r/SneerClub archives
"Because the outside world was my enemy, Harry! I'm the only friend I've got, Harry! It's just Tom Riddle and Tom! Tom and Tom and my plots, Tom! Tom and Tom forever and forever, 100 years, Tom and Tom's things! Tom and Tom running around and uh… Tom and Tom time!" (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27034639/chapters/75133122)

I never wrote the entirety of Shinji Ikari and the Methods of Rationality, but a few highlights did occur to me.

Good work
Thanks much! Now I just need to bribe somebody to create a TV Tropes page for my extensive crossover canon, and I will be complete.

What the fuck did I just read?


Sounds like Yud, unironically

But this is, like, actually HPMOR.