r/SneerClub archives

walk backward into hell - eigenrobot,s Blog (substack.com)

tldr: Eigen claims he doesn’t care what ideology his friends follow as long as they keep shit civil and care for each other, including literal fascists (who historically have had antisemitic tendencies to one degree or another) and that “I do not police/snitch the personal beliefs of thousands of people, so don’t waste my time telling me X is heretical”.

The internet by definition self-selects for people with extreme-er beliefs than the general population and changing people’s beliefs online is wasting time, but _you_ can choose who to hang out with.

” A bunch of glowies running white nationalist honeypot accounts ”

I do not care if people believe wrong and bad things contingent on their compliance with (B)

” We should care for each other more than we care for ideas, or else we will end up killing each other. Am I not right?’ ”


So these new postrationalists are really just cutesy chickenshit hipsters. Got it. (Also, atrocious writers beyond the 240-character limit.)

[\#1120: The Creepy Guy In The Friend Group, Revisited: Four More Geek Social Fallacies – CaptainAwkward.com](https://captainawkward.com/2018/07/02/1120-the-creepy-guy-in-the-friend-group-revisited-four-more-geek-social-fallacies/)

most things worth discussing can also be so compressed.

Poor moldbug.

Sorry who the fuck is this

the leader of postrationalists along w VGR, Chapman He has podcast and substack
Well I've clearly fallen behind in the who's who of dumb fucking idiots. Probably a good sign tbh

motherfucker using one of the best dril tweets as a title

He is also exposed to 4chan as seen by the reference to “glowies” and the idea that WNs are all feds

the idea that there can be a Department of Culture complete with officially tolerated subcultures and “official subcultural liasons” would help a lot