r/SneerClub archives

In case you want to read the actual submission by Singer, cf https://antigonejournal.com/2021/05/golden-ass/

I had trouble believing Devereaux’s sneer, but Singer’s submission is really that awful, and does not look like an April 1st joke either.

The quality of research on this one: > You don’t believe me? Then put “What is the earliest novel?” into Google. I always get The Tale of Genji. Yes you get that, in articles saying 'people say it was the tale of genji, but they were wrong', didnt even bother to click the link and read the articles.
Lmao, I love boomers being bad at Google and thinking it's a conspiracy.
Even the [Wikipedia article "Novel"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novel) doesn't get all the way through the introduction before saying "there were certainly long fictional works that preceded" *Genji*. Singer is less informed than schoolchildren who cheat on their homework.
It isn't cheating if you do more research than actual professors in bioethics ;).
Does he even do bioethics anymore? I thought his whole schtick nowadays was to talk about how utilitarianism says that the most moral thing you could do is be really rich and donate to charity.
No idea I just lifted that from wikipedia.
My professor of dunkology said that wikipedia isn't a valid source for dunks!
Guess im wrong then. He is a dunkologist after all.
His new thing is fighting against cancel culture with the (I swear this is its real name) Journal of Controversial Ideas.
I feel like he isn't reading the room properly. I think his old "make rich liberals feel less guilty about their wealth" grift is going to always be profitable, and cancel culture is already waning as a profitable grift.
Holy fuck. The Golden Ass like, isn't the most famous piece of Roman literature but it's definitely one that tends to like, get mentioned a fair bit. It's not some obscure thing.

“Singer - noted author of ::checks notes:: zero works of intentional fiction”

This is the best sneer in the thread.

A choice sneer.

Also some additional context in the replies: https://twitter.com/MichaelR00ney/status/1399590015206789121

I have to admit, I didn't particularly care if Peter Singer had heard of Apuleius' The Golden Ass, but I'm downright offended that he hadn't heard of Dürer's Rhinoceros.

I felt like this tweet (in the replies; same author) was good Sneer™ also:

It is by no means the worst thing Peter Singer has written, but I dearly hope that it is and will forever remain the worst thing Antigone prints.

and now im down the rabbithole learning about why Singer wants to murder disabled infants yay

Utilitarianism: not even once
It made him vegan so he is automatically morally superior to anyone that isn’t even if he also writes uninformed things on old novels. But that is more a consequence of veganism being correct under a wide range of ethical presuppositions than a credit to utilitarianism in particular.
The eugenics guy is not morally superior to most people, even if he happens to also be vegan
Hitler's vegetarianism brought him up to at least the moral average. We could squeak him in for a sainthood if he had ever learned to lay off dairy.
Uninformed guess; misinformed beliefs about the excellence of Sparta is probably part of it. And good news! The historian being tweeted here actually did an in depth series on Sparta, why it sucked, and why most of what we believe about it is actually propaganda. https://acoup.blog/category/collections/this-isnt-sparta/
nope, seems like Singer's argument is purely utilitarian - no appeals to Sparta here
Sparta was many things, or at least a few, but I would not, by and large, call them 'utilitarian'.
100% true. But there is a very clear link from “we should kill undesirable babies to make our society better” to Sparta.
For a moment there, when I saw this sneer first, I thought this was Bret Bedbug, but I was wrong thankfully. And Acoup is a good blog. [The Saruman was an idiot series](https://acoup.blog/category/collections/the-battle-of-helms-deep/) is also pretty good, and a good read for any of the more Rationalist types who think just being smart is enough to do all kinds of things.
He also coined the term "wargry." <3
Wargry, and the concepts it relates to, such as camelry and elephantry, are great. But it does make me sad for some missed opportunity, apparently there existed a species of [mega capybara](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephoartigasia_monesi) which sadly were not domesticated by the South Americans (due to them being extinct iirc). Think about it, Incan Capybaragry. (E: and just to show im a huge nerd, you can create Capybaragry [in rimworld](https://megafaunarimworld.fandom.com/wiki/Josephoartigasia))
Came here to post this. Devereux is a hoopy frood who knows where his towel is.
Sparta? Too obscure for Singer to have heard of it.
Michael Tooley’s book “Abortion and Infanticide,” is among the worst on the topic, but essentially Tooley & Singer agree with PL bioethicists on the first premise: they do not dispute that life begins at conception, but argue that prenates and neonates are so cognitively underdeveloped that murdering them is justified. Singer has gone a step further and defended the rape of mentally undeveloped adults “when they show clear signs of pleasure.”
> Singer has gone a step further and defended the rape of mentally undeveloped adults “when they show clear signs of pleasure.” Wow, that is a whole new way to be fucked up over something that everyone else can agree is straight-up evil.
Most people would also consider snapping a newborn’s neck for having Down’s Syndrome straight up evil, but Singer left a semblance of morality behind long ago.
I... did not know this when I learned about him.

[2 second effort](https://imgur.com/a/UxqtCMp)

The donkey, with his big ears, hears many people telling stories, and insists on retelling them to us. Some of them are entertaining, but the overall effect of so many digressions is that the reader ceases to be gripped by the main narrative of the adventures of the donkey. This, I thought, must be why the work is so little known and read.

This raises an interesting question: Which would be shorter, Singer’s Canterbury Tales or his Arabian Nights?

Sometimes I wish the only thing Singer had written was Famine, Affluence, and Morality. Every new thing I read is dumb. I’ll admit I haven’t heard of The Golden Ass, but it’s funny that this ad includes the translator’s opinions that (1) the digressions are not pointless and (2) actually it is quite popular.

(Granted, I imagine Animal Liberation was also good; eventually I’d like to read some animal lib theory if not the book itself.)