r/SneerClub archives

Aella_Girl can’t be this stupid. She’s playing a drug-addled dum-dum character to roll nerdy, misogynistic dipshits for their money. That’s what I choose to believe.

Oh goodness, no she's absolutely a drug-addled goober. She has done what can only be described as heroic amounts of LSD.
Anecdotally, I've seen people's rubber bands get stretched pretty hard by do-it-yourself psychedelic use (particularly acid) and snap back a bit less taut than before. I still think aella is laying it on.
I mean, she's just so close to the Nerd Boy's ideal girl -- atheist who wants to talk about nerd shit while doing LSD and also go to frequent orgies -- that it's **got** to be a constructed persona. OTOH, there's the whole business of the danger of becoming the part you play. (I'm thinking here of the young women who tried desperately to model themselves on the Manic Pixie Dream Girl because it's what they thought they ought to be.) I dunno. I go back and forth between wanting to congratulate her making bank off of the Sad Nerd Boy's fantasies to worrying about her underlying sanity.
wait but i thought lsd makes you a commie
Sadly, not always: [https://www.psymposia.com/magazine/lucy-in-the-sky-with-nazis-psychedelics-and-the-right-wing/](https://www.psymposia.com/magazine/lucy-in-the-sky-with-nazis-psychedelics-and-the-right-wing/)
Great article, thank you
Thanks, I'll give this a read
Why give her the benefit of the doubt? You are who you pretend to be, etc. etc.
I've heard this referred to as the Rule of Goats: even if you say you're fucking goats *ironically*, you're still a goatfucker.

I disagree, as a historian.

This is the most polite way I can conceive of to dispute that take.

Wait, people actually say ‘move to a different country then’ when you complain about taxes? I have never seen that.

I don't think I've seen that response to complaining about taxes, either. But I'm sure I've seen it in response to criticizing police brutality. "If you hate America so much, why don't you leave? Good luck getting a latte in Venezuela, you soyboy hippie."
Certainly, I just never heard anybody say that to 'tax is theft' libertarians.
Not specifically about taxes, but "move to Somalia then" is a pretty standard response to Libertarians complaining that there's too much government involvement in their lives.
Aha yes, I see how, if you remove the Somalia context from that remark you can see it as a 'move to a different country' thing. So yes, you are right, and im silly for not having thought of that.
They're probably offering it as actual unironic financial advice, like Eduardo Saverin.
I usually tell them "if welfare recipients have it so good and you are paying so much unfair taxes on your hard work, why are you working?"
I meant more like "why aren't you chilling on welfare". "Go off the grid if you don't like the price of interacting with society" is a nice one too, though. I won't even mind if the neonazis do it, so long as they stay there and put up signs.
Yeah, deleted my comment btw, as I realized there is a large list of micronations and forgot all the various squatter like places, so it was pretty stupid. (Hoped I was fast enough for nobody to read it, I failed). The neonazi one was on a refugee border somewhere btw, so that wasnt that great. Doubt they ever really set something up. (But there have been other attempts at neonazi homesteading in the usa of course(one even tried to recruit a motter openly (no idea how many do via DM), and well... sundown towns also exist(ed). So not really a fan of them starting their own micronations. E: wasnt looking for it, but just randomly saw this referenced https://mobile.twitter.com/redpillresort
If you're wealthy enough that it's an option people tell you to move, yeah.

So aella is a pretentious shit take account or just a bad faith operator?

I think the elevator pitch is "galaxy-brained quasi-rationalist hot takes as a gateway to OnlyFans."
Same reason Nigerian prince emails are badly written; only a dummy would stick around and keep reading. The style therefore serves as a high-pass filter for credulity.
why not both?

Its strange to see people still spouting unreconstructed Ron Paul-style ancap rhetoric in 2021. A real blast from the past.

Clicked through to the tweet and then her blog, and \_boy was that a ride\_. It's worth noting that she describes coming from a very restrictive religious family with religious schooling, and one of the dominant threads running through homeschooling and sectarian christian schooling is "reconstructionism," a libertarian-compatible model for how society should work that was originally articulated by a guy named RJ Rushdoony in the 60s and 70s. One of Rushdoony's acolytes (and eventually his son-in-law) was Gary North… who ended up working with Ron Paul to develop the "Ron Paul Homeschooling Curriculum." The ideological cross-pollination between the separatist christian right, the libertarian movement, and the militia movement goes \_real deep\_, and a lot of kids who grew up in homeschooling and small christian schools were fed "taxation is theft, federal governments shouldn't exist" propaganda in their literal civics textbooks for years. Even when they bail on the community they were raised in, some of the underlying frameworks for understanding the world stick.
If you want to know why the Christian Right has lost its goddamned mind, Rushdoony is the place to start. He was an unrepentant racist shithead who wanted to make interracial marriage illegal again, thought slavery was good, and denied the Holocaust.
Don’t forget the death penalty for “disobedient children.”
Good lord. What an awful human being.
You certainly showed us by smearing yourself with shit and rolling around on the ground.
This applies to a lot of people who come in here
Cry-wanking on the internet isn’t a personality
I also think that we need to re-examine Ron Paul now that his son has gone full fash with nary a peep from his “libertarian” father.

At first when I read it I was like “huh this isn’t a great comparison but I guess some people are overly harsh on disagreements on tax policy…” but then I read that she wasn’t objecting to a specific rate but rather to the existence of taxes at all I was like “wow this is bath salts crazy”

What government services do you believe are worth paying for?

In general: 1. Foreign policy and national defense 2. Protection of negative rights

bit on the nose

Taxation is theft (unless the money is spent exclusively on killing dark skinned people)

I have certainly never heard an idiot conservative tell me that it’s “America, love it or leave it” when I suggest that state security forces should not murder civilians and get away with it.