r/SneerClub archives
Scott Adams gets angry at his fans for not understanding his take on the Chauvin trial and accuses them of being bad at mind reading. (https://twitter.com/scottadamssays/status/1384621520073334786?s=21)

The Decoding the Gurus takedown of Dilbert Guy is amazing because, as much as they try to stay even-handed, they clearly despise the man.

Scott Adams relevant content starts at 26:45.

I honestly can’t even figure out what Adam’s take is because this post seems like what he’s saying but he disagrees with it. Anyways, communicating poorly then complaining about being misunderstood isn’t the intellectual achievement he thinks it is.

> communicating poorly then complaining about being misunderstood isn’t the intellectual achievement he thinks it is. As a trained hypnotist, I can say it is actually a good achievement.
Most aren't ready to hear this.

Is Scott Adams meant to be a rationalist? Why is this here?

I definitely don't consider Addams to be a rationalist, but there have been a couple of things about him posted here recently, and the powers that be haven't said anything about it