop you from doing stuff
That's how it is when your teen idols are people like Bret Weinstein.

“4chan is a multiethnic paradise”

This guy actually believes LARPers when they say “i’m black and still think the US needs to be an ethnocentric monarchy” lmao.

I wonder what the Venn diagramme looks like of people who claim racist utterances and expressions have no real power, and people who get upset at black people kneeling.



Posting this here was stupid btw, now they will just go ’this is clearly a bad faith troll’no matter how much effort you put in trying to explain things. (E: and no idea if you posted here before or the post drove you here, but themotters will use the sneerclub post as evidence you were always bad all along).

And going from the reactions here, I really hope that they werent all about race.


Wtf indeed, and also, while they act like a both sides place this makes it clear they never listened to any leftwinger. This isnt an uncommon gotcha question, and the common answer is, asians werent enslaved and have more generational wealth. Esp immigrants who tend to have more resources anyway (coming to america aint cheap, somebody even had to give up a kingdom to live in queens ;) ). (E: and guess we are just going to forget the recent murders).
> the recent murders it seem a lot of people are going with this line of thought but it's not obvious to me... i thought it was sex workers/massage workers who happen to be mostly asians that got murdered, not targetted for being asians? it's kind of an important distinction.
zooming out, it’s hard to deny that there are structural reasons why Asian women would be targeted *as* sex workers/massage workers would be murdered, regardless of any specific animus against Asian women
Reducing Asian women to their sexuality should not be an unfamiliar idea at TheMotte.
I don't think there was a distinction. Same as in the US, if you make a law to target poor people which accidentally mostly hits black people, or a law which targets black people but accidentally hits mostly hits poor people, it is all a bit arguing about semantics. And well, it can be both a war on the poor, and a war on black people, even if the main motivation differs. The recent murders certainly opened up the stage for people to talk about Anti-Asian racism in the US. E: you are right in pointing out that his big gripe was with sex workers, and them being asian being a side effect btw.
The exact motivation for that shooting is unclear; it could be misogyny, anti-sex worker sentiment, racism, or some mix. But regardless of that one incident, anti-Asian hate crime has been rising measurably.

The words in the image are not mine. Obviously, check my comment history to find the thread I’m referring to.

To be fair, if you aren’t from the US (or at most canada), it’s not really that immediate to understand why that slur is different from the others.

You have to understand the culture to appreciate its roots and more-than-just-racism implications.

4chan is a multiethnic paradise

you will notice that Mexicans use 4chan, and the use of derogatory terms regarding them are low. similarly, Indians now use the site more, and “pajeet” has stopped being used.

mutual respect of some sort comes with forced interaction

This has not been my experience at all.
Please link the data that back up what you are saying. I strongly suspect you are just making shit up.
you don't use these sites. you wouldn't know.
Even using the site you don't know. If you did, you could back up your point. We do know though that 4chan and 8chan are hotbeds of white supremacy from the content. We also, know that white supremacists do pretend to be other races to promote their ideology. It sure seems like you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker on this.
you're assuming quite a lot in bad faith...
Who in his right mind would afford good faith to 4chan and white supremacists?
>you're assuming quite a lot in bad faith... Says the guy who is making a bad faith argument. I am not assuming anything about the racist content on 4chan and 8chan. There is plenty of evidence for that. You also know this, but prefer to argue in bad faith.
this sub is known for its overwhelming devotion to the principle of charity
What BS is this, you goalpost moved from site to sites, and well, 4chan isn't a monoculture just like reddit isn't every board is different. But all of them, except one, suffer from invasions of people with racist /pol/ thinking patterns, and I now some of the others are already racist without the /pol/ people coming in. I just checked the roguelikes general thread for example. And I filled my slur bingo card reading the first dozen posts. Took another dozen before I found a post about a roguelike. (E: so yes, 4chan sucks, and it certainly got worse (my N=1)).
Can I have your slur bingo?
I dont actually have one, it is a rethorical bingo card not a real one. (I actually still think 'playing bingo with arguments kinda sucks' wasnt a bad observation from Scott)
they're public sites, literally anyone can go on and notice you're full of shit.
moreso anyone can see a journo clip a random response and then write an article about it so they can keep their job.
i spent years on 4chan during my youth and i still lurk to this day to see what the idiots are doing in that shithole. stop bullshitting.


It's from math buddy

But what is r/TheMotte? I still don’t get it, and Google searches bring nothing. All I learned is that it is connected to slatestarcodex.com.