r/SneerClub archives
Eigen thinks they’re above Chauvin trial (https://twitter.com/eigenrobot/status/1384615407743471623?s=21)

Can I reiterate as in a previous thread: I literally have no idea who this is

When you’re titling a link please don’t assume I know who some rando on twitter is and make me work it out for myself

I have no idea who like 75% of the recent links have been about ngl
We’re definitely transitioning to a point where some people assume everyone else is a rationalism insider and I don’t really know what to do about it
Anecdotally: I joined this sub to sneer rat adjacent people more than the OGs especially since their influence on Twitter is growing
Sure, but that doesn’t mean everyone here automatically knows who you’re talking about. If you’ve got mods like me having to try and work out who these people are, then consider modifying how you write your titles. There’s a big trend atm here of people just assuming everyone’s in on the story about these people, like it’s some kind of...uh...Club. And once again please don’t use “rat” for “rationalist” on this subreddit.
Isn’t that kind of the whole point though?
Serious question: why would that be the point?
Maybe it’s just my perspective because I didn’t know who any of these people were (except Yudkowski) when I found this subreddit a couple of months ago, so that’s why I don’t really see much difference between the level of insider knowledge required to know who the main ones are and the knowledge required to know who Eigen is.
Eigen is somebody on twitter with a substack, Yudkowsky has a long career in the rationalist movement with broad and deep ties to all sorts of influence and connections to the world well outside social media, right up to e.g. major Venture Capital; his reputation precedes him as far as being a significant influence on Dominic Cummings, who has been at the heart of British politics for several years now. I’ve fielded more than one phonecall from serious journalists about Yukowsky’s circle in the last two years, I doubt I’m going to anytime soon about this guy.
I misread your comment slightly, but the point about the size of influence stands: people like SSC and a bunch of others are much more connected and influential than someone like Eigen But you didn’t really answer my question: why would “ transitioning to a point where some people assume everyone else is a rationalism insider” be the point? And what point would that be?
Transitioning to that state isn’t the point. I was saying that since few of these people are particularly well known or influential, some degree of insider knowledge is necessary to make fun of them, which is “the point” of the subreddit. Maybe I am wrong about how well known they are, in which case obviously you’re right and Eigen is substantially less relevant. It’s just surprising to me that someone *could* be substantially less relevant than Roko, or Julia Galef’s husband whom I think I’ve read about here. It even strikes me that it must have been a slow news day when journalists were making calls about Yudkowski, but I do agree with you that he is a fairly notable figure.
Like I say, I’m a mod and even I’ve never heard of this person, I don’t have an inkling of what their angle is or who reads them Roko and Galef are *far* more notable than this person, they have a presence at conferences, insider access, and all sorts of stuff beyond twitter and a substack I literally have no idea even how people like “Eigen” are even on the SneerClub radar > must have been a slow news day when journalists were making calls about Yudkowski This was all for long term investigative tech/science reporting into e.g. sex scandals in the tech world But thanks

As the Church of South Park teaches, thou shalt not care about things, for caring is lame.

That point in your 20s or 30s where you realize you live for a really long time and it becomes increasingly difficult to pretend you don’t care about anything – that’s just a test of your faith!

I dont care
I love it!
[Southpark theme song plays]

Didn’t you hear? Not being educated on current events is cool

Current events is object level which is cringe 😬
Makes it easier to condemn people you don’t like when you have no idea what extreme provocation they are reacting to.
[decoupling like](https://imgur.com/rRhwWKf)

“I’m too smart to care, but not smart enough to question why I am going on twitter to advertise how much I don’t care.”

Damn, how come I didn't think of it myself ?! https://samzdat.com/2017/07/17/a-taylorism-for-all-seasons/
please don't tempt me with links that take me to long, mildly incoherent blog posts by authors who think that dividing their poorly connected ideas with roman numerals somehow elevates whatever their trying to say but alas, I've been foiled again :'(

well whatever happened im indifferent to it hope everyone else is staying chill

I mean… We will undoubtedly see much worse than this from reactionaries, so I’m tempted to not complain. I’m probably wrong though.

Edit: Sneerworthy for sure tho

Too smart to care about one of the most pressing social issues of the day I see
Lol thank you. That was my guess but I was confused how it related to my comment (Just the quote I guess) so I wasn't totally sure.

This eigenperson is super cool and aloof. You can tell by his posts and the way he smokes his cigarette he just doesn’t give a FUARCK

He live(s)/d in St. Paul and saw MINEAPPOLIS BURNING so we could reason he fears that if Chauvin was released there would be another riot

AFAIK (meaning Eigen and I talked about this over twitter for...reasons(?) a few months ago) he’s still living in/around Seattle and has been for a while
But he grew up in Minneapolis so he has reasons to get MAD
I did not know that! I was under the assumption that much of the MAD was coming from being of a certain demographic living in (maybe, IIRC) certain neighborhoods of Seattle that were seeing certain forms of unrest last summer.
'My ancestors are smiling at me imperials, can you say the same'

So, they have a whole thread about not caring about things? And now “Minneapolis police trial thing” is on there for. . . because?

As a Minneapolitan, I’ve heard all the shit takes about Floyd, but this one is the most lame.

For contrast, here’s what his best Twitter buddy had to say about the capitol insurrection.

Who is this smug asshole?

This isn’t sneer it’s just kind of funny. He also did this with the election.

I think people are wrong to perceive it as being a show of not caring, per se. It’s more an experiment to see how long you can plausibly avoid mass-culture.