r/SneerClub archives
Scott Adams explains why only people like him are qualified to have a rational opinion on the Derek Chauvin trial (https://twitter.com/ScottAdamsSays/status/1380152539249664000)

I lived next door to this guy in the mid-90s. He was much closer to normal back then. Though maybe I should have recognized the fact that his house was full of Dilbert shit as an early sign of narcissism.

I read one of his humor books years ago and he talked a lot about affirmations and hypnotism. Some have pointed out his comics often present Dogbert as a sort of scammer-hero. It's a lot more obvious in hindsight...
He probably had the same views and was just less comfortable sharing them. This is why deplatforming actually does work, it gets these Fascists to stfu.
I think he had a nasty divorce that may have exacerbated his misogyny. Then he made a risky bet on Trump that paid off in a new career and fanbase, which demanded he keep doubling down on right-wing takes. Now Trump is a Loser and Adams is stuck like this.
If you're willing to bet on Trump to grift yourself into power and status, you were a POS initially, too.
He was always bad, just not this bad.
It's like the chicken and the egg with these dudes except it's the rightwing grift and the divorce settlement.
> I think he had a nasty divorce that may have exacerbated his misogyny. Sounds like the Dave Sim approach, with similar results.

okay, “trained hypnotist” was not what I was expecting.

See, this is why you would not be qualified to have an opinion about whether leaning all your weight on someone’s neck until they die is a bad thing. Maybe it was just coincidental to his dying of unrelated causes, and to judge that you need to know about the ... (checks notes) hypnotism aspect of it. We should listen to this superior thinker.
Ah, my skills as a hypnotist have allowed me to detect your sarcasm. You (like most non-hypnotists) are missing the point: the media is 'priming' you to believe false things about the trial. As a trained hynostist, I know about all of their techniques. Instead, you should listen to my analysis. As a trained hypnotist, I would never lead you astray from the truth.
He’s going really old school with his prejudice.

Jesus, every time he encounters someone he disagrees with he cries “cognitive dissonance!” like a twat.

He used to shout 'nazi' and then block people. Prob in some imagined 345d checkers move to go 'see if the left calls everybody a nazi the value of the word goes down'. Not realizing that if you believe that, and you are calling everyone a nazi, you are helping the neonazis. (Which, if you claim you are a trained hypnotist, just makes it likely you are in fact a neonazi. That is the problem with claiming you are a supersmart manipulating mind wizard when you arent. His predictions of Trump winning have similar flaws, he is a sad twat).
Or #artist

The threads around this tweet prove that there is no intelligent life in the universe

I don’t know why but I have this really strong hunch what his qualified rational expert opinion is

Adams promised me that if Biden was elected, within the year Republicans would be hunted. I know it’s early, but I have yet to see even rumblings of the purge Adams promised. Beginning to think he’s not a genius.

You mean I bought all this 6.5mm for nothing? Shit.

Wait, what’s happening in this trial? What’s Chauvin’s defense? And what the fuck is Scott Adams defending? Not from the U.S so I’m not following it closely

Right wing circles have decided to go with the idea that Floyd actually died of an overdose, and that Chauvin was following his training. This isn’t really connected with what Chauvin’s legal defense is, which is somewhere between “the crowd scared him”, and sweeping papers off the desk to distract the judge and jury while they run away.
Thanks for the reply, I feel way better about myself now.
[Chauvin’s attorney argues Floyd saying, ‘I can’t breathe,’ was a form of resisting arrest](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/04/07/derek-chauvin-trial/)
Oh wow you arent exaggerating

Yeah, like I’m gonna take the Diberito guy seriously.

That wikipedia page has some interesting history, it was initially created by [a person who](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:GYU) has two favorite philosophers: > Scott Adams > John Norman The latter is the creator of the GOR sex slave fantasy universe. (and actual professor of philosophy). Now I really hope that is one of Scotts sockpuppets, because that would be funny. (And considering Scotts views on Rape, it wouldn't be that surprising if he also was really really into GOR (E: no links for that because, well, don't want to hypnotize you into becoming a submissive with massive constant orgasms (This isn't some random remark btw, this is actually what he thinks he can do via blog posts))).
Welp, if the other parts of the user's bio were accurate (IB high school student in Rockville in 2003) then I guess I went to high school with them? Huh. (Can't say I remember anyone being *that* big of a Scott Adams fan, though...)
Time to figure out which of your high school buddies is most likely now running a GOR sex dungeon. (nothing wrong with that btw, as long as everybody is giving consent, and people try to reaffirm that consent was given).

Scott Adams and ESR being rationalist figure-shitheads fits so well with my theory of the 90s open source nerd->nazi (oh wait I meant “apolitical tech person”) pipeline.

Scott Adams isn't a Rationalist shithead, he is just a shithead.

Is this a trend?

I'm no expert, but that looks front-page-sneerable to me. I'll probably need to meditate on it to know for sure, though.
Adams was also tooled out by [Decoding the Gurus](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4EHjxwzIX4SBLb4AoCk3ge?si=697f98UwSkm3RvyaNICmRw&utm_source=copy-link), who are really good at this. Remski is part of [Conspirituality](http://conspirituality.net), which focuses on wellness grifters. They're both more classy than their subjects deserve, although the DTG guys really hate Scott Adams.

I wonder if Scott Adams got his hypnotist certification from the same person who made a Metafilter account to praise his “certified genius I.Q.”

Why not just ask /u/PlannedChaos yourself?

“trained hypnotist”

I’m gonna steal that for whenever I get in trouble.

Judge: “You’ve been charged with murder, how do you plead?”

Me: ” I’m a trained hypnotist, can I get out jail for free please?”

Judge: ” Uhhh no.”

Me: ” You’re getting sleeepppyy … reeaaall sleeeppyy …”


I don’t think that’s it. There was someone running around right wing circles near the end of the Trump admin trying to raise money for a private force to go and rescue an American agent who disappeared in Iran and is presumed dead. The pitch was full of “you’ll be a hero!” and for Gaetz (who also got it) “we’ll help get you a pardon for these unspecified bad things”. It’s almost certainly fake, and probably a fraud bordering on extortion. And it kind of look like Scott Adam’s might have fallen for it, or something weird happened in his texts with the almost-certainly-a-scammer. Unless if you’re talking about something else.
No that’s probably what it is. I appreciate the context
> someone running around right wing circles... scammer Genuinely curious about this, any chance you have any links to check out? Been googling to no avail.

Did the Dilbert clout run out…?

Scott Adams has drifted into fat troll territory at this point.

Adams tweeted yesterday that Xi Jinping is personally responsible for the prevalence of fentanyl in the US. He’s completely lost it. Every morning I wake up and pray he gets into a slapfight with Chen Weihua, who follows him on twitter.

Bono: I wrote some great songs. I am an expert. Therefore I am an expert in international diplomacy and geopolitics.

Adams: I made a funny comic. I am an expert. Therefore I am an expert in building homes for cats shaped like funny cartoon characters. And also hypnosis.

Fame. Not even once.