r/SneerClub archives
/r/sneerclub hit 10k subscribers yesterday (https://frontpagemetrics.com/r/sneerclub)

This is very difficult for me since despite mostly lurking I, of course, had this sense of elitism and membership. Me being part of a small group who recognized The Truth TM. My rationality being more rational than the rationalists. Truly, I embraced the post-anti-neo-reactionism where you are just so beyond it all.

I will now reconsider my subscription since this is just not underground enough for me any more.
I’m kidding, of course, along with /r/badphilosophy my morning coffee would be very much lacking without a good sneer,

Really wondering wtf happened on June 16th, 2019.

This crosspost from r/enoughpetersonspam perhaps? https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/c23b6e/weve_been_saying/
well [here's what was going in in this subreddit at the time](https://redditsearch.io/?term=&dataviz=false&aggs=false&subreddits=sneerclub&searchtype=posts&search=true&start=1560322800&end=1560754800&size=100) [meanwhile in r/ssc](https://redditsearch.io/?term=&dataviz=false&aggs=false&subreddits=slatestarcodex&searchtype=posts&search=true&start=1560322800&end=1560754800&size=100) [and r/TheMotte](https://redditsearch.io/?term=&dataviz=false&aggs=false&subreddits=themotte&searchtype=posts&search=true&start=1560322800&end=1560754800&size=100)
I happen to be a web developer so I was able to use a technique called manually scrolling my mouse slowly over the chart, pretty sophisticated I can't see how it would inaccurate (/s). Anyways, I think that giant spike is a UI error. It still just says growth equals 3 in that entire section, whereas on all the other increased growth rates you can hover on it and see the number the subreddit grew by is actually a higher amount. Hard to say for sure unless they have their data available publicly (Which is totally possible, I honestly didn't check).
I, too, applied these advanced hacker techniques, and noticed that since the chart includes more days than it has pixels of width, the data points it shows you on mouseover always skip over two or three days, incuding June 12th when the big spike appears to have happened. I didn't find a way to zoom in on a time period or get the underlying data, but if you look at the Total Subscribers chart you can see an increase of 292 users from 2019-06-11 to 2019-06-13, while the growth chart just shows you 3 users on the 11th and the 14th.
Oh nice good catch i didnt really even notice it skipping days to be honest. I was just focused on June 16th based on the comment I replied to.

This means we can now officially petition to join the Culture.

I thought it was The Discourse.
The Global Conspiracy That Controls The World. (j/k we're all members already)
This global conspiracy is bringing me far fewer benefits than I’d expected.

God that’s too many

As somebody who used to be subscribed to “Top Minds of Reddit” who jumped ship to come here, I want you to know that I currently like it here, and don’t look forward to having to jump ship to the next thing.

Just jump ship to worshipping me, Doctor Condescending Faggot
> user reports: >1: really? Am gay. This has been my username for years.


I’ve lurked for a long time…this sub always gives me a few laughs and a few horrifying insights into social movements.

That’s a lot of sneering