I mean, I can almost give a pass to rationalists for falling for it, I have seen people way more well grounded and actually knowledgeable in economics/tech doing the same. I will always remember going to a conference and having this group of data scientists, developers and "innovation planners" from a top consultancy, people who evaluate (presumably soundly) the feasibility of solutions both from a technical and business pov on a daily basis, being hyped up about NFTs and say stuff like (sic) "trust me dude, in 10 years kids will laugh at us for valuing actual physical objects, when we have the possibility of storing a certain and immutable proof of ownership forever!" and "I was so stupid to miss the Bitcoin opportunity, I'll be damned if I miss the NFT one. In a couple of years, owning any single one of the ones you can buy now will be like owning the first painting of Picasso after he became famous". When I tried to point out that they actually buying a link, they stared at me like if I just asked for some change outside a gas station while pissing on myself.
Just think off the investment opportunities, it doesnt matter if it is non exclusive, my specific NFT is unique, and this a unique opportunity for you, my handselected friend, to own a piece of history, handmined by a nigerian prince.
As a mutual acquaintance/online friend tweeted, “who could have seen this coming other than [/u/dgerard], [yours truly], [the good people of ButtCoin] and anyone who was paying attention”
It’s actually a pretty predictable twist in the tale and one that if you’d asked me about even two or three years ago I would have said “well yeah I’d be more surprised if he didn’t”
I just figure he had other fish to fry
I’m sure he’s mentioned crypto somewhere before - and some of the excitement in the background of Johnson policy-spitballing about crypto bears his mark
Can’t think of anything specific but you just know he could never resist it forever
It certainly is predictable, but it also fits with everything dgerard often talks about.
Rationalists being pro bitcoin remains pretty sad. Is there an effective altruist coin already?
there's already at least two where Taylor's hair falls out and she becomes Lex Luthor, we just need her hitting the Yud
EY follows worm fanfic too, so this is totally worth (someone else) doing
Taylor with Path to Victory but it's not a parahuman power, she just sits down and thinks about Bayes until she knows what to do.
Wait that's wossname, Accord.
"Accord, why do all of your plans start with killing Saint?"
pls no
This must be a weird overlap for you personally.
Dominic x Craig Wright rationalist slashfic when? 😤