r/SneerClub archives

There’s a lot of sneerious people in the world, but this subreddit isn’t a general outrage factory for every terrible person who cloaks their badness in a veneer of intellectualism. We have a narrower focus.

  • The core group consists of LessWrong, its offshoots, and their members. Sneers at these are always on topic.

  • Expanding outward there the rationalist-adjacents: figures like Peter Thiel, Scott Aaronson, stuff like effective altruism. Sneers here aren’t always on topic; they either should be about a rationalist-y thing or really funny/high quality.

  • Stepping out even further there’s general tech shitheads, IDW people, and so on. These are almost certainly not on topic. Stop fucking posting so many things about Sam Harris, bitcoin, and other unrelated people/things.


i keep forgetting that sub exists and that i'm a mod
Also r/ButtCoin

it’s so annoying when Eric Weinstein finally tweeted his physics revelation and it was sub-Lindsay

Omg I had not seen that. I suggest that is sneer worthy if it has not been sneered yet Edit: I see you already posted a hilarious takedown of it at the sister sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/techtakes/comments/mqd6ep/eric_weinstein_still_a_fucking_idiot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
Turns out it's just Timecube with more steps

pretty much anyone that says “Straussian” lol

In my experience, "Straussian" is code for "crypto-conservative." Am I on the right track?
Kinda - its more when you say something to make an argument but you mean the reverse - Strauss did this in his essays - hed spend paragraphs making an argument to then break it apart and imply the opposite, in a Nietzschean way (like Christians wanting a religion of love but their religion being based in hate etc.) - I think it’s been so overused to the point where it doesnt mean anything - Strauss’s book on Politic Philosophy is a masterpiece btw for anyone interested in further investigation


I guess sam would be acceptable if the post is about a sneerworthy xrisk. But I have not seen those here. E: so im trying to say in theory yes, but in practice, no.
Yeah, as soon as he joins LW and starts going crazy about the islamic robot god he prob should be made into a post here. But i really hope that doesnt happen.
> Islamic robot god I hope beyond hope that a parodist gets ahold of this idea before Sam takes it seriously
Obviously the whole NEOM linear city project by Prince Bonesaw is a front for the construction of the Islamic robot god.
Harris dabbles in x-risk stuff, and chatted with Yudkowsky about it, but it didn’t really come to anything His other shticks are much more his brand
Nah, he's just not really in the community. He's a shithead who has kinda talked about similar things, but he just doesn't hang out in the right circles to be prima facie relevant to this sub.

I kinda don’t get this sub. The description makes it seem like you recognize that sneering at people is a bad thing that people with serious problems relating to others in an empathetic way do, yet that’s the purpose of the sub.

Sneering seems thoroughly mean-spirited. It’s bullying. It’s hateful. It doesn’t actually put forward anything productive.

But that’s obvious. We both already know that.

So why do it? Especially if you realize this?

Are you folks Ok?

You know, just because you’ve done bad things in the past that doesn’t mean you have to define yourself as a bad person. You can say what you want to say and do what you want to do. You’re not powerless.

I’m sorry that you feel you have to do this. That this is what’s expected of you. That this is where you belong.

It seems like it really, really sucks.

I’m guessing you had some really bad experiences surrounding this stuff. I know I did.

It’s hard.

I found myself reading this sub often when I was a rationalist and wondering the same thing. I came back here recently because the LW/EA world has turned in to a clown shown with no right side I feel like I can put my weight behind. I wonder if people here were ahead of the curve? I like Baysianism and capital allocation that favors charities doing the best work. But apparently that’s not enough. You have to have this lifestyle and write the right way and say the right things and then you get the seal clapping, which isn’t even what you wanted to begin with. Maybe just not to be hated by a group of people who share your worldview, and maybe to do some good work together. But you have to be vegan and have a polycule or at least slavishly defend the people who do especially when they behave like assholes. So maybe something like this subreddit is useful—like an ironic intervention. The people jockeying for position in a culture that’s supposed to be about merit, logic, altruism, rationality, etc—that’s where the dark triad is hiding. That’s where you’ll get stabbed in the back. At least here it’s admitted in the masthead. Here you will get stabbed in the front, so I’ll take that over the alternative. And there you go, that’s the state of rationalism in 2023.
Generally speaking, I think the subreddit exists because there's no real place to criticize people's viewpoints openly when the only other spaces to discuss them are their blogs and fan-created spaces. I know I happened across this place when I read a particularly off-the-rails (to me) take on slate star codex back in the day but the comments were full of people who were 100% behind it; I went "surely I can't be the only one who finds this flat out wrong" and went looking, and heyo, here we are. I think mean-spirited personal attacks are wrong, but the concept of a place to point out the problems of the 'rationalist' community isn't. I used to think the rationalist community was brilliant and AI alignment was *so important* (when I was fourteen) and over time I've grown immensely more cynical about it. I imagine many others had a similar path.
What changed, do you think?
I can only speak for me, but if feel like I took a similar path to the person you're replying to, so here goes I guess... I think I changed, in that I got a little more cynical about creepy grifters like EY. I also think the world changed a lot from 2013 in two ways. 1) Some of these topics went from being dorm room "let's chat about consciousness while we're high" questions to things with real effects and sway on the real world, which takes more rigor, care, and consensus than a lot of people in this space were prepared for, IMO. It became easier to lean into the grift than do the hard work needed to make it real. It's fine to be a little out there when you're speculating about the future. It's not OK when someone has to do the hard work of creating policy, legislation and regulation. I'd liken it to how it's not that concerning to encounter a libertarian high-schooler when they're just being edgy, but a serious libertarian politician is fucking terrifying. That happened to this community as a whole IMO, and rather than grow and adapt their ideas to reality, they just embraced contrary extremism. 2) At least in the US, politics fractured along some pretty weird lines between 2010 and 2015 and I think a lot of these communities ended unmoored from the types of feedback and connections that might have kept them in a healthy headspace? Having written all that, I don't want to shift responsibility away from myself, so here's my mea culpa. Through highschool and college, I was pretty aligned with the "New Atheist" movement, parts of which ended up pretty closely associated with this sort of bullshit. I read initially read HPMoR unironically (although I kinda soured on it as it became clear it wasn't at all ironic or self mocking), I had long conversations around SSC with a housemate, I read Superintelligence. I never self identified as a techno-libertarian type, but I had plenty of friends who went that way. In the 2014-2016 era, as the Atheist movement really started to splinter under internal and external pressures of US politics, some of these more extreme views really started to disgust me, and I guess I had just enough technical background to realize that a lot of EY's stuff really didn't map to the technical reality. So I'm glad I got out when I did, even if looking back I think it was later than I should have been.
Hey, thanks for taking the time to talk to me about your changing perspectives. Ok, so my turn: I'm still kinda enamored with atheism, although I don't really feel like I'm part of a movement. Sometimes Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss seem waaay too self-satisfied to me, especially in such a harsh and godless world, but they do seem to be right to me even if I don't always like their style of communication. Sam Harris seems more reasonable, calm, and diplomatic. Admittedly I haven't been keeping up with the scene. I still consider atheists in the US to be part of a somewhat repressed and often despised minority and think a proud atheist community is probably a good thing, especially considering that atheism is, you know, right. I don't understand Yudkowsky as a creepy grifter. I think he's on the autism spectrum and should be understood partially through that lens. He's been a little sexist in comments, which I think is astonishingly stupid and pretty close to the norm, albeit worse. He doesn't consider non-human animals moral patients, which I think is astonishingly psychopathic and pretty close to the norm, albeit worse, again. I think he's physically ugly, slightly ungraceful, a touch brash, critical, has evil looking facial hair, and has bad taste in fedoras: which makes you the bad guy in 90's children's movies and pretty much just a geeky dude in real life. I read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality as a fun and often quite funny work of imaginative fiction with a good heart underneath. I didn't think the plot of an 11-year-old autistic genius taking over a magical world with modern science and rationality was anything particularly off-base for online fantasy and appreciated the clever and zany approaches to serious matters. Very geeky, but with a moral core I appreciated, creating a strange, safe place to explore very unorthodox but often worthwhile themes. Do I take it seriously? Yes, yes I do. Do I take it literally? Absolutely fucking not. I care a lot about good policy and regulation. I also suck at advancing it. Universal animal welfare is a very very hard sell and difficult to approach even with vastly less ambitious sub-goals. Honestly, it's hard just to get people in my own district to stop being ok with unnecessary torture of innocent non-human persons. I'm as diplomatic and positive as I can muster, but how do you even approach that kinda stuff with politicians interested only in representing the general opinions of constituents – pretty much irregardless of the best interests of most of the persons affected by their decisions? It's a long, long struggle to understanding. I've really started to learn the great value of cooperation, community, and ultimately compromise. I'm not a techno-libertarian, though as a pretty zeitgeist-critical utilitarian individualist I can definitely see how people could jump to that conclusion. Actually I'm pretty classically liberal and progressive. A humanist (if not a trans-humanist sentientist). Frankly, the libertarian and neoliberal approaches to policy and regulation I see a lot of people in the effective altruism and rationalist spaces espouse worry me. I see where they're coming from. I know the production of economic value at industrial scale is undervalued by a lot of liberal arts types critical of capitalism, not realizing that the default condition of persons in the world without access to economic production is abject poverty in an uncaring and Darwinian wilderness with no effective medicine or consistent food or water. I get that: I just think a little more technological conservatism is warranted. It's like they see ineffectual regulation and decide that that's just what regulation is and therefore regulation should just be done away with, further weakening existing regulation. Absolute madness in my opinion. Like, take a look at global factory farming and you'll see how intensely unethical, corrupt, unsustainable, and industrially profitable capitalistic libertarianism can be. Many millions are confined, tortured, and brutally killed in the name of personal liberty and economic production. I think the main thing that really bullish tech libertarian and tech neoliberal folks end up accelerating is regulatory capture by US-based multinationals (owning about 50% of wealth globally) nearly totally ignorant of the broader social, political, ecological, and even economic consequences of the externalities inherent in their businesses. I think they're trying to take on the powers and responsibilities of governments and failing ridiculously to do that because even strong effective centralized federal governments with their heads on their shoulders (instead of up their asses) tend to fail to do that most of the time. It's just fucking hard to rule the world in anything like an ethical way. Like, I'm a huge fan of personal liberties, legal freedoms, constitutional rights, and civil protections – and jeez do I push them to their limits in my life – but I also genuinely believe in the benefits of a representative democratic government of, by, and for people, hopefully containing a well-educated population of enlightened, rational, benevolent, and cooperative individual citizens. As for dorm room conversations about consciousness you had when you were high... I'm not a psychonaught, hippie, new ager, digital armchair physicist, or ivory tower metaphysician but I think those conversations – stupidly and improvisationally philosophical, semantically confusing, ethically messy, weirdly profound and seemingly irrelevant as they are – are extremely important. And so is living consistently with your imperfect and ever-changing ideals and ethical principles. Discussing the grounding problems of ethics or the hard problems of consciousness or which animals have how much moral value are NOT impractical activities. They are Intensely Vital and unfathomably neglected. I think many of us hunger for these conversations and are starving for the life-reorienting perspectives they carry. I think these conversations are exhausting and confusing. I think they're painful, tragic, absurd, and deeply humbling. To see how much we really don't understand about some of the most important things in life is frankly kind of bizarrely unsettling. To see just how cobbled together it all is. Being honest about how ineffectual and trapped within historical contingency and personal circumstance we all are is fucking heartbreaking. But it's true. Hearing Yudkowsky talk about AGI is not too different to me from hearing Chomsky talk about global nuclear war and totalitarians, or Esvelt talk about engineered pandemics and he and many more about ecological collapse. We are all living within a very thin shell between irradiated vacuum and liquid magma in a universe dominated by universal darwinism. This precious and already pretty shitty condition we find ourselves in is fucking fragile. That, more than a burning desire for the pursuit of utilitronium shockwaves tessellating the universe at 0.99999c, is what I get from the rationalist/EA/transhumanist/atheist/alignment/utilitarian/consciousness/animal welfare "memeplex" communities. Yeah, they're fucking weird and have a shit ton of problems. But they're also, you know, on the right track, more-or-less. Actually looking at the big problems, as far as I can see. So I'm not cynical yet. Don't worry: I'm sure I'll get there. It's fucking reality after all...
I don’t think sneering is at all bad, but I do think it sometimes acts as a salve to distract you from what you’re not doing.

hp and worm fanfic still counts right

Hp fanfic is on topic only if it's Snarry.
Why worm?
rationalists love worm and yearn to be stuffed in a locker

Is Bostrom in group 2, or 1?

Because LessWrong is normally marginal enough that I only notice them here, but Bostrom is a public intellectual. And while I don’t think he’s part of LessWrong, and he seems to focus less on rationalism, his ideas regarding X-risk, AI, et cetera are in the same ballpark.

dude invented the paperclip maximiser and he and Yud crib off each other all the time, but treat like in group 2 if in doubt

I’m looking for a sub dedicated entirely to dunking on James Lindsay. Does such a sub exist? What’s the closest alternative?

He provides a rich vein to mine: [Why grievance studies hoaxer and atheist James Lindsay wants to save Southern Baptists](https://religionnews.com/2021/05/18/james-lindsay-southern-baptists-crt-al-mohler-hoax-new-discourses-beth-moorerace-ofallon/)

Put this in your sidebar. You made me waste all of 30 seconds this morning. I could have exercised for twice as long.

And you made me waste time removing your post, so we're even

There’s /r/EnoughIDWspam and /r/EnoughSamHarrisSpam BTW for some of these people.

I’ll post what I want. Fucking fight me CI

You’ll have to get through me first, and I have too little to lose not to fight dirty
Fuck, I wasn't expecting there to be minibosses
This is actually the thing where the miniboss is the real challenge
I know! I was prepared to kick your ass, but the fucking Brit is out of the question
literally 1984

Is forming a sneer club to sneer at the sneerers the best idea?