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SSC Attempts to Review David Harvey's "A Brief History of Neoliberalism" (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/n5lebb/ssc_attempts_to_review_david_harveys_a_brief/)

You know the parable of the three blind men and the elephant?

There are several variations, but I will provide a quick, simple recap for the unfamiliar: the first touches the trunk and thinks the elephant is like a snake. The second touches the leg and thinks the elephant is like a tree. The third touches the ear and thinks the elephant is like a palm frond. ^((Nobody knows how the elephant feels about all this.))

I propose a variant of my own: suppose that a person with perfectly good vision refuses to believe in elephants for ideological reasons. One day, he sees an elephant . . . and concludes that he is looking at a hippopotamus trapped on top of four palm trees with a snake dangling off of its head.

This analogy captures how I feel about certain liberal/libertarian/right-wing people (in this case, Siskind) who simply refuse to understand class conflict. Whenever they engage with left-wing ideas (especially class conflict) or evidence in support of said ideas, they laboriously misinterpret them to avoid challenging their extant worldviews.

In this case, Siskind read 200 pages about class conflict being the explanatory factor behind neoliberal politics–and by extension, most of the politics of the late 20th century–then proceeded to write about class conflict as if it were a fringe concept that David Harvey made up on the spot. Then, when a vocal contingent of his own readers/commenters call him out on his possibly-worst-ever book review, he gets super defensive. It’s . . . messy.

Siskind’s whole “conflict theory” machinery is part of an elaborate effort to deny not just class conflict but conflict in general. It very often leads to weird blind spots; I wrote about it here.

It’s a very weird mode of thought. I mean, it’s one thing to dislike conflict, it’s another thing to try to write about political and economic matters as if conflict didn’t exist.

One rough rule of thumb is the more someone is invested in preserving the power status quo, the more they will argue along the lines of: "*We're all on the same page here, everything is basically fine, political discussion is just a gentlemanly rhetorical intellectual exercise* : ) "
This is true, but what interests me is the lengthy and detailed efforts to justify this point of view. To lump all conflict together so it can be dismissed in toto, to divide the world into two kinds of people and subtly paint the side that acknowledges sides as somehow crass or low-minded...I mean, the man is a genius of erecting elaborate structures of self-justification, if nothing else.
Nah, I don't think it's part of any elaborate effort, it's just a child screaming is feelings with big words. It's a grottesque caricature of wisdom, what a kindergarden kid whose main rule of discussion is being told to "be nice and listen to others, you might learn somehing from them" could think a mature person looks like. He not only does not *deny* conflict, he sees it everywhere. You know that different areas of the US have different political preferences, right? NO, WRONG! They are two different tribes, one of which is undertaking a merciless crusade to annihilate the other. Why? Because they are eeeeevil and intolerant! You know that journalists, especially when writing about something they don't know much about, report different opinions and different angles so to not be too factious? NO WRONG, it's the evil Blue Tribe again, who did an hit job against a free thinker that dared to expose them! His aversion for "conflict theory" is purely performative, but I don't think hypocritical. As I said, I think it's just the verbalization of a feeling (a certain kindergarden morality) plus an aesthetic (the "I am so open minded and civilized I discuss calmly with anybody", usually employed by the IDW-adjacent content creators)
See also: The default to Public Choice Theory-esque assumptions, where the state is framed as exclusively on a self-serving quest to maximize its own power. They see conflict where they want to see it, and ignore it where they don't.
Yeah, also. Which is weird to me about public choice theory (or at least its folk rendition in libertarian circles) is that it switches from "individual politicians are purely selfish rational agents", which is an obviously limited but sometimes reasonable assumption, to "the state is an agent motivated by power" without even announcing it. I think the trick work because for most libertarians individualism is a moral issue, not a methodological one, so they have difficulty to notice the switch. But to be fair, rats discarding anybody pointing at conflict is not the worst. Rats seeing conflict where there is none is worse, but not even the worst. The absolute worst is when there is a huge, blatant and unavoidable conflict, and they just solve it with "let's steelman X side. Well, look like X has good arguments. Now, I might get downvoted for it, but I start to think the real extremists (they might even have *emotions*!!!) are the non X side. Now, let's do a thought experiment, a couple of declarations of principles, and... Well clearly the X side (which happens the one I am in, but that's a coincidence) is right, and there is no conflict, only rabid fanatics attacking X because they are very bad people who hate anything candid and pure and X legitimately defending itself". Usually this is done in 3 posts and 40k words, so anybody who can think critically has left, and only fanboys who have a perverse pleasure to be the proverbial frog slowly boiled are there to cheer. Reference: his posts on NIMBYsm
>Unpacking this, there are at least two serious distortions here. For one thing, it equates “conflict theorist” with leftism or a pro-democracy stance, which oddly ignores the entire neoreactionary movement, which is very much a conflict theory with an anti-democratic stance Or perhaps communism?

Conflict theorists treat politics as war

Ah, yes, for example, consider the famous quote “War is the continuation of politics by other means” by famous radical communist squints at notes Carl von Clausewitz

Never have I ever -- I wonder why -- agreed politically with an X von Y
cardinal richelieu did nothing wrong

There’s an interesting section on how countries that followed IMF recommendations tended to do badly, and those that spurned the IMF tended to recover and go on to even greater heights. I suspect something like this is true, and am trying to read some other books to understand it better. But ABHoN, despite its chapter on this, is of little help.

he can’t even do it when he literally agrees with the book

E: My god this comment is brutal:

what surprised me here was the review seemed to almost mirror Harvey’s worst tendencies towards a highly stylized class struggle, but with Harvey as the enemy.

You touch upon something I frequently see at my university. The most conservative professor I’ve ever had taught a class on the philosophy of the American Revolution. For the final paper, we had to select one of several prompts, and the one I chose was a comparative analysis of notions of property in early-modern English philosophy (à la James Harrington) and ideas of property in Marxism. The professor was an extremely sharp guy, and in my discussions with him in preparation for the paper, I got the impression that he had read plenty of Marx and understood the finer intellectual nuances of Marxist thought

So I remember being surprised when he made a random comment about “socialist” Democrats. There was some gnarly cognitive dissonance going on between his sophisticated understanding of Marx (and Marx-adjacent left-wing thinkers) and his modern political views

>I got the impression that he had read plenty of Marx and understood the finer intellectual nuances of Marxist thought Giving the impression of understanding Marx without actually understanding him is the norm in academia.

I’m trying to point out Scott’s mistakes in the comments section, if I do it enough times he will hopefully correct his mistakes. He is a mistake theorist, after all.

You're fighting the good fight. I think the vast majority of internet comment disputes are a waste of time for everyone involved, but someone like Siskind both reads his comments and is at least *capable* of really listening to criticism. With that said, I'm not terribly optimistic about your prospects at this point. After the NYT incident, I think he's gained a lot more hostility to liberals/leftists\* and that a lot of IDW/Alt-right people have his ear. Still, I'm glad to see someone making an effort. \*(Yes, I'm aware that the two groups aren't really aligned. What matters here is that right-wingers are opposed to both.)
I doubt he will correct himself. But I was happily surprised and genuinely touched by the discussion where you say you'll do a chapter-by-chapter read of the book with an internet stranger and they take you up on it. So I think you must be doing some good.

I loved SSC in the early 2010s, the hazy times right before everyone was forced to reckon with politics on a broader cultural scale. Then when I saw him dealing more and more with politics, it was like seeing behind the curtain. And I no longer trusted anything he was saying or had said previously.

Whenever they engage with left-wing ideas (especially class conflict) or evidence in support of said ideas, they laboriously misinterpret them to avoid challenging their extant worldviews.

This is exactly right. I was baffled by how abstracted Scott’s “review” was from what Harvey’s book is actually about. It was much more a polemic about Scott’s feelings on neoliberalism than any substantive engagement with Harvey’s argument. Ig it’s my fault for being surprised by that

Link to the review: https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/book-review-a-brief-history-of-neoliberalism

"Abstracting ideas away from all possible relevance" is apparently what is often meant by "steelmanning."
[Hello my baby](https://youtube.com/watch?v=0yV_OBybZ00)
Sociology textbooks can be really misleading certainly.
Status 451 is, as usual, full of shit. The 70s in the US were pretty crazy, sure, for violence, but nobody who knows anything about that period would say that it’s a particularly forgotten period more than any other - like the mythologising of Thatcher or the Reagan years. If you want to look up a genuinely chaotic time from the 70s look up Lebanon or Northern Ireland: for the most part the 70s was a difficult time in the US but far from world-ending chaos.
Does Status 451 still include [the fascist troll who pretended he got kicked off of Popehat?](https://www.popehat.com/2017/05/24/about-clark-being-purged-from-popehat/)
not for a while, but it's pretty much a dead blog. I assume the funding ran out.
He was one of the founding partners, so i assume so?
Thanks for posting the link! I tried to include it in the OP, but I must have made a mistake.

I nominate every commenter patiently trying to explain to SSC’s regular readers that historical materialism is a method of analyzing history for the Order of Lenin.

(Sure, it’s also an ideology, but so is marginal utility; good luck explaining that to a bunch of LW exiles)

have any of them linked Scott's independent rediscovery of historical materialism?

Then, when a vocal contingent of his own readers/commenters call him out on his possibly-worst-ever book review, he gets super defensive. It’s . . . messy

I saw that. Scott Wunderkind will need thicker skin if he continues to invite online workshopping of his book reviews. I see he even threatened to ban a commenter if future criticisms continue to be phrased un-generously. To which, of course, the fawning follower replied contritely. 🙄

(Ir)rationalism is a cope for conceited right wing individuals. The whole thing is basically their own take on the self help book The Secret.



Who else is on the verge of unsubscribing from this sub? Not because we disagree with the choice of content, but because we can’t make it one paragraph through without shouting “GO FUCK YOUR MOTHER! OR FATHER! DEPENDS ON YOUR SEX AND SEXUALITY, I’M NOT BIGOTED!” at our screens.

They don’t call me that for nothing
If you unsubscribe from this sub I'll fuck your mom. On the other hand, if you stay subscribed I'll fuck your dad.
With so many parties involved, it's hard to say who's winning and who's losing in these scenarios.