r/SneerClub archives

the set of genotypes that become rich are extremely likely to be leftist relative to those which do not.

TIL I learned that genotypes have political ideologies. What an amazing world this person must live in.

Like the rich *actually* being left wing and wanting to overthrow themselves.
It's not a contradiction so long as you have a sufficiently galaxy-brain definition: >Left wing people tend to be hyper individualist which works when you are rich and well connected. Every person for themselves isn't a bad deal when you have millions, an Iq of 120 and rich friends. For a working class woman every person for themselves means being a single mother working full time.
> Left wing people tend to be hyper individualist [hmm](https://imgur.com/uu8XgYk)
>**For a working class woman** every person for themselves means being a single mother working full time. So we know this one’s met a lot of working class women//has read at least one book, maybe
Eat the rich, the autocannibalist billionaire said, as he bit off another finger.
I mean, compared to The Motte anyone who doesn't openly believe that racism is correct and good is left wing.
[genopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genopolitics) is apparently a somewhat active area of research. Whether this is taken as modus ponens or modus tollens is left as an exercise to the reader
Maybe more of a pons asinorum

Has TheMotte always been Reddit’s home for idiots who think that reading HBD blogs makes them qualified to speak like actual researchers and academics, or did that develop over time?

As themotte was first ssc's culture war thread. So, Yes, on the former.
TheMotte was created so Scooter could distance himself from the Culture War discourse, which was never great but degraded over time as the Low Agreeability fascists drove out everyone else, as they're wont to do. Taking HBD for granted has almost always been a prerequisite for participating in Rationalism, and a lot of their celebrities (Gwern, Sailer, Emil Kirkegaard, etc.) are mostly focused on it.

“is there any skull shape data on economic elites? ”

I'm sure we can find someone to sit by the basket and take measurements.
Oh no this is an actual quote. That’s... literal phrenology

I’m sorry I’ve got myself hopelessly stuck on “pro-Blackism” so I can’t even sneer on the phrenology


Is there some deep tpo lore I missed?
Oh, well, I assumed he wasn't who he said he was. I thought you meant you'd found him posting marxist propaganda or doing leftist mutual aid or something and just being an awful troll on the side.
No no no, he’s all in with the stuff he posts, he just hides behind a fairly pathetic character to do it The interesting part is where his fans credulously assume he’s insightful and on the up-and-up He’s just a kid that went down a rabbit hole and clearly wants a shallow kind of intellectual attention - granted he’s not as influential in rationalist circles anymore since he got booted from the SSC world, as well as the /pol/ type groups around the internet for being a dweeb. But he still published at least one bullshit paper under his own name with Emil Kirkegaard and held a lot of sway over at /r/SSC when it was one of if not the biggest “rationalist” forum(s) on the internet.
He claims to be Jewish even under the TPO character tbf Putting my mod hat on, I’d ask you to do two things editing your comment: 1. We’d rather not have the “T” word here, which is why I abbreviated it to TPO. Use whatever manner of performative “woke” terminology or whateverthefuck. Asterisks or abbreviations or you get the idea. 2. Your second sentence, although I’m sure you don’t mean it, reads like you’re making a claim about Jewish people crowing about IQ in general, which in turn reads as skirting the boundaries of anti-Semitic stereotyping.

These people are entertainingly wrong about everything, but in the most boring fucking way possible. They type as if they think they’re in some gentlemen’s club.

The self-importance is always the thing that gets me. But what gets me immediately after that is always that people *lap it the fuck up*. And these idle musings get treated as absolute gospel: the thing I always think of is that self-reported IQ or political compass charts online are taken deadly serious as evidence for this or that thesis without question by so many people, with very few dissenters amongst what’s supposed to be some kind of intellectual elite.
the worse drones club

The esteemed Motter also considers public education and universal suffrage “leftist.” In reality those were some of the first and last good things liberals ever did.

Fun semi-related fact; universal *male* suffrage is actually a conservative political thing. Bismarck actually led the charge in Europe for eliminating property requirements for the vote. His theory was that conservatives would actually be pretty effective at persuading rural majorities to vote for conservative candidates, and he was actually pretty right.
This is a misinterpretation. Bismarck’s liberalisation, introduction of male suffrage, and the welfare state originated from his conservative desire to curtail the burgeoning European left by his usual mix of wily diplomacy and conservative principles of linguistic-national sovereignty. But it is a ridiculous stretch to imagine that his pushing those ideas makes them conceptually conservative in any sense broader than that. Universal male suffrage was an idea that long pre-dated Bismarck.
That requires a bit of historical context: Liberals *were* leftists in the 19th century.
Mm. If you'd said the 18th I could possibly sign off on it. Although I would add that women's suffrage dragged into the 20th. Liberals certainly weren't leftists by 1871, we can agree on that.
True, but the change happens somewhere in the mid-19th century. They were certainly still leftists in 1815 or 1830 (though there is the argument over when and how you should split "radicals" from "liberals" and such)

Wow, I didn’t think it was actually going to be literal phrenology

A real “dead doves” moment.

…Just in case you’re thinking in the direction not infrequently correlated with the word «elite»: it seems that Jews are an unusually brachycephalic people, which in @crimkadid’s thread is considered a trait of domestication (and this is, by the way, compelling since he also claims them to be the only people passably adapted to urban existence by this point, a claim indirectly supported by NY Haredim/Israeli birth rates even among the educated urban classes; whereas the rest of us, sadly, are still closer to the «wild animal pissing itself and refusing to breed in captivity» stage and have some evolutionary catch-up to do if we’re to live in cities). Consider Scott’s head as a sample.

>Consider [Scott's head](https://www.ratemds.com/doctor-ratings/dr-scott-alexander-siskind-san-francisco-ca-us/) as a sample. I am glad I was not drinking a drink while reading this sentence, as it would have been sprayed all over my keyboard.
>\#1 of 707 Psychiatrists in San Francisco, California Press X to doubt
I was only going to post up to the first link about jewish skulls but then I saw that sentence.
It is a beautiful sentence. It should be dipped in bronze and mounted like a cherished pair of outgrown infant shoes.
I don't have much bronze, but I can source a bucket and some liquid nitrogen.
My parents did this. My shoes and those of my sister sat on our mantle for at least a decade or so. It was really fucking weird.
It’s kind of weird that that’s the only thing we bronze as a society.
Wasnt he banned?
Scott's head? Alas,
Lol, no illforte.
If you're asking rhetorically then sure probably, otherwise asking me is unlikely to help. Have you tried considering Scott's head?
Not rethorical, I recall there being some drama about a popular racism poster being banned from themotte, guess it wasnt a perma for illforte. I tried rubbing Scotts head, but I got 'Ask again later'.

That tone, somehow affecting intelligence, asking moronic questions (about what rich people are like), and baseless assertions like fucking skull shapes is somehow just so fucking infuriating.

It’s nice to see this getting some pushback, although it would be entirely within character for the nazi mod to come in and ban the people criticizing the racist.
