The introduction to this essay seems very on point for
u/pja15 pointsat 1619014229.000000
His essay “Hypergamy, Incels,
and Reality” did the rounds last year sometime; worth skipping to
the comments purely to see the author laying into Robin Hanson.
Yeah, that’s a bad look. It’s pretty clear he’s totally unfamiliar with the discourse on the topic from that paragraph, but that’s not really an excuse is it?
The essay doesn’t need that paragraph at all & it would have been better if he’d just dropped it.
this is an interesting article. I’m not entirely sure what to make of
it because I don’t know if I understand all of it (at least not without
watching Devs first to understand what the author means better), but
it’s definitely an interesting take on the woman-as-rational-computer
character archetype.
also I love both Ex Machina and Macbeth, and this made me realize I
should watch Devs
Interesting analysis of the “aleph female” as a post-gendered symbol
of intelligence-power and how the slow shedding of gender even as it
uses gendered characters like the male programmer
Ex Machina (Garland’s first film credit as director) is about
Artificial Intelligence. This is sort of how Communist films have to be
about the proletariat.
Pretty much unrelated to what this blog is saying, but perhaps
interesting, an oracle device is one of the theoretical ways of
achiwving superturing computation. (As it can solve the halting problem
So if they, in devs, create an oracle device using our standard
computing paradigm, they are making a pretty hard stance on if P=NP, and
imho that means that they go from hard science fiction into soft science
fiction. (Kinda discrediting the whole, we live in computerland (love
the term btw) idea. As this just is magic, not sufficiently advanced
tech masquerading as magic).
His essay “Hypergamy, Incels, and Reality” did the rounds last year sometime; worth skipping to the comments purely to see the author laying into Robin Hanson.
this is an interesting article. I’m not entirely sure what to make of it because I don’t know if I understand all of it (at least not without watching Devs first to understand what the author means better), but it’s definitely an interesting take on the woman-as-rational-computer character archetype.
also I love both Ex Machina and Macbeth, and this made me realize I should watch Devs
That is an unusually good blog.
Interesting analysis of the “aleph female” as a post-gendered symbol of intelligence-power and how the slow shedding of gender even as it uses gendered characters like the male programmer
Got a good chuckle out of this. Neat post.
Pretty much unrelated to what this blog is saying, but perhaps interesting, an oracle device is one of the theoretical ways of achiwving superturing computation. (As it can solve the halting problem etc).
So if they, in devs, create an oracle device using our standard computing paradigm, they are making a pretty hard stance on if P=NP, and imho that means that they go from hard science fiction into soft science fiction. (Kinda discrediting the whole, we live in computerland (love the term btw) idea. As this just is magic, not sufficiently advanced tech masquerading as magic).