r/SneerClub archives
EY: *inhales toke* ... Why don't The Munsters or Adams Family exist? Must take a genius to write about. (https://i.redd.it/by67lqyb3o271.png)

“Hey Wednesday,” said Pugsley. “What’s ‘silver-plattered conflict’?”

“That’s like how all our neighbors think we’re freaks.”

“So, what’s ‘wish fulfillment’?”

“That’s like how everyone who feels that they’re a freak can show up here and be understood.”

Thing scurried over the oaken table, sorting photographs into piles. Wednesday picked up one that showed the two siblings bowing at the conclusion of their school play, their sharp foils gallantly flourished, their costumes and their bodies and the stage awash in blood. She set the picture beside a happy snap of the end of summer camp. She had known burning the village to the ground would be necessary, but she had not anticipated that the mere smell of smoke would call back such joy, all this time later.

“OK,” he said, “but would parents read about us?”

Their parents’ voices emanated from the master bedroom. “Cara mia!” “Mon cher! Oh, mon très, très cher!

“Mothers would,” said Wednesday.

Do you write fanfiction? This is really good.
As it happens, [I do](https://archiveofourown.org/users/BlakeStacey/works).

I like that this implies Yud reads a whole bunch of supernatural romance lit

Prior status: updated
And wants a lot of poly supernatural romance lit.
Which exists, but most of that stuff i read is, shall we say, not rationalist-friendly
And there is nothing wrong with that.
I wouldn’t bet on it. He didn’t even read Harry Potter. He’s more of a writer than a reader, you see.


Sure, but why doesn't it "exist harder?"
Try Pornhub
It's a wasteland after the purge.
So am I, but you don’t hear me complaining
If you were a major source of internet porn we would be complaining
Don’t lie about what you think of when you’re trying to fall asleep at night baby

Are there really that many novels about women who can’t make up their minds between a vampire and a werewolf, other than Twilight? I suspect there are actually more works about “what if two monsters got married and raised a family of monsters”, tbh.

You don't understand: cheesy YA novels with insufferable *male* protagonists are treasures that can be used to show the immortals truths of rationalism. Also, reading them makes you a "nerd", even if such novels were read by pretty much anybody in the world twice. On the other hand, cheesy YA novels with flat *female* protagonists are trash, and even being in a 500 mile radius from a copy of them makes you completely and inescapably mainstream.
There's the early books in the Anita Blake series, although the author resolved the conflict by making everyone preternaturally poly. At least that was the status quo when I stopped reading seven or eight books ago. It was also a thing in the Sookie Stackhouse books. I suspect that's what he's thinking of, since that series included the fae. I don't know if there are enough works to constitute a subgenre, but it's a thing. (Paranormal semi-romance was my favorite non-prestige genre for a while.)
> I suspect there are actually more works about "what if two monsters got married and raised a family of monsters", tbh. Please provide sources. Especially if those monsters are dragons. I need more reading material.
I recently enjoyed “Tooth & Claw” by Jo Walton, maybe you’ll like it too (it’s a Victorian novel set in a world where dragons are the dominant species)
I did enjoy that one. I was hoping for a sequel for quite a while until I read that the author didn’t plan on making any, which is fair enough.
The real yarghes were us fans hoping for a sequel, all along
Ahoy snafuchs! Nay bad but me wasn't convinced. Give this a sail: Thar real yarghes were us fans hoping fer a sequel, all along
I love a lot of Walton's books, but I couldn't get into that. The genre mixing seemed too forced.
That's no robot, thats an American pretending to be Scottish with a bowl on his head!
You might have meant to send that to r/dragoncon.
Sorry, that was meant for the I-AM-PIRATE bot!
Bad bot interlocutor.
Ehhhh, I think there are probably more YA teen romance love triangle books. It was a really popular genre in the mid-late oughts on the coattails of Twilight, and any remotely popular series that sells well to teen girls is going to gain a massive set of imitators due to small publishers wanting a slice of the (cream)pie.
Hell is Twilight even a good example? Main character never changes their mind.
Also Stephanie myers stole Yudkowsky's groundbreaking concept of "the scary monsters are actually good, live together and have babies-ever-after"

because there was no anime of Addams Family or Munsters, fool


Yud’s getting closer each day to be the modern Hubbard. Maybe he is already, I just don’t know it yet.

Sea is so last year, dragon houses is where it is at.
That was a Ziz thing, actually.
Damn, I wish could find that Kaj Sotala post, where he said that his job at MIRI was to run Yudkowsky's errands, while he'd watch anime all day long.
LRH also understood that he needed representatives who appeared successful and likeable.
Was he? Wasnt he pretty bad at being a naval officer for example? E: reading up on it, sorry misremembered incompetence for lazyness.
Yes, I was just misremembering his naval career, my bad.

So he build a hypothesis about why the genre isn’t that popular or well known doesn’t exist harder, did he follow up and actually look into it?

Hypothesis: we can replace Yudkowsky with a gpt-3 bot which just generates random hypothesis masquerading as wisdom/insight.

> Hypothesis: we can replace Yudkowsky with a gpt-3 bot which just generates random hypothesis masquerading as wisdom/insight. There is another hypothesis which states that this has already happened.
Ironic. He could save others from robotic replacement... but not himself.
Well, it's punishing him for not inventing it himself.

using words like ‘pronatalist’ or ‘natalist’ is a hallmark sign of being absolutely out of your gourd

I personally lean closer to antinatalism, and it's one of the worst online niches I've ever encountered, including the Opie & Anthony fandom.

pronatalist lmao

My favorite genre of ratposts is the ones reinventing tradwife talking points from what they appear to be convinced are first principles.
> reinventing tradwife talking points from what they appear to be convinced are first principles I dunno why this sounds so unbelievable after all the racism.

He musta missed Hotel Transylvania.

Beat me to it

“Being Human” was close to that .

In think we're missing an existential point in this thread but yeah, first thing I thought of. Had no idea it made it to 5 series!

It’ll catch on in a flash.

He’s not even pronatalist! That’s a relief.

amateur natalist

haha man it gets me every time yud source text is posted here: he’s just so dumb

Yeah, this is a stretch, not much to sneer at here

It's a silly example, in the sense that it doesn't effect much of the real world, but it's one of the ur-sneers. A criticism so true that Yud himself wrote three different blog posts about it: His tendency to take an observation and hare off into a thicket of hypothesis for why that observation is true, when the actual explanation is that the observation is false.