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Motte user fantasizes about a HBD utopia, just as depicted in...umm...Gattaca and Brave New World (https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/mp83aj/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_april_12_2021/gueji36/)

I also believe that in the long run all human traits and behaviors can be modeled just as a programmer writes and debugs software.

Spoken like someone who has had every personal interaction mediated either by a screen, or enough wealth that they never actually have to deal with people on their own terms.

his fetish is being replaced by a very small shell script
I'm genuinely impressed by the way they start off with accepting the theory of society by a literal fascist and then immediately manage to go downhill from there.
Is it weird that I hate both of the sides of the argument they're having in that thread? The "humans can be perfectly simulated" argument is dumb (like, no dude, we don't even know why ML does what it does) but the response that "living things can't be simulated because mumble mumble" is *also* dumb.
Nah. There's a chance we'll figure it out, I agree. The best argument for "can't be simulated" I've seen is that we can't, ourselves, understand our mind fully, in a "can't define a system from within that system" kind of way. But even that doesn't preclude _all_ living things, just human minds.

If Nat Turner was identified as a leader and placed on the leadership training program as opposed to being selected to be treated like a slave, then perhaps there wouldn’t be future slave revolts or strikes.

Problem solved!

Accepting brutal subjugation forever because the powers that be are good at IQ tests 😎😎😎

I came into this charitably assuming that the Huxley reference would be “Huxley’s Brave New World is good actually, in spite of what Huxley says in the book”, but there is literally no reference to the fact its a satire and the protagonist kills himself at the end - followed by noting that Gattaca is a satire, so implying that they’re aware of that in the latter case but not in the former. Bizarre.

Bonus points for the sophomoric reference to Pareto.

So predictable.

Somehow it's below the level of argument that I would have made as a 16-year-old gamergater with no fucking clue about anything who just read Huxley for the first time. It's really kinda sad.
>Gattaca is a satire Is it? I don't think so.
It is
it's not satire cuz it's not a funny it is a critique of genetic essentialism
Satire as a genre doesn’t have to be comic
I guess. I kind of remember the movie as being rather earnest and not especially witty or ironic. If it's satire it's not a quintessential example

The salty indian complaining about affirmative action is even funnier lol

As another Indian, watching these ppl regularly complain about AA/reservations without a hint of knowledge about the ground realities is so annoying
True I've even seen them discuss "IQ stratification" between castes typical HBD nonsense.

Exactly. HBD is not an offense, a memetic weapon against groups the way wokeness is. HBD is a defense

Sure. Sure, fam. I’m sure that’s exactly how HBD is used. And I’m sure when people talk about “white genocide”, and how we need to kick out or kill all the nonwhite people, also think that’s “defensive”.

Calling HBD defensive is pretty 1984 you have to admit. The part were terms are just stripped of their meaning. 'Freedom is slavery' etc. (Happens a lot, when the US department of defense, called a cyberattack disabling Irans AA guns 'defensive').

At least this person has read a different book.

Sucks they are imagining the social darwinism and hbd in a brave new world. The book doesnt do its manipulation via genes at all, it is all conditioning and hormones etc iirc. A planned soft totalitarian eudaimonic society where nobody has any real freedom, only the freedom to pick flavours of cereals.