r/SneerClub archives
Rationalists will come up to you unprompted and be like "this piece of speculative literature had a big effect on the way I think" and it's literally just hundreds of pages of BDSM themed naruto fan fiction. (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/mpmyt6/rationalists_will_come_up_to_you_unprompted_and/)

How is this shit real.

Dropping molly at a rave and a NRx goon wants to talk to you about Nick Land, crypto-currencies, and PUA strategy with constant reference to his quora or substack or fucking whatever.

And you keep seeing skulls everywhere.
Word of advice from a career abuser of substances: if you’re seeing skulls everywhere...that wasn’t molly
When you're such a douche that even people that are high on molly get annoyed with you
I have no filter on molly, in the happiest and teeth grindiest fashion I’d let them know completely how I felt of their thoughts and work.

Is this referring to something specific?

I recall there being a popular rationalist Naruto fanfic that goes on for many chapters, “The Need to Become Stronger” I think. Didn’t hear about any BDSM though. I also vaguely remember a kinky MLP fanfic being associated with them.

time braid or something i think?
It'd be Time Braid, yeah. Regrettably, I know where the author posts more smut elsewhere online, and it has just as much misogyny and rape as his Naruto fanfic does.
Runs into the same issue as a lot of fanfiction where there's momentum and coolness for an idea for like... 3 chapters, then it peters out into random shit and the landing is not stuck. Even Methods of Rationality was genuinely fun and entertaining for the first 5-6 chapters, then dissapeared up its own ass.
Chunin Exam Day is the same concept but worse

no no, the pony fucking is completely justified in story and is only a very small part of the narrative


Please don't criticize the way I run my classroom. ;)
I took a philosophy of sex & love class in college from this weirdo prof who looked like he was a swinger from the 70s--partially unbuttoned shirt exposing chest hair and a gold chain and everything. Anyway, we did explore some Marquis de Sade.
That sounds like one of those cases where it would either be awesome or terrible, with no possible outcomes inbetween.
It was kind of terrible tbh. Probably my least favorite philo class, and I took philosophy of law!
Hey, is this a bad time to plug my erotic BDSM-themed fanfiction? Yes? It is? Okay then!
which fandom
Let's just say they're not bipedal

The classic rationalist, “Perfect Lionheart”

what can we do to get this man into ratfic
You haven't read Stepping on Worm?
I want to see him get directly into HPMOR.

you know they’re close-minded right-wingers because they won’t even start a cult around my fav modern aus where the characters i like are communists

The Bible? Or maybe The Fountainhead?

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