r/SneerClub archives
Yud's kinky solution to the modern collapse of sexual desire (https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1384659935129079810?s=19)

What is it with the Rationalists and recycling 10 year old manosphere talking points recently? First sexbots, now this.

Anyway, this smells of projection.

Also he is using the Slaanesh reference wrong. First slaanesh isnt just about sex, it is about excess of the senses. Slaanesh is just as much about fucking yourself to death as it is about painting with entrails. (That this is basically the only queer coded 40k stuff is another topic, which im not going to adress). yud sees noise marines “guess this is about sex”.

Also slaanesh is not just a thing society turns to it is also an entity in itself where the power of slaanesh corrupts people/things into being more sensual. (It is also created by the excess of the eldar, combined with the realm of chaos, so it would only make sense if dead dinosaurs (our eldars, who still exist in diminished forms in the guise of chickens adn other birds) made us more horny (hmm there is a climate change ref in here via oil)).

The correct reference would be saying, our only option is an aesthetic which in the 40k universe gave birth to slaanesh. Which also means you are comparing humans to eldar, which is exactly the hubris which caused the problems of the empire in 40k.

I will take my award for the biggest nerd now.

E: thanks for the actual gild reward you madpeople.

Ow god why do you do this. Must resist posting there, must resist using my massive pile of warhammer lore. Very Tzeentchian of you finfinfin.
/r/ArchWarhammer is also a cool place to post. It's a bit more focused so you won't be tempted to loredump, but you can appreciate some of the finer elements of GW terrain.
Isn't archwarhammer that right wing fasc adjacent youtube channel with the fake british accent? (checked the sub, :architectskiss:). Anyway, I have, in addition to my 'dinosaurs are eldar' edit in the first post above, already thought up of another potential post, 'the emperor is the (potential) sixth chaos god (in this house we respect and have not forgotten about [Malal/Malice](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Malice)), the chaos god of runaway capitalism/fascism/neoconservatism). Even if this is basically a big plot point in the berserk comic'.
Who? >!Yeah, the sub's top mod defected. Also, he goes by Arch now, for legal reasons, and Games Workshop tell their licensees not to work with him for PR or anything.!<
Hey, a company spotting a fash and giving them the cold shoulder. That’s a nice change of pace.
Anyway lately I've been coming around to the view of Malal and the Horned Rat being linked, if not one. One is Chaos' constant self-destruction, the other is idiot rat nazis off their heads on warpstone building ridiculous wunderwaffen and stabbing each other and everyone else around them in the back. >!Also, like real (neo-)nazis, the mainstream liberal media will tell you that Malal and Skaven don't exist.!<
You make a compelling case there.
Seriously, all the "proud what? no no stop overreacting and calling everyone you don't like a fascist" pieces over the last half a decade or so have done wonders for making the Empire's refusal to admit that skaven exist, even after fighting massive battles with them, seem realistic.
You say a large invasion of humanlike rats burned the city to the ground, but according to the dictionary, rats are not humanlike, so it didn't happen. Large parts of the city are also not burned, but still standing.
Probably! I know his fans did.
A lot of rationalists think the manosphere is the avant garde, where the *real* "difficult conversations" are happening, many years after Ozy spent ten thousand words trying to warn them how stupid that is.
Now *this* is why I came to SneerClub ! https://youtu.be/5J8xqTCfql4
We try not to sexualize Yud.
> What is it with the Rationalists and recycling 10 year old manosphere talking points recently? First sexbots, now this. The sexbot article isn't exactly recent; it was [published](https://jacobitemag.com/2018/04/24/uncanny-vulvas/) back in 2018.

Imagine getting tied up by this dude LOL

It's like that time I was listening to some cool mp3s (system of a down - legend of zelda.mp3) I'd downloaded off Napster and burned to cd but I was in the back of a maths lesson and the teacher thought I had my hand up to answer a question and i got all tangled up in my discman's headphones.

wh. what modern collapse of sexual desire.

Seems oddly personal for some reason. Math pet pipeline drying up?
Try telling people you’re a rationalist.
I think they have a cream for that
It's LessWrong, not ActuallyImproved
Mine collapsed reading that thread so
People are iirc having less sex, and Yud is saying this is a collapse of desire. At least I think, Yud is weirdly talking about this like it is well known (i dont even know if it is true).
The optimistic explanation is a better understanding of consent, less stigma about masturbation, and less pressure to have sex they don't actually want because they're "supposed to." The first and third of those are pretty much the opposite of what Yud says -- kids want as much sex as ever, they're just no longer having more than that The pessimistic explanation (for which there is some anecdotal evidence) is that kids are prudish and have learned to demonize desire. Which also isn't a collapse of desire, exactly
I think there are also material and economic drivers here.
Or young people (particularly boys) are developing sexual preferences that can't be fulfilled by consensual relationships with most women. Yudkowski in particular would know this if his own preferences were so unrelateable that he had to start a cult in order to indulge them.
It's because people are depressed, overworked, overweight and out of shape, and spend their free time looking at screens instead of socializing. The American social fabric has been fraying for years and this is one symptom. I'm not sure whether increased prudishness is happening, but it would be a reasonable answer to porn and hookup culture, especially for young women.
He's mad people aren't pumping out five and a half babies on average like it's Amenta.

Reading Yud’s writing is exhausting. He reminds me of that one kid in high school who got a thesaurus for his birthday. So he decided to make his speech more cromulent, lest he be crestfallen by the catastrophe….I can’t finish this. I think you know what I mean though.


So he’s saying we need to get so kinky we accidentally create some kind of deity that eats all of our souls, to torture them eternally? What happened to not thinking in sufficient detail about superintelligences?

Yes. Exactly.
What if we create the godai, but the godai is really really into porn?
wEiRd how all his stories end up that way!


> He just soaked up the most barebones and superficial pop representation of 40K. Sounds like he's a real 40K fan to me. Wow, cool space marine!
Eh, you're technically right but the majority of in-universe instances of Slaanesh worship are still at least sex-adjacent. It's the same as the "actually Khorne is also about martial glory and honorable combat!" bit, it's come up a few times but the majority of Khorne worshippers are still portrayed as mindless berserkers.
There was one WHFRP adventure where Slaanesh got a bunch of dwarves really into capitalism and they betrayed their ancestors and kin for profit, but in a bad way, not like a healthy love of gold way.
I mean, it will spice up your sex life. In the "rub ghost pepper on your eyeballs" kind of way.
To be fair 40K is fundamentally pop culture and leans hard into that vibe.
The must be what happened to the Eldar...


Always revealing that their highbrow literary references are shit like Warhammer 40k (I had to google Slannesh) and not say, Marquis De Sade or something like that.

Tbh if I was in Yud’s apartment or group house or whateverthefuck and found a copy of *120 Days of Sodom* I’d be surprised, troubled, marginally impressed, and also would steal it because I lost my own copy somewhere down the line

I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s trying to be funny, and I can’t decide if that makes it worse or not.

Slaanesh in the sheets, Tzeentch in the tweets.

and now explicitly anti-Semitic Twitter seems to have entered the ring😬

Bizarre. How could this possibly have happened? It’s hardly like “the jews are using porn to stop white people fucking each other” is a well-established conspiracy theory.

If it hadn’t been Yudkowsky, I would have assumed his original post was anti-Semitic bullshit, to be honest. Instead I just assumed he got hit by the edges of it, where it’s just disingenuous dorks bemoaning the decreasing number of (white) people having sex.

Shocked, I tell you.

Mandatory cock and ball torture for the birth rate

As a kinky game designer myself, I’m a) laughing my ass off and b) concerned that he didn’t go for the Cult of Ecstasy from Mage: The Ascension since they fucking worship that text.

Nah. What we need is for everybody to start getting really turned on by impotent misery and despair.

Dont call me daddy, call me granddaddy. [Coughs up blood in nurgle]

“I realize this take of mine may be controversial,” began no good sentence whatsoever.

I’m getting the “Hello Kitten” vibe


Or maybe, Yud- just maybe- the “collapse of desire” is actually just a side-effect from the general malaise of the alienation of the worker? Maybe?

And his misuse of Slaanesh has been more than adequately covered by others in this thread, lol.


When you've spent years saying things seriously that sound like jokes...
I used Twitter quite a lot for a few years, and the only person who couldn't tell when I was joking was ... Eliezer Yudkowsky, sliding into my mentions to praise the idea of *Shinji Ikari and the Methods of Rationality.*

He has a point at the end of the thread:

> also

> okay

> fine

> you know what

> *takes a deep breath*


> “tHeN whY diDn’t yOu saY So EArlieR” well I’d say the second tweet (timestamped well before this blew up) REALLY MAKES IT OBVIOUS but actually the FIRST tweet makes it obvious because of THE PART WITH SLAANESH

The second tweet even specifically says he realizes fixing housing issues etc. is the real solution here.

That being said, we could have a conversation here about how Twitter blurs the lines of satire.

Years of weird nerds talking about WH40K/Chaos in total sincerity was apparently part of the lamestream education Ol' Yud denied himself.

This might be a galaxy brained take but the way to return us to more fruitful eras of sexual desire is not by mainstreaming more kinks but by creating much stronger taboos.

Without marginalization, kink is just boring.

*Trad twitter has entered the chat.*

Bah, shouldn’t he already know that all that is required is acceptance of loving female dominance?

He’s not even as kinky as a man from the 1930’s!


ok, so he's not all bad

it’ll never catch on among his followers, who despise consent and think it should be abolished