r/SneerClub archives
The answer to the successors of GPT-3? Cloning a million John von Neumans! Approved by Scott Alexander as "true and important" (https://fantasticanachronism.com/2021/03/23/two-paths-to-the-future/)

I believe the best choice is cloning. More specifically, cloning John von Neumann one million times.

Let’s try to quantify the present value of a JvN, starting with a rough and extremely conservative estimate: say von Neumann had an IQ of 180 and we clone a million of them. Due to regression to the mean, the average clone will be less intelligent than the original; assuming heritability of .85, we’d expect an average IQ of 168. This would increase average US IQ by 0.21 points. Going by Jones & Schneider’s estimate of a 6% increase in GDP per point in national IQ, we might expect about 1.26% higher output. If the effect was immediate, that would be about 70 billion per year, but we should probably expect a few decades before it took effect. Even this extremely modest estimate puts the value of a JvN at about 70k per year. Assuming the JvNs become productive after 20 years, affect GDP for 50 years, 2% GDP growth, and a 3% discount rate, the present value of a JvN is around .4 million.

I am not making this up. What the actual fuck

hahahahaha using "heritability" to predict the output of *literal cloning* fun fact: did you know that "home town" is a highly heritable trait? This is because a large portion of people live in the same hometown as their parents, which is how "heritability" is calculated. So with the methodology of this post, we can conclude that roughly 60% of the clones will be born in Budapest.
btw, this is why the use of "heritability" to justify eugenics is particularly disgusting. Like, Americans kidnapped and enslaved huge numbers of people from Africa, and have continually invented new and creative ways to torture them and keep them in poverty. slavery, "reconstruction", Jim Crow, Klan terrorism, redlining, the prison industrial complex, the ongoing segregation of education, the ongoing segration of industry, cop terrorism, the complete destruction of Black wealth with every economic crash, intelligence agencies instantly infiltrating and murdering any organization that wants to liberate Black people... So when you look at the rate of poverty across generations, people whose parents were poor... Tend to remain poor. Eugenicists look at this and conclude "well, they must remain poor because they're inherently generically inferior!" it's the "why are you hitting yourself" of genocidal empires
What if we only want to do eugenics to the white people?

Maybe this is what inevitably follows if people unironically believe all the bad-faith dogwhistles:

  • The outcome gap between Us and Them is due to Their intrinsic ineluctable disadvantages: All inequality is 100% genetic, no social intervention can achieve anything, a baby von Neumann sent to America’s worst public schools would achieve the same contributions to humanity as one sent to the Fasori Gimnázium and personally tutored by Gábor Szegő
  • IQ is somewhat correlated with a wide variety of unearned advantages positive outcomes in life: IQ is the only measure of a person’s value to society
  • An artificial general intelligence would be immensely powerful to change or destroy the world like a planet-destroying meteor because of its immense IQ: a battalion of highly genetically intelligent humans would be highly powerful like nuclear weapons
> The outcome gap between Us and Them is due to Their intrinsic ineluctable disadvantages: what's the lore behind why they randomly capitalize words?
To Much DnD. Where The Wily Wizard Tasks the brave adventurers to go on an Epic Quest. (do note that the capitalization in this case is done by us, to mock them, actual capitalization might vary).
Wrong. All causes are genes, therefore it must be their German genes.
This is an accurate summary
Points 1 and 2 are literal nazi shit.

Ah the s-curves, important part of the book The singularity is near, which predicted human level AI, last year (any prediction about AGI always puts it 20 years into the future, no idea why, but it seems a pretty good constant). Meanwhile we can’t even write AI that drives on roads without crashing or freaking out over numbers on advertisements because they might be speed limits.

20 years is good because if you're right people will still vaguely remember you enough to support you when you say "called it!" but if you're wrong no one will care at all. Charles Murray has been playing this game with dysgenics for decades.
That was my observation as well. That 20 is just vague enough.
I mean, humans don't drive on roads without crashing either.
Sure, but we have the problems that we get tired, emotional, distracted, and we get that a turtle with a postit note on it saying 'truck' isnt a truck. Fully self driving cars is just another one of those, predictions about ai which didnt come true, only because of Musks arrogance and imagined genius, he predicted in 5 years and not 20.
IMO this idea that we would have fully autonomous vehicles in the early 2020's being taken seriously by anyone is a worse indictment of US tech culture than Juicero or Theranos.
It is worse, the promise was human level ai in 2020. (Predicted, due to moores law and napkin calcs about how much transistors is equivalent to a neuron).
I think that there is a difference between talking out of your ass about what you think a vague "someone" will do in the next 30 years compared to spinning an obviously false promise about what your own company will have in the next 3-5 years. Unless you were referring to people who still thought that was the right timeline in 2017. I know there were a few but I don't remember it being a mainstream opinion in the same way that autonomous cars has been.


You just finished reading The Three Body Problem?

“Doctor Grant, my dear Doctor Satler, welcome … to von Neumann Park.”

I don’t think these people actually know how difficult it is to clone a seventy year old rotting corpse.

I think you are mistaken there, creating a clone with the same IQ as a 70 year old rotting corpse is suprisingly easy.
Excellent point.

Margin note

I also suspect that enslaving God is a bad idea even if it works.
