r/SneerClub archives
Is this the best "telling on yourself a little too much" tweet of all time? (https://i.redd.it/wc7hgrenzju61.jpg)

This is the “If evolution is true, why are there still monkeys” of feminist theory

If it wasn't for feminists we'd have a utopia of *checks notes* bathroom high fives and airport boner small talk.

Ashen Faces of Alimony was an underrated Dark Souls DLC imo

Flaccid Cocks in Airport Bathrooms wasn't Brian Eno's finest work.

“No, you look great! It’s the mirror. It adds five pounds of ash.”

On the other hand, imagine having a five pound dick flaccid and trying to get an erection, you’d pass out in a few seconds from bloodrush

Men still have problems therefore there is no patriarchy, checkmate libs.

I already posted, but there’s something telling about the level of grievance that some men have when the world isn’t handed to them on a silver platter.

They’ll chastise other people for complaining about the way society affects them, but the second they personally have an issue, it’s the worst thing ever and the end of the world.

It’s a Michael Kimmel-esque observation, and I hate to invoke it for the obvious reasons, but it still sticks out to me.

Is this how Yud modified the Mirror of Erised in his fanfic?

The phrasing is almost poetic; shame about the content.

This is an element of social justice activism that is really misunderstood by people who don’t read the literature. Liberation is not zero sum- ending the patriarchy doesn’t mean “giving men more problems”, it means building a new system where everyone can self-actualize, unconstrained by gender expectations. The fact that patriarchy hurts men is not a novel observation!

“If patriarchy is real then why can’t I get a boner? Checkmate feminists.”

If imperialism were real, people in the imperial core would be immortal. Instead my Nan died of cancer and 50% of everyone I know is taking SSRIs. >!Maybe ashen faces and limp dicks are as good as it gets.!<

The ads write themselves. “Experiencing erectile dysfunction? Talk to your doctor about Patriarchy(tm).”

Patrioxetine, Paxtril

What’s really remarkable is the “mirror” had nothing to do with the point he thought he was making. So what made him think to mention it?

Much as Thomas Friedman gets inspiration from talking with Indonesian cab drivers, Primalpoly gets some of his best ideas while checking out dudes in airport bathrooms.
Just a single ashen face. That one failure to maintain an erection in front of an airport restroom hand-wash basin.
Does it mean he's talking about himself??!

He’s just not hanging out in the right airport bathrooms. Larry Craig could set him straight… er, so to speak.

As if this guy’s anti-mask and anti-vaxx screeching weren’t enough.

Imagine taking his classes. Is he as terrible in the classroom as he is on Twitter? This isn’t just a rhetorical question. I have some small hope that someone who took one of his classes at UNM will respond.

I believe Scott calls this Typical Mind Fallacy. Of course, his example was Pick-Up Artists.


i assumed he tweeted this while shitting in an airport
He’d just tried to high five someone and they just looked at him weird and left. Also, he’s been setting up hidden cameras in airport restrooms. He points them at the mirrors

it makes me very happy to know this guy is miserable and will never be anything other than miserable no matter how much the world pours riches and accolades on him for being a shitstain white supremacist piece of trash. sooner than he thinks he will be dead and i hope every second between now and then is this feeling and worse. let him clutch his IQ papers to his chest as he faces what comes next, gulping back the tears. but i had IQ!! he screams. my BRAIN!!

Geoffrey, if you’re looking for male companionship in airport restrooms, have you considered taking a wider stance?


right there
the real lie is in your hands

I guess that the guys, killing themselves at a 3:1 ratio compared to women, are just fed up with all those cool unconscious privileges that I keep hearing about…