r/SneerClub archives
Diana Fleischman has an unintentionally amusing take on a bad NYT article. (https://i.redd.it/qs85243h7w371.png)

Someone should publish the definitive ranking of humanity, best to worst, in order of merit, in listicle form. That would get ’em talking!

While we’re at it https://clickhole.com/fuck-it-let-s-rank-the-religions-1825121953/
Which patch is this tierlist for?
You won't believe #4!

Ah yes, capitalism, my wealthy grandparents prove I’m better of course.

And yet, Ray Dalio is 200 thousand times better than me. Makes you think!

Diss her all you want, but she is a scientist so what she says is is science folks

checks twitter bio

Oh, nevermind…

Maybe someone can assuage my anxiety, but scrolling through people like hers' Tweets legit make me afraid that scientific racist thinking is making a sort of comeback. Hopefully that's just because she and associates are intentionally *trying* to make themselves look like they are so obviously correct that it's only a matter of time before everyone else sees it too, and that makes it look it's a less fringe pov than it really is.
Well I’d suggest reading Angela Saini’s Superior: Return of Race Science. She argues that race science never really went away, and is actually resurgent now. So it would do the opposite for your anxiety.
Damn, ha ha. Sounds like an interesting read, though. Guess it has to be true that writers like Nicholas Wade didn't just emerge from the ether.
it's a great book, really does its homework. A good read.
That tracks, but with no offense to the SSC crowd, I was more thinking a comeback with public figures who actually matter to public education/information. David Reich had a borderline race realist op-ed a few years ago, although he was saying that an informed public *can't close themselves off* to the idea that there are intelligence differences that track along racial lines, and I'd say he's the most famous and actually reputable person I've seen do so. Fleischman is also an academic, but seems to use some of the same jargon as the HBD crowd and her feed is a mix of "public educator who loves learning and teaching" and "sneering edgelord," which is more alarming to me than his op-ed was.
Steven Pinker? Nooooo! Anyway...
Where does Fleischman even work as an evopsych person?
Wiki says she's a professor at the University of Portsmouth in the U.K., but I hadn't heard of her until this post. I think her racist, evopsych Twitter shit is her own thing; it doesn't seem like she's a fellow at some private institution or anything.
People who are able to knowledgeably debunk this shit need to start going a lot harder.
It doesn't matter if they've already siloed off their in group in an epistemological bubble. They can just put the veneer of rationalism on and convince themselves of whatever the fuck they already wanted to believe.

That’s a hot one. Why does values human qualities sound so nefarious?

Well, people who lack human qualities are clearly less human. Stands to reason.
This is what is seems.
Because it’s cold and distant.

Diana and Geoffrey really are made for each other. It’d be romantic if they both didn’t suck so hard

I kinda don’t get what the original article is trynna say. Since it says ” the reverse is also true” doesn’t it just follow that you should be friends with depressed or obese people to influence them positively?

Bold of you to assume they don't think purely from a selfish perspective.


To be fair, everyone should purge the assholes, emotional vampires, and bullet magnets from their social circles, when possible.