r/SneerClub archives
"Story concept: AU where capitalism actually works the way the illiberal left thinks it does. Almost the entire economy is still medieval peasants in mud huts; their crops are scarce and valuable but merchants' buying prices bear no relation to supply/demand; kings have iPhones." (https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1386422267412828161)

Story concept: AU where Yudkowsky actually picks up a book and reads it.

Oh now you have to put me on to Yudkowsky’s Moby Dick take, I don’t think I’ve ever heard that one
[you may suffer now](https://www.hpmor.com/chapter/64)
> TENGEN TOPPA GURREN RATIONALITY 40K > I have a truly marvelous story for this crossover which this margin is too narrow to contain. Thank fucking God for small mercies
oh my fucking god I had forgotten the lotr one and I want to cry
Frodo the rationalist, missing the point. [E: one of the undertones is that the halfings are not that easily corrupted just because they are so content and not prone to having big ambitions (all this tied into 'races' is a bit meh but that is a different point). An idea often used more in LOTR inspired stuff. Also why does Yud hate Boromir, this is just the Ron Weasley HPMOR thing all over again]. Also, if Sauron is the mega smart super planner, why did he get his fingers cut off at all? Clearly Mega Sauron would have put his magical ring powers into a [bridge piercing](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridge_piercing), can't cut it off without cutting off the head, covered under armor, and never lose sight of it.
acoup.blog's posts about Saruman are great and do make me think that maybe, just possibly, he could be an example of Rationalist Sauron. Not because he's a Rationalist, but because of how badly he fucks up by assuming that of course he can build an army and plan a war, he's *smart*. https://acoup.blog/2020/06/19/collections-the-battle-of-helms-deep-part-viii-the-mind-of-saruman/ The earlier parts cover the army and its issues, but this one has the funny "even if everything comes up Saruman," flowchart.
That blog series was great. And yes Saruman is a nice example of the hubris of the smart. Of course, Sauron being an actual hyperintelligent god would never make mistakes like that ;).
Sauron just wanted to make the trains run on time so his daddy could play. No, not his literal daddy, he was a loser. His cool daddy, played by Jack Black.
And when I say daddy I mean Angbang.
I want to *die*
Please don’t kick me out of this sub, I swear I’m here to sneer. But... I actually think these stories are lighthearted and fun.
There are bits I can laugh at, and then there are bits that make me weep for Jirt. I just wrote jort by mistake and my phone has started autocorrecting typos to Jirt, I'm so proud. Anyway, ""Consider the computational power required to manifest over a hundred shadow clones," the Uchiha genius said in his dispassionate tones." is fucking hilarious and it's just a shame the snippet continues. The Anita Blake one is legitimately good, albeit mostly for the punchline. Same for the Matrix one, although not as good.
I know right? Also: “Our species was capable of interstellar travel, Panthro, I know the quantities of energy involved! There is no way you can't build a nuke or steer an asteroid or somehow blow up that ever-living idiot's pyramid!"
Nah. Rocks are NOT 'free', citizen.
Traditional Hollywood wisdom dictates that you can’t sell a movie, however true, if people won’t believe it
belief unsuspended, sorry
Hey! He's read the harry potter books
He actually *hasn’t*, funnily enough.
Give the man the cred he deserves. He said he read the first one, right? That's the only important book, the rest don't advance the plot at all. He's also read all the books he's written, which he assures us is a lot, so he must be educated. (sarcasm obviously ey is an idiot)
>He said he read the first one, right? That's the only important book There's a reason it's not *Animorphs and the Methods of Rationality*
I mean, there actually is a rationalist version of Animorphs.
You can [find it here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5627803/chapters/12963046) if anyone wants to do some analysis on it.
isn't that dragon army guy lmao Edit: just checked, yes it is in fact by the idiot who came up with the failed "dragon army" cult-house idea. god save me This asshole: https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9hu945/dragon_army_guy_has_an_extremely_normal_one/
oh no
Yeah because those books are actually *about* something other than the author just vomiting up bigotry.
Lmao, he isn’t an idiot, but he takes pride in his lack of education. And personally I think being smart but ignorant is the worst possible combination for someone like him, since he’s able to extrapolate in ways that *seem* correct to people without knowledge of what he’s talking about, giving him a lot of persuasive power.
>which I'd say is something like "people who are consistently very wrong in obvious ways" Well, yeah, that’s not my reading of the word. Mine is the (I believe) more common meaning of someone who struggles with tasks that require a lot of concentration or more difficult logical leaps. But, mate, you can just say he’s consistently wrong in very obvious ways and have that point said without it getting lost in being translated down to a single word with very broad meanings attached to it. >People whom we have reason to believe perform well on IQ tests (like Yud, people with advanced degrees, people in highly technical fields) often display the same consistent, obvious wrongness we're talking about here. But this consistent, obvious wrongness is not due to a lack of cognitive ability, which the word ‘idiot’ implies. Thus, using the word is liable to get you into some misunderstandings, as people belonging to this group are falling into the same mental traps that anyone can fall prey to regardless of intelligence.
The point is that people who get called dumbasses for reasoning poorly and stating bad conclusions get lumped into people who have trouble with many common tasks and take longer to get things a lot of other people would consider simple and obvious. The latter group of people do not deserve to be compared with the former.
>That's verbally abusive high school shit. Unfortunately, "verbally abusive high school shit" is very common.
>Do that on a job and you'll be (rightfully) fired. Not in my experience.
Idiot just means mentally handicapped. Tbh I think it’s not a good word to use, just in general, for the same reasons you wouldn’t call someone a cripple as an insult. More accurate would be to call him a tool. He’s very useful for the right even though he doesn’t realize it, and it’s that use which makes him dangerous. If he were just peddling cryonics to rich people he’d still be promoting bad, wrong science (as a tangent, I think cryonics as an *idea* might have potential—current implementations not so much), but when he enables people like Charles Murray is when his actions become truly despicable.
Idiot doesn’t “just mean[...] mentally handicapped”, unlike say, the word “retarded”. In fact even when “idiot” *was* used as a term specifically for the mentally handicapped (are we still really using the term “handicapped” at the same time as complaining about the word “idiot”?!), it was derived from the more general usage with which we use it in common parlance today: > Life is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing In this passage Shakespeare is not referring to somebody with cognitive difficulties, but to a babbler, a metaphorical babbler whose utterances reflect no interest in or correspondence with meaning. This could just easily be an annoying guy who want stop talking to you at the pub, in the full awareness or not of what he’s doing, regardless of their intelligence. In other even earlier contexts it referred to somebody who was clumsy, or guileless, or who behaved foolishly. Later on, it was borrowed as a technical term for people with cognitive difficulties with the birth of modern psychiatry and psychological science in and around the 19th century. However, the word “idiot” as a generic term as described above has always been around. Similarly, “stupid” can refer to somebody behaving foolishly, as is its original meaning.
> are we still really using the term “handicapped” at the same time as complaining about the word “idiot”?! That’s a good point, do you have an alternative term without the offensive connotations I could use instead? I’m not sure ‘people with cognitive difficulties’ is the best phrase either. >Later on, it was borrowed as a technical term for people with cognitive difficulties Yes, and this is generally what we mean nowadays. Like, if I went out and asked a hundred people what idiot meant, I doubt the majority would say it means someone who babbles senselessly.
Perhaps in your neck of the woods, but I’ve been around a fair bit in 27 years and I don’t think I’ve once heard somebody directly equate “idiot” with any such diagnosis It’s so out of style to do that it was considered unacceptable in the 70s to use it as a medical term
>It’s so out of style to do that it was considered unacceptable in the 70s to use it as a medical term Right, because people were using the, originally medical, term as an insult instead, so much so that someone diagnosed with it was going to have heard it used in an insulting manner before in their life. So now all that’s left of the original meaning is the insult and the implication that the person it’s directed at struggles with basic tasks due to a mental disadvantage.
Again, perhaps in your neck of the woods. Insisting on a genealogy like this doesn’t make it accurate.
Well, alright, if you want accuracy above all there’s a very easy way to see how the word ‘idiot’ is viewed by the general English-speaking population at large. But if we’re going to do this, let’s place our bets. My hypothesis is that the word is viewed by the majority (more than 50%) of people as, to get the idea across, someone with a disadvantage in regards to their mental capabilities which makes many cognitive tasks take longer to comprehend and/or perform. I’ll put down this week’s drinking budget of $40 toward this general definition. If you’d like to match that bet with your definition of someone who’s silly and babbles meaninglessly, clarified to your liking, we can go ahead and proceed toward finding the answer.
I don’t do prediction markets, I’ve written about that here before. What’s your plan anyway? Set up a self-declared online survey for a dozen people to vote yes or no on Proposition “idiot is a slur” and call it a representative sample of what I estimate as about 450,000,000 native English speakers? Besides, $40 covers about two days on my drinking budget - never mind the cost of transferring it to a UK bank account - it isnae worth it.
Well, [Google Surveys](https://surveys.google.com/your-surveys) have been used in research. I was planning on having three options, my definition, yours, and a third that’s basically, “neither, lol.” And hey, I’m cheap. I don’t judge your taste, let’s not judge mine, yeah? I can go up to $80 though, if you did do prediction markets. I don’t exactly look at usernames on this site so I didn’t see you’d written about that before.
I never said I wasn’t cheap, alcoholism is an expensive lifestyle in a lot of places. I’m dropping this conversation because I get the impression you’re getting more agitated than this conversation requires or deserves. Let it only be said that I get the impression I’ve a stronger case than you: on the one hand you started out and went on (at times*) insisting that “idiot’ as a derogatory word for people cognitive difficulties is the only horse left in town*; whereas all I’m saying is that while it may still be in use that way in certain quarters I’m unaware of, it certainly isn’t in mine. *which let’s be honest is a bit inconsistent with a first past the post either/or bet
You’re getting the impression I’m getting ... agitated? Over an internet discussion? I mean, alright, but I kinda feel like that’s projection or something because I don’t really react to words on a screen. Maybe that’s a product of me subconsciously thinking of face to face interactions as more ‘real’, but as a rule getting riled up at semi anonymous internet comments is just a bad idea. Anyway, yeah, for most people I’m insisting ‘idiot’ does have derogatory connotations to it, and maybe it’s different in your community, but online spaces are much wider. So if something’s derogatory in one place it’s generally not a good idea to say it online. Like, I live nowhere near anyone who’s an Inuit, yet I’d still be a thoughtless slime to use the word Esk*mo online.
Yes, I’m getting the impression you’re getting agitated because you just tried to settle a minor dispute about English usage by betting $40 against a complaint stranger over the results of a google analytics stat before upping the ante to $80 when I declined. People say it’s hard to read tone over the internet but that maxim can be overstated.
I mean, I bet money because it’s fun, but you’re doing this whole first year psychology student thing and now it’s not fun anymore and I’m going to retract the offer. You’re wrong, but I no longer care to wager anything over it.
> Idiot just means mentally handicapped Incorrect.
Then it means ... ?
“idiot” originally meant undistinguished member of the public
And the r-slur was originally a clinical term.
> Lmao, he isn’t an idiot Incorrect.
One can act in terribly wrongheaded ways without being mentally handicapped.
That's not what idiot means and as poptart says, 'mentally handicapped' isn't much better. That use of idiot is only popular amongst people who read too much about the US army and IQ testing or some shit like that.
> Read the first 3 books, watched the next 5 movies, checked the wiki often, and most importantly, read at least a hundred other Harry Potter fanfictions. I know off the top of my head who Fleur Delacour's little sister is, in fact I've read a whole book about her bonding to Harry Potter's ghost after he dies in the Second Task of the Triwizard tournament. --the esteemed Eliezer S. Yudkowsky https://www.reddit.com/r/HPMOR/comments/2ytvky/has_the_author_read_canon_or_just_the_wiki_sources/cpcw71f/
I've never seen someone put in so much effort to not read a book. Respect.
At what point does writing fanfic of something you don't even much care for, just as a stalking horse for your bullshit scam research institute, become more trouble than getting a fucking job?
[Laughs in [Hubbard](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L._Ron_Hubbard)]
Putting the issue at hand aside, I can't actually say I can recommend anyone read past, at most, the third Harry Potter book.
All my money on Yud's concept is inspired entirely by the peasant scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Sounds too far fetched.

Story concept: AU where Yudkowsky has a real job and isn’t preying on the gullibility of spectrum coders who can’t see that their concerns about super intelligent AI takeover are just the techno version of theological arguments about God’s wrath.

In this AU, EY is a niche sci-fi and fantasy author with a few (relatively) good early works, however his later works descend too much into his fetishes (BDSM, TPE, and rape) to be enjoyable by the average reader.
Also everyone's an anthropomorphic pony for reasons which are never entirely clear, but since no-one remarks on it it doesn't matter.
I’d love to see what happens if he actually had to work to survive. That would be entertaining
Roko's Basilisk as reimagined from the White Throne Judgement scene of Christ


Being a liberal is a bad thing, so being illiberal has to be a good thing
At least they gave up on "CTRL-Left."
lol this is so cringe
I prefer Alt Gr-Left.
esc, esc, esc, :left
One of those "*neutral*" political terms that for some reason people never self-describe as.
liberals be illin

“Nice division of reactions between”Nobody on the left believes this strawman” and “Lol so you mean the modern-day world then”.”

“… throughout the work, what is new is not good; and what is good is not new.”

Story concept: AU where Yudkowsky does not autofellate in public

‘Illiberal Left’ Right…

‘Kings with iPhones’ I am very intelligent…

‘Medieval peasants in mud huts’ … does he think the unabomber is a leftist?

Wonder when he goes full conceptual james and just openly transforms into an anti-semite conspiracy theorist. He clearly is courting the crazy rightwingers already. (and lol, doing this thing in 2021).

This asshole is supposed to be the ‘lets learn to think rationally’ big guy, and he comes up with this kind of bullshit…

E: and yes, it sucks that you can reply this whole post with just ‘gottem’.

Yeah, that would never [happen](https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1384707924673503232). E: but yes, sorry, I should have made it more clear it was all just for the grift, not because he really believes in it. But just because he wants money/attention, and that is in big supply on the right. Also you might want to cut down on the dogwhistles there.

Isn’t this just the worldbuilding for Altered Carbon (and also every other cyberpunk novel I’ve ever read)?

I think that depends on the type/era of cyberpunk novel (don't think altered carbon isn't cyberpunk, but more transhumanpunk), most of them are more like '99% of humanity is stuck in min wage jobs while megacorps grind everybodies humanity and the planet to dust, with cool implants'

Truly, Yud is a scholar of True® Economics, and the ivory tower leftists’ Fake-Frankfurt Critical POMO-Social Economics does not stand up in the light of Rea and Rationality™

What a clown

Illiberal Left… I have no idea what that means but im stealing that.

Reminds me of "Illiberal Democracy" that was a popular buzzword in the Foreign Affairs/WSJ circles a few years ago. I think they mostly stopped when they realized they were saying too much about the kind of democracy they actually like. As for "illiberal left" in particular, it means "left of center", or basically... left.
Basically they think of "liberalism" in the [political philosophy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism#Classical_and_modern) sense, focusing especially on civic & property rights, religious/ideological tolerance, & free speech as a [cultural norm](https://slatestarcodex.com/2017/08/01/is-it-possible-to-have-coherent-principles-around-free-speech-norms/) & not just a restraint on the government. So by "illiberal left" they mean leftists & progressives who they think are too willing to sacrifice these things in the interest of their idea of justice & fairness.
Liberalism is generally a right leaning ideology, so illiberal left describes anything that is left of liberalism such as social democracy.