r/SneerClub archives
Drama on rat-adjacent twitter as harassment from ethnonationalists creates a schism (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/msgbpy/drama_on_ratadjacent_twitter_as_harassment_from/)

Eigenrobot, a podcaster and anonymous post-rationalist, made a Tweet which I suppose made fun of Americans who identify as Irish based on flimsy ancestry. A German with Asian ancestry replied, noting how weird it is that Americans treat “German” as an ethnic concept rather than a national one. For some totally unknowable reason this lead to a ratio by a sizeable far-right mob, who called her slurs and questioned her nationality.

Eigenrobot, who himself is friendly with people on the far-right, decided in this instance to defend the German poster on the basis of “xenial obligations” to people friendly with him. Without engaging in any introspection about the nature of his audience, he called the harassers “assholes” and made fun of them (i.e. in this extremely interesting exchange) for “gatekeeping being German”.

A number of NRx types got involved, including “Zero HP Lovecraft”, a reactionary sci-fi author best known here for comparing rationalists to innocent Quokkas for their supposed inability to see that the left is the true enemy. After joining the Nazi dogpile with a Tweet full of pseudo-umlauts to show how German he is, he melts down. He calls the post-rats smug liberals who are unfair to reactionaries (lol) and goes on a mass block spree, saying that he is done talking about post-rationalists for good. One of his complaints is that Eigenrobot has followers with pronouns in their bio.

Eigenrobot clarified that he has no issue with ZHP, and a number of other rat-adjacent people continue to be friendly with him or asked ZHP not to block them. Others were more disturbed by the events and celebrated being blocked by ZHP or took the opportunity to pad their own blocklists.

As a side note, it’s amazing how many of these far-right accounts are followed by Marc Andreessen, an influential Silicon Valley venture capitalist who has a history of minor flubs like saying anticolonialism is a bad thing.


You missed a treat by not editing over "sickos" with "sneerers" ----- [Edit: did it myself.](https://i.imgur.com/QNjz8Fh.png)

I’m not super sure what the lady means by national concept, but in case anyone here still thinks German is an ethnic concept, consider that the whole German identity (much like Italian identity btw) is largely a construct of 19th century liberalism, a concept against the authoritarian-aristocratically governed small states and towards a somewhat democratic ‘nation state’ unifying all the German (or Italian) speakers. And to this day, there’s plenty of Germans who self-identify with their region first and Germany second.

Just learned yesterday a fun fact: The Bavarian (a state of Germany with a strong regional identity) hymn has the phrase

Deutsche Erde, Vaterland (German soil, fatherland)

which the regionalist CONSERVATIVES frequently sing as

Heimaterde, Vaterland (homeland soil, fatherland)

and if they are really petty, they replace

Dass mit Deutschlands Bruderstämmen einig uns ein jeder schau
(that everyone see us unified with our German sister tribes)


Dass vom Alpenland zum Maine Jeder Stamm sich fest vertrau
(that from the alps to the Main river [about the area of Bavaria] all tribes trust each other)

OK that’s a tangent, but a fun one.

What's that? Heritage fetishists basing their entire ethnic identity on a dream version of what their great-great-...-grandparent's homeland was like instead of confronting reality like an adult? Well I *never*.
Surprised_pikachu.jpg Also, don't get me started on Eastern europe
Ok, so I just learned this week the difference between "ethnic" and civic nationalism, and how the term "ethnic" has been used in the 1930s and 1940s to sneak in racism into polite discourse, where the term "race" has become non-grata. Do you think that there's some hope to reclaim the term "ethnic", and to get rid of the racial connotations it now seems to evoke ? Otherwise I guess we still have the term "culture", but it seems like admitting defeat ?
Nah fuck all those terms. I'm serious actually. People can't be trusted. What do we need them for anyway if not to differentiate between groups of people which inevitably leads to bullshit and junk science down the road. Alternatively, social anthropologists and biologists tend to think about all that so maybe just follow them
Well, the problem is that people do have different cultures, which matters for nation-making and the subsequent integration of migrants, especially for non-federal countries, so you still have to make a distinction ? But yeah, I guess it's a bit like for "race" : if the goal is ethnic (= cultural) assimilation, you only want to spend that minimum of time on differences that will help trying to figure out what is or isn't going to work, any more than that and you risk falling into a "us vs them" mentality...
Nah, fuck that. Forced assimilation of immigrants is wrong, and it's an outflow of the us vs. them mentality that discourses about cultures and ethnicities and all that allow.
I see you're a motte user. That makes almost nothing in your reply surprising whatsover. But hey, let's jump in. > I don't see why the natives should be forced to accommodate values radically different from their own ? This presupposes the existence of natives and the existence of radically different values. The whole idea of clearly defined ethnostates which you presuppose is just simply wrong. Take a look at Cyprus pre the split - that's what much of Europe looked like. Poland pre-WWII is the starkest example, but not the only one. Anything resembling ethnic groups is very highly socially constructed. You can see this still going on in Spain, you can see this in the invention of Bosniaks on the Balkans (where Muslim citizens were basically constructed into an ethnic groups because Serbs and Croats already defined themselves as such). You can historically see this in Germany and Italy in the 19th century and in France before that. That is to say: There is nothing god-given about groupings. Alsace could have been German, Southern Tyrol Austrian - or the Piemont could have remained Austrian. Istria could have stayed Italian. Poland was basically moved a few dozen kilometers post WWII. Ticino could be italian. Switzerland need not exist. So part of what you imagine as ethnic groups are simply constructed for a variety of reasons - because it's easier to rule over clearly defined groups, or because borders fell a certain way. There's no particular reason for any of the groupings. Should we count Bavarians as an ethnicity? Some surely think so. Some think they are German. Etc. And not to speak of that the 'ethnically homogenous' countries like Poland, Greece, Cyprus, half the Balkans and a good chunk of Turkey are that way because they were ethnically cleansed. > If I started to pay attention to this subject, it's because there's literally a murderous cult going around proselytizing in my country, pushing for separatism, and values pretty straight opposite to our own (at least in the ways that they are being practiced, which is the main thing that counts). Is this some Islam dogwhistle, and if it is, have you considered that most muslims do not fall prey to this death cult > Tolerating intolerance and excuses that the state did a bad job with assimilation can only go so far. Going on off the premise you're talking about radical Islam, one needs to consider that people aren't drawn to radical islam because of their culture as such. Many muslim immigrants to Europe do *not* come from countries with a tradition of militant Islam. I mean, pre-colonialism Islam is not really a murdery cult at all, but let's ignore that. There's really two kinds of people who are drawn to murderous death cults. One is the disadvantaged person who lives in the Paris or Brussels suburbs, has no real way towards a gainful petty bourgeois life because by their name, their family background, their skin color, the majority society doesn't really accept them, and will not grant them entry to the middle class. Of course, France and Belgium will deny any of this - they will claim they are not racist, they don't care about religion, and all that. But that's not true. If you look at poverty and education statistics, it becomes immediately clear that *something is going on*. Disadvantaged folks have the tendency that some of them become radical. Radical Islam has a nice offer to make to those people. It tells them that they are not worthless, that they can havea goal in life. It also tells them that someone else - the pesky Europeans - are to blame for their misfortunes. And it shows them, in the most extreme form, somethign to do about it. Secondly, have you noticed that a bunch of the ISIS terrorists are not from immigrant families? Convertites? There's a reason: There's always some people who are drawn towards extremism, violence and murdery death cults. In the 60ies and 70ies, they went to communist groups like the RAF. In the 80ies and 90ies, they tended to go towards fascist and nazi groups. These days, they go towards radical islam. There's a fun little thing to be said about former communists who went to become either radical muslims or nazis. So if you actually look at who becomes murderous death culters, you'll figure out that ethnicity and the rejection of certain groups plays a *huge* part in its success in recruiting new members. > (Also, it pisses me off as a migrant that had to work on it, that some of the other migrants seem to think that they don't have to do the same !) I'm also from an immigrant family. I can tell you what assimilation pressure does: The denial of your own heritage, your own language, at worst your identity. > And we already know how this is going to end up : at best with a constant background of ethnic tensions, at worst with pogroms, civil war, and fascists/racists taking power ! No, we don't. > P.S.: As one example of Nation-building, I guess we could look at how the Confederacy was assimilated into the Union after losing in the American Civil War ? (Here the radically different value would be the status of slavery.) At a very superficial glance it's bad because the Confederates weren't allowed self-determination, but we well know that it was the right thing to do because they were themselves persecuting another ethnic group ! To see black and brown immigrants to Europe as some kind of unified group is super sneer worthy.

This is akin to Singal wondering why his mentions are now crawling with bigots whenever he mentions trans issues.

Who would have thought that using your platform to engage in successive rounds of JAQing off on the topic of trans people might be seen as a clear dog-whistle by certain people? It is a mystery.

i don’t think eigenrobot is that bad fwiw. to me he’s just another “i am centre-right because I arrived at my positions through a great deal of thought and it’s just an accident that this totally coincides with all my gut prejudices” type.

I saw the start of the mini-drama the OP describes and my main takeaway was that eigen posting his 23andme results to show he’s whiter than some cryptonazi in the replies felt like a synecdoche for something.

e: like, i just don’t know if this sort of “beat ’em at their own game” type thing is the Way, but I guess it’s at least mildly novel: https://twitter.com/eigenrobot/status/1382573578936221703

fair enough actually, wasn't trying to sneak in any defenses there e: the genome/look how white i am thing actually freaked me out, now that i think about it the dirtbag left thing i don't fully understand
Over time this sub has accumulated a coterie of people from subs like Chapo and Red Scare who sometimes think it’s their house to shit in just because SneerClub skews and always skewed very politically left It gets annoying having to reiterate that they’re welcome, but that they shouldn’t take any left wing opinions as an implicit endorsement of their particular flavour A few times I’ve been met with incredulous stares from dirtbag left people - especially those from Red Scare, which I openly despise - who can’t believe that somebody on the far left would have a problem with chapo and chapo-adjacent ideas/rhetoric
oh yeah red scare the podcast is unlistenable imo i would assume chapo is too, haven't listened for years superfans of both always seemed a bit embroiled in hobbyist/extremely online politics, idk really about red scare fans though the only "leftist" podcast i listen to with semiregularity is the well-known CIA op TrueAnon
I don’t normally do podcasts but lately I’ve been really into The West Wing Thing and The Doppler, though the latter only because they’ve got so many episodes that you can just sort of work your way through it without thinking too hard, plus they’re both left wing and funny. Stuff like TrueAnon doesn’t make me laugh enough, I’d rather just read what they talk about for myself. Another good one is I Don’t Speak German which is an anti-fascist/left-wing dive into contemporary fascism, but I don’t listen to it religiously because I’m so extremely online I’ve usually read up on what they’re talking about before I listen: great podcast but tailored to an audience of people who want to hear something new to them rather than what they’ve already heard a million times over. Our resident bitcoin enthusiast (this is a joke) /u/dgerard was on the last one in their latest episode discussing the links between fascism and cryptocurrency, check it out.
it's been a good podcast week, with IDSG and Stilgherrian (an Aussie tech journo)
I listened to your episode as you know this morning as you know from my twitter replies about Rothbard My only issue with IDSG is that there’s tidbits all over it that I didn’t know about, especially some things Jack comes out with, but in order to get to that stuff I have to be patient about the exposition of things I’m already well aware of, and I’m not great at being patient with audio Obviously it’s always nice to hear things from The Gerard but I get those already from you quite a lot of the time before the podcast has even been thought of
heh, a lotta that podcast was me repeating actual words i'd written prevoiusly
Muddling Chapo with Red Scare of all the things strikes me as incredibly bad faith. I'd be willing to accept this sort of slander toward the Vaushite white left but you will leave my hipster comedy podcast out of comparisons to open misogyny, racism and cryptofascism e: ahh nvm this is a tribe thing for you. carry on my wayward son
I’m only very dimly aware of Vaush because I actually read books, and only found out he exists because I enjoy pissing around on twitter. Regardless of that, you’d be a fool to not notice that Chapo and Red Scare are fairly closely associated. It isn’t a tribe thing for me, I’m a British communist who finds this whole affair a tiresome hydra of self-copulating nonsense: get a better sense of humour
> Seems inconsistent with this one. 😈👉⬆️ > And no, dirtbag left followers of this sub, you are not permitted to upvote this. 😲☹️
Hello friend, how do you feel about all the transphobia on /r/redscarepod?
Not great 🙁
Not great enough to stop implicitly supporting it by continuing to post there? I mean, one of our general criticisms of rationalists at large is that they're all too willing to rub shoulders with racists, even if they don't openly expouse the same racist positions. I think the same criticism works all too well with /r/redscarepod posters and transphobia
I like the memes, I miss chapo, I’ll probably just log off once the real world opens up again. I understand your point, but there’s nothing left on this app I really enjoy anymore and I get lonely.
You prob would feel better if you tried to find podcasts which dont have 'meme politics' as a subject matter. Tere are millions of other podcasts out there, most of them not about meme politics, and some are even funny.
Us trans people thank you for your courage. Memes > transphobia indeed
Your post history seems very combative, perhaps we should both log off.
Beat them at their own game isnt that novel, it is what destroyed Sargons twitter, and then what destroyed his patreon. Because learning not to do that is hard.
Ah ok. First time I've seen it even though I've seen plenty of online nazi shit. I know of Sargon but never really kept track of what he was up to. Just looked up the patreon incident you mentioned. That is really. . something
I just recall that the online right went 'this is the end of patreon!' when some of their grifters closed down their patreons to help Sargon out or something. It was hilarious, in a 'babies first boycot' way. Now that they scream every time 'go woke go broke' (and reliably nothing happens), it is just getting boring.

Someone needs to cover eigenrobot’s incredibly cringe SoundCloud podcast

I hate myself for caring but can anyone decode this cutesypoo posturing amd tell me who is the “leader of the postrats”? https://twitter.com/0x49fa98/status/1382712076813148160

if zerolovecraft ever gives a straight answer he will explode. E: and yes, I get that is partially the point, the vague language and massive amount of unclear self referential terms and concepts is used to attract naive curious people into reading more. And also to shield the movement from to much outside scrutiny.

The illegibility of twitter is concerning, you could basically become “rat-adjacent” in the terms of this subreddit without knowing what a rationalist or postrationalist is

There was also the incident where an anti-semite came into Eigen’s mentions and said that Jews were all psychos and kept calling him “a Jewish bot” until he told him to chill. The irony

Also Venkatesh Rao, who is of indian descent, worked for/with Andressen for a while, even though A made derogatory comments about India

> even though A made derogatory comments about India *looks it up* > “Anti-colonialism has been economically catastrophic for the Indian people for decades. Why stop now?” Mr Rao may actually sympathize with this sentiment or think it’s justifiable. That’s also possible Both these events seem completely unrelated...

If you take a shot every time you see some idiot racist say something is “anti-white” and that they have an anime profile picture you’ll be dead before you finish the quote rts.

Ruining anime pfps for the rest of us.

What the fuck is a post-rationalist ?

LessWrong with more Osho
Also more woo about therapy, emotions etc.
No,[this](https://www.game-b.org/) is the postrationalist Osho

We try not to call anybody “rats”; it’s a bit dehumanizing, don’t you think?

I find it more insulting to the rats, especially in the context of you being offended on the behalf of humans. Rats just want to snuggle and gorge themselves on popcorn, ffs. They're good bois.
"Rat" as shorthand for rationalist is an "ingroup thing" and used by rationalists, not something detractors invented, though I might agree it should probably be avoided here to avoid confusion. I know some vaguely rationalist-adjacent people in real life, so it came out naturally.
We should in general try and be better than those we sneer at.

This whole drama re: rationalists and postrationalists reminds me of a song written to sneer at Silicon Valley, although this _is_ offtangent: Penelope Scott - Rat (Lyrics) | i come from scientists and atheists | TikTok - YouTube

That song is actually pretty good, thank you.

Why aren’t the ethnats even aware of the relatively cosmopolitan and tolerant (in certain periods) nature of the Holy Roman Empire, including its inclusion of part of Italy under the Hohenstaufen Reich, its role as the main power of Europe until the 1500s/Wars of Religion and to some extent while not a cultural center, _a_ center of learning

Man, Zero HP is the worst.