r/SneerClub archives

Friendly mod advice: as in the headline here, there’s a tendency here that comes in waves of posters assuming too much knowledge when they post. I always hate having to double-check who somebody is because “Chapman” and “David Chapman” both make me think of “Mark David Chapman” i.e. Mark Chapman who shot John Lennon.

Just as a question of style it assumes the casual reader is embedded enough in pretty fringe parts of this stuff to immediately get it use from a pretty common surname

“David Chapman” or “Meaingness Guy” would work better, and I know I’m being petty but it does stick in my craw

I was initially confused because I didn't know how Tracy Chapman would be related to this sub.
Yeah scrolling down my frontpage, I thought this was r/baseball and Aroldis Chapman posted something...
There are some users (and all power to them) who follow the online discourse of things like post-rationalism and assume that other people do the same, or so is my supposition I don’t do much rationalism stuff on twitter at all, because I don’t really care for portentous lengthy twitter threads, and generally mute or unfollow people who make them unless they’re people I particularly like I’ve been commenting on it for years now, but there is a common misconception that amongst both this subs fans and detractors that it’s an “ex-rationalist” sub, which is I think some people just assume everyone here knows or cares about the background petty internal politics of major players in the “movement”


He just cannot call bullshit on the right.
The man literally talked to \_Lomez about the origins of workplace diversity training and retweeted St.rev. Make of that what you will EDIT: And talked about trying to get the left to stop blaming everything on white supremacy


I'm a simple man, Markov chains already get me off.

Why would you want a guide to writing clever phrases for romance fiction when the whole point of titillating romance fiction is using stock phrases.

Chapman doesn't seem to consume much of any fiction and his idea of a sense of humor is reusing the same hack "Never mind the X...here's the Sex Pistols" joke, so I doubt he understands (or is capable of understanding) this. In general his pattern of behavior is to approach something fairly well understood by non-academics by reading obscure technical manuals.

I’ve no opinion about that, I’m just queasy about the concept of GPT-3 generated porn. “I put on my robe and wizard hat…”

Pounded in de butt by a text generator, the chuck tingle Rationalist crossover.

(I have no idea who this Chapman is, and looking over his tweets im going to keep it that way (E: anybody who does the ‘both sides of the culture war are acting like mean people, we should be nice to each other’ while one side is trying to legislate trans people out of existence by checking kids genitals should not be listened to)).