r/SneerClub archives
A practical solution to "Dying Wizard" syndrome. (https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/mugging-2)

“Dying Wizard” is when a blogger writes their blog posts like they’re a dying wizard giving a speech in a fantasy novel.

Thus, this comic captures the duality of the rationalist grift–the unholy marriage of extreme-horizon scientific utilitarianism with wallet-loving moral relativism.

> like they're a dying wizard giving a speech in a fantasy novel. Any choice examples for those of us not especially well-read in fantasy?
>Dying Wizard [https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/axmwsv/sneerquenceette\_the\_dying\_wizard/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/axmwsv/sneerquenceette_the_dying_wizard/)
I think it is more of a video game thing tbh. Like how Deckard Cain left notes to people in the event of his death, or [mr house](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/A_tragedy_has_befallen_all_mankind) sending everyone an email/has his robots give out notes after his death. More of a wizard of oz than a wizard of fireball thing. (E: [The wizard of oz speech while leaving](https://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechthewizardofozballoonbye.html) is also a bit dying wizardy, it certainly has the 'trying to be smarter than he is' part down, considering he is a conman). But yes sneerclub making up their own terms and not having clear examples of this is very sneerworthy and 'The Rationalism is coming from inside the club!'
> The Rationalism is coming from inside the club!' You joke but I am a bit annoyed with this trend atm, which is to say more than usual, but I’m not well-disposed to deal with it given my personal life as it is
I joke, but im also serious. It is always the risk as things get more popular, esp a reddit like this. Sneers at jordan and the creator of garfield scott adama will increase as stupidpol and redscare people think this is a place like those subs. There is always the nuclear option if the mod team cant deal and the sub is at risk of getting super toxic. (Would be hypocritical of me if I didnt mention this, considering my complaints about scott ssc and the creation of themotte).
I just wish people would read the room a little. The problem I have is that people just literally refuse to read the room? Like it shouldn’t be hard to pick up on the SneerClub vibe.
> There is always the nuclear option if the mod team cant deal and the sub is at risk of getting super toxic. I won't say I haven't considered this, but I don't think we're close to that point. (Yet?)
Maybe I'm not especially well read in Fantasy, but the only example I can think of a dying wizard is Gandalf, whose death speech is 3 words long. Saruman, I think, doesn't even say anything when he dies.
Is it satire or an embellished retelling of actual events?

Patience will autoclave them

I gagged