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Is there really no value to the rationalist community and their views? (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/mvbrmo/is_there_really_no_value_to_the_rationalist/)

I’m fairly new to this sub and it seems to me that quite a few people in this sub appear to think that the whole rationalist community is worthless. I don’t know just how much truth there is to this, as at the surface level their goals seem somewhat admirable at least.

“Your manuscript is both good and original; but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good.”

"Live. Laugh. Love." - Eliezer Yudkowsky
"All happy families are alike. Each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." --Eliezer Yudkowsky
Shout out to my fellow Borges readers.
"Ceci n'est pas une pipe"
It just now strikes me that this is particularly funny, because confusing the map with the territory is a very Yudkowsky thing to do. His entire schtick about the interpretation of quantum mechanics is based on it. Or, more precisely, he delivers an edict about what interpretation is "simplest" while failing to appreciate that a major division between interpretations is whether they regard certain parts of the math as map or as territory. (In [Cabello's chart](https://arxiv.org/abs/1509.04711), for example, the first column of Type I is basically wavefunctions-as-territory, while the rest are wavefunctions-as-map in one way or another.)
You really know your stuff as a quantum physicist
Thank a lot, this looks like a great reference !
Well, also Yud didn't even bother to check whether just *maybe* "rationalism" already had a well-defined philosophic meaning. But he didn't, so now there's basically an anti-rationalist "rationalist" community... https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rationalism-empiricism/
Last night the thought occurred to me that rather than being anti-rationalist in the philosophical meaning, they had managed to take the worst of both worlds from philosophical rationalism and empiricism. On the other hand, I was pretty drunk at the time.

The rationalist-influenced Effective Altruism movement has funnelled some money from techbros to people in third world poverty, which is overall pretty good. (of course, they’ve also wasted a shit ton of money on scammy AI institutes, so I don’t want to praise them too much).

Apart from that, I can’t really think of many actual achievements by rationalists that aren’t “wrote popular things”. There are even plenty of posts by rationalists themselves bemoaning this. The most succesful people that we know have been influenced by rationalists are, like, Peter Thiel and Dominic Cummings, which is not a good look.

Elon Musk has definitely "been influenced by rationalists". He met his girlfriend through a Roko's Basilisk pun. Then again, maybe that would fit better in this place?
that is, emphatically, not a positive effect
yeah, sorry about that i mean, the nerd didn't just get a goth girlfriend, he got literally a 4AD recording artist
Ugh, if I had a nickel each time some people worshipped a Musk tweet like some genius insight, while he's just repeating something that he heard from transhumanists a decade before that...
I feel so sorry for her. Some of the things I remember him subtweeting seemed borderline abusive.

I think it’s worthless because I don’t think rationality, as an ideal, is actually that useful. Let me explain.

When I was younger, I was an atheist. Still am, but back then I was… not your typical Internet Atheist (I was less of a God Delusion thumper than they were), but a whole lot closer. I thought the world would be a better place, overall, if people were rational, didn’t succumb to superstition, et cetera.

Rather importantly, I presumed that “rational” meant they agreed with me. They’d value nature, human rights, equality, et cetera, because I did, and I’m rational, and all those flaws in logical reasoning were preventing them from agreeing with me.

Fast forward to a few years ago.

It’s become increasingly obvious to me that a whole lot of the fascists and alt-right are atheists. It’s become increasingly obvious that “abolishing irrationality” or “ending religion” is pretty fucking useless, because the atheist movement is pretty much entirely co-opted by neo-Nazis and even if you got them to acknowledge that every shred of what they used to support their racist ideology was bullshit, I think they’d still be racist.

Meanwhile, I note that while I do get along with non-vocal atheists who have ethical beliefs similar to mine, I also get along with a whole bunch of pagans, non-extremist Christians, et cetera. Do I agree with them? No, I remain completely unable to believe in anything supernatural even if I wanted to. But despite them not being any more rational than the average person, their head isn’t up their ass.

My conclusion is this:

What I wasn’t seeing was that, while religious fundamentalists often did have shoddy reasoning and believed outright falsehoods, that’s not necessarily the reason they thought what they did. All ethical systems have axioms. “No sentient creature is inherently more valuable than another” is one of mine, as is “Nature is intrinsically valuable,” as is “Hierarchy should be avoided.”

Our conclusions about things like gay rights, global warming, and racism are, at best, built upon these initial axioms through logical reasoning. However, these initial axioms are fundamentally irrational. If someone’s base assumptions are racist, then trying to argue with them logically is, most probably, going to result in denial or result in them just not caring about the logical superstructure we usually use to rationalize our pre-existing beliefs.

So rationalism is after the wrong thing. A minimum amount of rationality is needed, yes, but people really already had it. Cultivating it, even if possible, won’t actually improve people’s lives that much.

People should just fight for what (I think) is right.

(Incidentally, this same applies to things like religion and science. Science ultimately rests upon certain metaphysical claims for which there can not be logical or empirical support. I think a lot of religion does as well. I’m sure a philosopher of science could go into more and better detail, though.)

Even [Kahneman himself](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/09/cognitive-bias/565775/?utm_source=zapier.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=zapier) seems to believe that trying to improve yourself through recognizing cognitive biases is pretty much a waste of time. The widespread support for Donald Trump among rationalists and what was left of the New Atheist movement (which had become focused on bashing feminists) was the breaking point for me. I found myself unable to keep taking any of this shit seriously, going from, "some of these ideas are useful, as far as they go, if you recognize the blind spots" to "fuck all these people."

what’s the value in surface-level admirable goals, exactly?

Try to be nice, try to be aware of your bias, and try to find the truth isnt a bad set of surface values tbh. But this ignores the context and results. And if you ignnore context and results you can find value in anything. Scientology is just a social group which tries to find alternatives to mainstream psychiatric care. (Rationalists are prob a lot better than scientology btw, im just picking an extreme example (and hitler was already mentioned by @op), the good stuff isnt new, and the new stuff isnt good applies to rationalism, but they still teach some good stuff, so it has value).

Sneering at rationalists is like jacking off to porn actors. The actors may have some other worthy accomplishments, but that’s not what I’m jacking off to.

Frustrated that while short, I can't quite see this post compressing into a good flair
"Sneering: I'm jacking off"?
"Rat Sneer Jack Off", or in some other order ?

They include some decent people, they have some reasonable views, they have some admirable goals, but the community—the social activities, the institutions—is just an endless thicket of grifts, far-right recruitment stations, grifts, sex cults, grifts, and more grifts.

I’m here to sneer at the bad bits.

Have you come to slay the dragon Sneer, champion of rationalism?

They're gonna need a stronger potion.
Should have sent a poet.

In the insurance industry, the Human Life Value of a person can be several million dollars. On the other hand, the community could be worth a whole lot more if you split them up given the prices for black market organs.

is there really no value to the ‘rationalist’ community and their views

taking all into account, and being rather generous, no. no value at all.

The sub started as an offshoot of r/BadPhilosophy (which was mostly a circlejerk) and has since attracted folks who were invested to some degree in the rationalist project before walking away in disgust. Every now and then, an apologist shows up.

It’s definitely more about mocking Yudkowsky’s cult than trying to redeem it.

This subreddit is specifically for mocking rationalists. If you want a more neutral take on them, this isn’t the place to go.

but also, the rationalist subculture doesn't at all get points for stated good intentions when their observable produced results are this fucking awful.

I unironically enjoy rationalist ideas in science fiction, but that’s off-topic for Sneer Club. This sub is for sneering.

More seriously, a movement needs to demonstrate more than just intentions to be valuable. While the Effective Altruists do have some practical actions they can point to, SSC does not.

To the degree that there is value there, it is buried under miles of self-aggrandizing prose and stale cum. Like, Meditations on Moloch has some interesting ideas (assuming you’ve never gotten into Marx) buried in its billion-word runtime, but you also have to slog through that insane word count.

Hmm, would Marx be really more readable in this day and age ? Ok, that's perhaps too wide, let's say *Das Kapital*... though might depend on the translation, any English, Russian or French ones you might recommend ?
I have never actually read Marx, I just did the cliffs notes versions. ​ I am aware this is not a good look. But honestly, I can't manage the focus to read books by authors I love written for the explicit purpose of entertainment, so I don't think an attempt to read Das Kapital would end well. :/
Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Das Kapital](https://snewd.com/ebooks/das-kapital/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)
You can just call it *Capital*, which is its name in English. (But also, it's not really the best place to start, with Marx or Marxist thought?)

I’m curious about this question as well - are talking about rationalists vs empiricists ? Or strictly sneering at the LessWrong community?

Are there any present day thinkers who are actually worth indulging?

A) no we aren't talking about rationalism the early modern movement in philosophy b) I mean, Zizek on his better days? Is Lenin contemporary enough?
Well, from the reading I've done of EY's and Less Wrong, I got the impression that they consider themselves to be rationalists. I actually haven't read anything from the two authors you mention, though I am vaguely aware of them. I generally avoid Marxism, but I'll give it a gander one day.
What they mean by rationalism isn't really the same as what, say, Descartes meant by it at all I'm afraid, but I'm not the right one to explain that better.
they co-opted the term "rationalist", which is not the same thing - they are not claiming to be a continuation.

I had an idea that started as me explaining something about the weird fine details of major transitions in evolution to someone in the comments section there fester in my head until I got a published scientific paper 4 years later, so there’s that.

The problem, as almost anything in the world, is that you have to factor in the opportunity cost. Sure, there is some truth in Scott’s mumbling about Moloch and Yudkowski’s half-baked, half-pulled up of his ass ideas of inadequate equilibria. But by the time you read those huge Great Wall of text, you could have read a couple of well-explained, organic and rigorous books in game theory and industrial organization and have much more good and much less bullshit.

For sure college has a signalling component and probably the layman should be more aware of it (anybody with a college degree already is), but Caplan is completely dishonest in his methodology and you could easily learn not only about his (crumbling) theory of signalling in education, but an up-to-date theory of signalling in general reading the central chapters of “rational herds”, and then in a couple of hours you could have read some nice empirical studies about actual effect in education. Much more information, and much less rants on how you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty English lit or Beethoven and how the average kid is a wasted beast of burden.

Overall, the rationalist community (excluding Caplan obv, he’s just dishonest) at large looks like the intellectual equivalent of the person who prefers to pay much more in gas and maintenance for years rather than paying for a better car in the first place. They spend hours and hours going in circles around well settled ideas, because they never made the initial investment in time and effort to study properly what they are interested in, so they could learn how to learn, navigate the literature and lay their conjectures on solid foundations. And when they come too close to the awareness of the fact that this is the case, it makes the uncomfortable they rationalize it away saying that academia are all crooks because they are not Bayesian enough or something like that