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Emil O. W. Kirkegaard's pseudoscience journal OpenPsych is back publishing (https://twitter.com/OpenPsychJour/status/1380067103844220928)

Looks our favourite race scientist with psychic abilities is back publishing nonsense Polygenic scores

OpenPsych’s peer-review process is a complete sham. Let’s look at Piffer’s most recent paper -


Reviewed by three individuals, two anons but Piffer likely knows their real identity, the other is ex-editor in chief of Mankind Quarterly Gerhard Meisenberg who is director, with Richard Lynn, of the far-right Pioneer Fund. Meisenberg holds no credentials in psychology or genetics and is a biochemist. The laughable review thread is below:


Another individual participated in the review process - Julius D. Bjerrekær a MAGA supporter who holds the whopping big accomplishment of a BSc in sports and was one of the idiots with Emil Kirkegaard behind the OKCupid data leaks in 2016.

Emil Kirkegaard seems to be hiding the (humiliating) outcome of the lawsuit he filed - from all his followers. He filed a defamation lawsuit in 2018 after called a “pedophile” on Twitter. It went to the High Court and he lost the preliminary judgment in 2019; he then discontinued the lawsuit in 2020 having won no damages - he’s now liable to pay the Defendant all his legal fees.


Noah Carl (who is associated with OpenPsych) also recently discontinued his lawsuit against the University of Cambridge. Both Kirkegaard and Carl claim to be "freedom of speech" warriors but file (and lose) frivolous lawsuits when someone says something about them they don't like. Hilarious.

And what a surprise that what’s published is total garbage

Is Emil still well regarded in the LW world? He was mean-girling Yudkowsky kind of recently, aside from being a disgusting embarrassment to them from an outside perspective.

I don't know if he's ever been well regarded outside of the reactionary communities that desperately needed an intellectual.
12k followers, look at that engagement per tweet. And he says this about Yud? Lol.