r/SneerClub archives
I used to be a diehard rationalist, but then I rationalisted my way out of rationalism. AMA! (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/o0r443/i_used_to_be_a_diehard_rationalist_but_then_i/)

A vision with no will is a couch potato. A will with no vision is a robot. A soul with no mind is an idiot. And a mind with no soul is a jerk.

Rationalists and a lot of rationalist-adjacents fall into that last category, in my experience.

I went to so much effort to improve myself and my thinking skills only to find out that their whole culture and community is toxic and that they would never like me, accept me or respect me at all, no matter what I did or how much I improved.

I did everything I was “supposed” to do. I read all the core sequences. I read a ton of rationalist fiction. I even wrote some. I commented on a lot of rationalist blog posts. I participated in rationalist and rationalist-adjecent community events both online and in person.

None of it won me any lasting friends or a place to belong in their culture and community.

And because I was a little more creative and adventurous and tended to run not-yet-thought-out rough drafts of my thoughts by others for “sanity testing”, they all judged and dismissed me out of hand without a second thought.

Apparently running my incomplete thoughts by them for proofreading was admitting weakness and vulnerability in my intellectual reasoning skills, and apparently that’s something a rationalist is NOT supposed to do.

Which of course runs counter to everything they ever say about self improvement in the sequences, those hypocrites.

But silver lining, I was at least able to use their stupidly rigid and exhaustingly energy-intensive overly analytical methods to help solve a criminal case in my sophomore year in college which had stumped private investigators.

Not that they ever freaking believed me about that. After all they’d said to talk up their methods and how much they were supposed to improve one’s thinking skills. And then when someone actually does it in a significant way they react along the lines of “you weren’t born with the gift of analysis and therefore you aren’t one of us so we don’t have to listen to you F off dumbo”.

And now I’m mentally healthy enough to be able to do real analysis and think for my freaking self without having to memorize some stupidly long gish gallop of rigid and limiting procedures.

LessWrong methods are a crutch that is only appealing to the arrogant, hair-splitting, condescending, unempathetic anal-itical types of people who have the least need of it.

So I kicked them all out of my life and out of my brain. And I will never turn back. AMA!

Lose that opening next time, and mark serious posts NSFW

But silver lining, I was at least able to use their stupidly rigid and exhaustingly energy-intensive overly analytical methods to help solve a criminal case in my sophomore year in college which had stumped private investigators.

hol’ up

Yeah, don't leave up hanging. What was the crime and how did you solve it?
I didn't solve it by myself. I helped to solve it. I figured out enough to unstump the latest private investigator on the case who had been stumped. Doing that enabled said investigator to figure out the rest. And said investigator doesn't know who I am and I don't know who he is. The client who had hired him was going back and forth between him and me. I was given police records to look over and I listened closely, reserving judgment and took a bunch of notes. I wouldn't ordinarily have had the analytical skills to do that back then, I was merely using rules of thumb and step by step procedures I'd memorized from Less Wrong—basically scripts for the robot-like mind I had back then to follow. Long story short, the client's son had been falsely accused of a drug crime by a local county government who had actually committed the crime themselves. The FBI ended up getting involved from what I recall, although by that point I'd already stopped paying attention to the case. In hindsight I realize that said local county government may only have chosen to commit their drug crimes due to economic problems and the need for revenue to support their residents (this was out in some very poor country area if I recall correctly). I hope I didn't put a bunch of innocent people into poverty over the corrupt actions of their local government trying to protect them. I still wonder about that sometimes. I didn't have the social awareness to notice that sort of thing at the time.
That’s the coolest, you should totally be a rationalist if it means you can also be columbo
haha! no way in heck. my analytical skills are now good enough that if i forgot about that case, went back in time and looked at it again I'd still be able to successfully solve it, this time without any of the rationalist ideas and methods. and this time id probably be able to do it all by myself, rather than only partway and leaving the rest for the PI. like i said rationalist ideas and methods are a crutch lol
Yeah I know it sounds weird. As I see it, even the worst person in the world isn't going to be the worst at *everything*. Usefulness for helping to solve criminal cases aside, they're still awful condescending jerks. And maybe if they stopped their dumb obsession with AI they'd actually notice how much good they could do as professional investigators. Not that they're actually likely to do that. :/ EDIT: some SSC types might, but LessWrongers not so likely to have that epiphany I think.
> Yeah I know it sounds weird. As I see it, even the worst person in the world isn't going to be the worst at everything. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm guessing the curiosity is less about viewing you with suspicion and more just an interest in the details. I'm not asking you to dox yourself, but can you give a rough description of the crime, how you came to be involved with it, and what you saw that others were missing?
Thanks for clarifying, but I think you got ninjad by u/Divers_Alarums. His comment made me realize what you just said before you said it, and I added another comment to try to answer it. It should be there if you scroll up. It starts with "I didn't solve it by myself". Can you see it or did it get censored?

anyone else find it telling op read rationalist fiction but like no mention of previous philosophers of different eras or movements?

I imagine that young folks exiting rationalism and discovering *the literature* feel very much like the archetypical Soviet defector exploring a supermarket for the first time.
Remember the guy who said he'd quit books cold turkey as a self-improvement practice, but he kept reading and posting on Twitter?
Oh my god no
kinda sorta? the process was quite a bit more gradual than that. and tbh id already been through that process of waking up to the fundamental flaws of a community or culture, realizing I didn't really belong there and then leaving. I've done that at least multiple times in my life already. this one was just one of the most recent ones. so i was a bit more familiar with what that waking up process felt like even before i escaped the rationalists.
Fair enough. I'm glad you made it out!
*Discourse on Metaphysics* is rationalist fiction. 🎤🖐
Lol appropriate username.
I was stuck under a rock my whole life. i dont have much background in the history of philosophy unfortunately. And there are some rational fics that are entertaining even though I don't agree with their world views. but since then ive been branching out more and reading other things more.
Yeah not trying to insult. Just something it think that might inform your approach on this stuff.
right now my general view is that culture is what personality looks like when you zoom out to larger populations. and just like different individual personalities have different strengths and weaknesses and sometimes clash with each other and can learn from each other to grow stronger, smarter, wiser and kinder, the same is true of entire cultures. right now none of my favorite fiction series are rationalist or rational fics at all. the one I love most is "the Dark and Day" series by Jacob Israel Gray, which is about a world where half of it is a high tech scifi society of endless night and the other half is a high magic fantasy society of endless day. and theyre in a cold war with each other. and the hero is a kid who lives near the border between them who ends up caught in the middle.

Apparently running my incomplete thoughts by them for proofreading was admitting weakness and vulnerability in my intellectual reasoning skills, and apparently that’s something a rationalist is NOT supposed to do.

You see the outcome of this over on /r/TheMotte, especially since they really jumped the shark: not immediately taking a side (the far right side) gets you shitcanned quicker than Reagan flushing gays down the toilet - I’m gay so I’m allowed to make that joke - and also something something Roy Cohn…

And now I’m mentally healthy enough to be able to do real analysis and think for my freaking self without having to memorize some stupidly long gish gallop of rigid and limiting procedures.

I would have gone with “I’m smart enough to notice those limiting procedures”

as I see it, the problem with rationalists isn't mere stupidity. its insanity and not caring enough to listen to others. doesn't matter how many brain cells they have nor how many synapses if all those brain cells and synapses are filled with crap. as the programmers say, "garbage in, garbage out". the irony that this criticism of rationalists is the exact same one they level against literally everyone else is not lost on me lol.
I see it less as insanity than being normal (all too normal) The rationalist cult inculcates a sense of being special, like any cult does, without having done the actual work; or if the work is done, it’s partial at best: most people would prefer not to be boring, so being a contrarian is sometimes best for an educated middle-class person without too many intellectual prospects of their own This is presumably why you see very weak and also unqualified defences of Charles Murray: the Everyman of intellectual stupidity. Edit: and then you fall into the general cycle of going deeper and deeper down into the rabbit hole, you acquire some extremely online right wing friends, and you reinforce each other’s actually very ordinary bigotries

Yeah, they’re more interested in proving how smart they are than in actual self-improvement, it’s why they end up so into IQ fundamentalism and racist pseudoscience.

Congrats on escaping!

thanks! :)

Less wrong has like a flowchart or something for making decisions or something?

Less wrong has a bunch of the little diamonds you find on a flowchart, and the promise that you can assemble a flow chart out of them.
Comedy compels me to just link you to the Sequences home page here, but that would be shit posting.

What usernames did you go by, if you don’t mind me asking? Were you ever active on SSC? And if so, what impressions did you have of it?

I'd rather not say my previous usernames. There were a lot of horribly embarrassing and stupid things I've said over the years before I learned how to actually understand people and relate to them. I will spare you all the pain of that. I was quite active in the SSC community. It wasn't as bad as LessWrong, but it wasn't all that much of an improvement either. At least SSC, unlike LessWrong, applies their analytical and research skills in useful ways which produce useful insights that are applicable in the real world without needing to memorize a long gish gallop of epistemic crutches. And they don't constantly obsess over AI like LessWrong does. SSC does have a lot of the same problem of being jerks and being really insensitive and obnoxious to those they consider outsiders. But at least they are willing to argue with outsiders more than Less Wrong is. Less Wrong's attitude towards outsiders is more like "they're mind-killed lunatics don't encourage them! well kept gardens die by pacifism and we have more important things to be doing". Because of this the LessWrong community is even more closed off than SSC, regardless of how easy it is to set up an account on their website.
> At least SSC, unlike LessWrong, applies their analytical and research skills in useful ways which produce useful insights that are applicable in the real world... Yeesh... I've got bad news for you! One step at a time though, I suppose.
I don't know about people here, but I still appreciate SSC for stuff like "will an air purifier positively affect my life" and stuff.
will it?
I’ll second wokeupbug’s warning about SSC and explain in detail. SSC initially comes across as well researched and willing to charitably consider viewpoints… but somehow far right viewpoints get systematically treated more charitably than far left (and even center-left) viewpoints. It’s not obvious at first, especially if you aren’t familiar with leftist thought, but the pattern is noticeable with time. For me, it was when SSC spent an entire post arguing Trump wasn’t anymore racist than the average Republican politician, not as a take down on the Republican Party, but as a defense of Trump. The framing was weird, because Scott acted as if he was against Trump, yet spent thousands of words arguing in favor of him. But it makes sense if you understand that Scott was and still is trying to make a safe space for reactionaries and Neo-reactionaries while not being labeled such himself. In particular, the way Scott has circled back to the topics of IQ, race, and topics in science being politically forbidden shows what he is really after. Leaked emails further confirm this, Scott deliberately cultivated a reactionary following to get his ideas about race and IQ spread more. And the “well-researched” presentation doesn’t really hold up: on this subreddit you can find numerous cases where Scott only made a superficial reading of leftist sources in order to misrepresent or conversely misunderstood some sociology study to push his point. He also mixes anecdotes with his out-of-context citations in a way that bloats his writing and buries his point. And the spinoff subreddit, themotte, which broke off when Scott stopped the culture wars thread because it was making him look bad, straight has white nationalist discourse. With stuff like the 14 words being posted and upvoted, although themotte imitates Scott and prefers to use thousands of words to say the 14 words in order to give themselves plausible deniability.
Do they use 14,880 words?
ah. yeah it definitely looks like that in a lot of ways. but i think you're giving him too much credit here lol. the guy's an insensitive oblivious jerk, you really think he has the social skills to know how to deliberately cultivate exactly the kind of discourse space and reader base that he wants from the outset? i would suspect his thoughts and motives are even stupider than that. he probably initially thought something like "there are already lots of articles steelmanning SJWs and criticizing neoreactionaries, so I won't have much new stuff to add. so if i want to add more new insights to the conversation I should write articles steelmanning neoreactionaries and criticizing SJWs. not that the latter is hard to do." and then later he was probably like, "well the neoreactionaries are willing to engage me in open and honest debate while the SJWs don't. huh, I guess neoreactionaries are more intellectually honest than I'd anticipated." meaning he probably started out with a much smaller implicit pro-conservative anti-liberal bias and that bias got bigger as a result of talking a lot to conservative extremists and nowhere near as much to those on the other end of the spectrum—those who didn't want to talk to or share space with conservative extremists because it would be frustrating and stressful. he let in conservative extremists in the name of free speech and open discourse, but he utterly lacked the empathy or social skills to properly facilitate such a discourse let alone to properly acknowledge and compensate for his own bias. and by letting in conservative extremists *at all* he drove away a ton of liberals from his reader base. if that sounds really complicated and convoluted to you, remember that **rationalists aren't sane**. their minds are twisted in weird, ridiculous and stupid ways. rationalists aren't very good at actually compensating for or acknowledging their own biases because they think it's a waste of time to *compensate* for a bias. they try to use logic and data and rigid rules of thumb to destroy their biases instead. which of course doesn't actually work but they're crazy enough to convince themselves it does.
I was one the fence between Scott being naive/privileged/deliberately obtuse vs. him intentionally masking his views in a plausibly deniable way… then I read the leaked emails: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/EjTfXcY There is still an element of how you describe it I think, as a relatively privileged person Scott consciously or subconsciously perceives the SJWs as a bigger threat to himself than reactionaries and views the “occasional nuggets of absolute gold” as worth the racism, sexism, and fascism as he isn’t personally threatened enough and this naturally amplifies his biases. The leaked emails make his choices seem more in the conscious side. Also note the other areas he thinks reactionaries have useful stuff to say: WWII history, and crime… I don’t think rationalist are more insane than say religious people or people into some fad ideology, but the present themselves as much saner than the average person and act assuming they are that way, which makes them overconfident and makes their cognitive errors that much more noticeable. It’s like they slap probabilities on their prejudices and biases and call them priors (if they don’t outright pull them out of their ass), and then think the conclusions they draw from the probabilities are more rational and justified they the average non-domain expert (or worse they think they are smarter than specialists). See for example Eliezer Yudkowsky advocating the COVID lab leak “hypothesis” using a prior he pulled out of his ass that makes various coincidences conspiracy theorist have already noted seem like statistically significant evidence. Then he spins a story about how academia’s flawed incentives made the lab leak possible and how this ties into AI safety.
well I dont really pay attention to mainstream news enough anymore to have much opinions about it except "they try to scare the sh** out of me and make me believe that I need to watch them to *stay informed and keep myself safe*, when in reality they are just trying to ensure that I keep watching it so they get more views (money) to line their rich corporate pockets." where the virus actually came from doesn't matter to me as much as just getting rid of it and moving on with life lol. as for yudkowsky, yeah the guys an idealogue and a cult leader obsessed with AI. and yes he is a cult leader and he doesn't even realize it imo. probably because when one thinks of cults they usually think of pentagram and candles in a dark basement in the middle of nowhere, not computers and data nerds in their moms' basement with the lights on.
*epistemic crutches* Heh
yeah i felt that phrase was rather apt when i thought of it. glad someone appreciates it lol! :D
Bruh you can't just taunt the sneer club with this
im sorry, how am I taunting anyone? im confused. do you mean with the whole not sharing my previous usernames and their associated mortifyingly embarrassing social mrdia history? my social and emotional sensitivity has skyrocketed in the past couple years or so. faster than most people would consider humanly possible imo. one of the benefits of having been trapped under a rock my whole life during the age of the internet is that I was able to learn to be much more efficient with my personal growth and skill development. but that means if people see the long series of horrible embarrassing things ive said which i no longer agree with they might not believe me when I say i no longer agree with them. past me was that awful. past me was a horrible jerk and it was painful for me to grow out of him as fast as I did lol. i basically had to cheat my way into a ton of accelerating exponential personal growth. i find it hilarious that rationalists are still freaking out about an AI maybe going FOOM and I'm like "humans can do that too without any biotech enhancements. I did."
Sorry it was just a joke, no ill will intended. It's just funny that it's like forbidden fruit for this subreddit.
What is ssc?
slate star codex. its a blog written by a rationalist psychiatrist guy.

What were the events like? Are they still doing cuddle puddles?

Just read Nietzsche bruh

Congrats on getting out. Sucks you didnt find the community and friendships/relationships you wanted.


Read the Sequences.

How old are you?

I'm 27.
You'll be fine. Just have fun and raise hell for the next three years.
3 years? what happens after 3 years? do i suddenly transform into some old geezer who doesn't know how to have fun or raise hell anymore? or maybe 3 years of having fun and raising hell is enough to actually wind up there. i have this little pet theory that for most people life actually ends at the age of 30 at the latest. after that they're sold into wage slavery if they haven't been already and no longer permitted to live their own lives except vicariously through others. by the time one is old enough to retire its already too late to live life because the body has gotten too weak and broken to do so. and the whole "being trapped and slaving away for a cruel master and only being allowed to watch over society from the outside" thing should sound familiar to anyone who's looked at the major world religions today. but I've been trapped in captivity my whole life already, and i am now smart and competent enough to break free and *stay free*. a stupid incompetent sluggish giant bureaucracy isn't intelligent enough to hold me much longer. the one that's been holding me captive since before i started college is already starting to lose its grip on me. :)
> i have this little pet theory that for most people life actually ends at the age of 30 at the latest I’m also 27, but this is very much a pet theory of yours. Most of my friends over 30 didn’t really learn how to live until they got past whatever demons that were chasing them through their twenties. And especially now, what with the whole late capitalism thing and The Plague and so on: all of our lives are starting later and later and we should try to be patient if possible. The alternatives are limited.
Yeah, speaking as a 44-year-old, i have to work for a living but my life is definitely not over in any sense.
it was partially serious partially joking lol. maybe that wasn't clear over text. what I actually think is that theory was maybe kinda sorta close to the truth in a way for a number of decades up until the chaos of last year threw everything up in the air. after that who knows what will happen? XD
I was being a bit facetious. For me, my 20s were about getting drinking and partying out of my system. I'm glad I had that luxury instead of "grinding" in my 20s and trying to overcompensate later. 27 is still *young*, is my point.

what are your predictions about the staying power and influence of this sphere? It’s been around for a while now but hardly anything came out of it in 10+ years now, as far as I know.

honestly? it depends on how you look at it I think. from what I hear a LOT of silicon valley tech types read rationalist/less wrong material. less wrong is super focused on AI safety research at the exclusion of most other things (meaning they spend all day doing useless math/logic puzzles which don't actually make sense and aren't really applicable in the real world). a lot of rationalists also focus a lot on the "effective altruism" movement, which is supposed to be about making the most positive impact for a particular amount of money or time donated. of course the main issue with that is that civilization itself is made of relationships, and a small minority of people trying to optimize how they spend their time and money for maximum impact does not at all build a healthy and sustainable civilization. if someone wants to spend their money on something trivial then the person who sold them that trivial thing has the money now and then they can choose to spend it on helping people instead. "effective altruists" treat money as if its a scarce natural resource that can be used up even though that isn't actually true. they try to take all the responsibility for everything on their shoulders instead of sharing it. and yet the way they try to do that is mostly just by moving money around (or convincing someone else to move money around), or writing blog posts or research papers about stuff like AI or about "effective altruist" charities. i mean don't get me wrong, having lots of money redirected to things like direct cash relief for poor people in Africa or for their healthcare and protecting them from mosquitoes etc. is a worthy kind of goal. but thats basically like funneling water into a leaky bathtub due to the geopolitical conditions that produced that extreme poverty in the first place. and their more ambitious "save the world" types of projects strike me as mostly useless money sinks. TLDR: **so in terms of their influence i think they're basically a black hole for the most part. they suck up lots of money and time and power and then it disappears into the void. most of their actual long term impact IMO is just that they made silicon valley tech people just a little bit more cautious in their quest to follow automation off a cliff.** rationalists are overly analytical hair-splitting "logic and reason" jerks living in a civilization whose institutions and infrastructure often don't respect or value imagination or intuition or personal experience, only numbers and data and "peer reviewed research studies" blah blah blah. otherwise i don't think anybody important would ever listen to them. TLDR: **i think their staying power will probably last until certain kinds of things happen like:** —society starts noticing all the other simple and scalable methods that can be used as foundations for infrastructure and institutions besides the scientific one. i.e. the Deming cycle *(Management method)* discovered by Prof. William Deming in the 1950's, or the Four Writing Personas *(Brainstorming method)* discovered by Betty Sue Flowers in 1997. there are seriously a freaking ton of such methods. my brother and I both thought of a couple of them ourselves. and most people can only name ONE. —enough people start getting their collective crap together enough in their countries and local areas that people start to notice that "science logic and reason" isn't everything. or maybe they even notice that while foundational methods like the scientific method are helpful, they aren't the end all be all and should not be overly relied on nor used for every single decision one makes. i think once enough people start noticing and talking about obvious common sense stuff like that, rationalists will be left behind.
About EA:I agree that money is a medium of exchange, not a scarce resource. Something else is though: Human productivity, and shuffling around money is a effective way to funnel as much if it into the wellbeing of the poor as possible.

So you wanted validation from them, it didn’t work, and now you’re seeking validation here by saying the kind of things you think people want to hear. Got it.

who cares

more like astro-poots


Ha good example of the rationalist method described above, not reading and dismissing out of hand. Quality parody 5/7.