r/SneerClub archives

“Greg Cochran explains Jewish overachievement through genetics, although his exact mechanism (individual alleles related to sphingolipidoses) is looking less promising these days. If he’s right, I think it suggests genetic engineering. People act like genetic engineering would be some sort of horrifying mad science project to create freakish mutant supermen who can shoot acid out of their eyes. But I would be pretty happy if it could just make everyone do as well as Ashkenazi Jews. The Ashkenazim I know are mostly well-off, well-educated, and live decent lives. If genetic engineering could give those advantages to everyone, it would easily qualify as the most important piece of social progress in history”


(source: Zach Goldberg)

you really couldn’t find a source on this other than a guy who calls himself a ‘Wokeness Studies scholar’?

we have to come up with strained explanations to make Jewish achievement less interesting, because we’ve already committed to using the structural racism explanation for every group difference that seems relevant to us.

This is pretty funny, because Scott is simultaneously complaining that we only use structural racism to explain group differences, while in the same sentence dismissing as ‘strained’ all the proposed explanations for Jewish achievement, none of which were about structural racism.

I’m glad most people aren’t Nazis, but I would like them to be consistent, principled non-Nazis, who are able to remain non-Nazi for reasons other than that they scrupulously avoid thinking about the parts of their principles that inevitably imply Nazism.

Ah yes, the classic ‘believing in structural racism is exactly the same thing as being a Nazi’. Of course, no actual examples of critical race theory turning people into anti-Semites. This is just another ‘Actually, I know the consequences of your beliefs better than you do’ thing.

Note that by the end Scott seems to conclude that the differences must be either genetic or cultural. I guess since he’s debunked this one blog post by Noah Smith, there are literally no other potential explanations?

But if you go back and look at his arguments, he hasn’t even conclusively debunked that. When it comes to the fourth explanation (Temporary Group and Country Effects), his only real argument is the fairly lame:

It’s much harder to explain Jewish achievement through similar means, because Jews are so intermixed with other populations.

Instead, he spends much of that section going after the point of explaining this away in the first place:

This is a kind of weird argument - we don’t have to think about or explain something, because maybe it will stop happening in the future. Do we accept this for any other social question?

Yeah, I wonder why we would be concerned with effects being temporary in this context. It’s almost as if some people in the discussion are trying to push an explanation based on inherent racial superiority, which this would be a fairly effective counterpoint to, wouldn’t it?

In conclusion, ‘Never let facts ruin a nice story of racial superiority’ is a great title here, because that’s exactly what Scott’s doing, albeit in his usual weaselly way.

>This is pretty funny, because Scott is simultaneously complaining that we only use structural racism to explain group differences, while in the same sentence dismissing as 'strained' all the proposed explanations for Jewish achievement, > >none of which were about structural racism Yeah, at this point is conspiratorial screeching in substance, masked only by his placid and calm tone. "The reason you have an explanation a bit more complex and nuanced that creepy scientific racism or chauvinistic admiration for cultural norms it's because you are in the pocket of the Big Woke!". He can pull this bullshit (also) because his audience has probably no exposure to economics literature, so they don't understand that looking for selection effects is not some crazy sophistry used as a last resort to defend the indefensible, *but what economists are trained to do from day one*. It's pretty much the same appalling ignorance (made even more appalling by the explicit accusation of intellectual dishonesty) of when he proudly declared that people were trying to "Euler" Murray with some unnecessary and confounding math. This apparently overtly complex and incomprehensible math turned out to be... basic econometrics.
> He can pull this bullshit (also) because his audience has probably no exposure to economics literature, so they don't understand that looking for selection effects is not some crazy sophistry used as a last resort to defend the indefensible, but what economists are trained to do from day one. exactly. he doesn't give any real arguments why his explanation is superior, he just gives some plausible-seeming reasons to question Noah's, breezily assigns them to the category of 'strained explanations', and then implies that literally every explanation that isn't 'cultural or racial superiority' *must* be one of those strained explanations, because they're motivated by preserving the 'Standard Model of American Ethnicity'. someone without expert knowledge who reads this uncritically will *absolutely* come away with the impression that genetic/cultural explanations are better supported, despite Scott never explicitly endorsing that position in the post. god, he pisses me off so much
"Big Woke"... I love it :)
> Ah yes, the classic 'believing in structural racism is exactly the same thing as being a Nazi' Wanting people to die for being inferior and believing nobody is inferior are the same, you see.
literally no difference between good things and bad things
Long live the immortal wisdom of dril
truly the greatest living philosopher

He is going to be so confused when actual neonazis use this blogpost as an example of what they are afraid off.

‘We should turn more people genetically jewish’…

Btw, the fact that both bloggers act as if there was no pretty solid scholarship on the subject and blog posts based on magazine articles and anecdotes could add anything to the discussion is… a peculiar attitude, to say the least. I guess that if Siskind is ever gonna mention “The chosen few”, it will be a reference to the enlightened rationalists who mastered bayesian superpowers like him

Kinda bullshit that Noah was able to get away with going all "How DARE you say Interesting Thinker Scott Siskind is too close to fascists, how DARE you" and then go radio silent on it once the e-mail where Scott Siskind went "fascists have some good ideas, and it's my job to disseminate them" got leaked
Hose yourself off after exiting this website: https://emilkirkegaard.dk/en/2021/02/backstabber-brennan-knifes-scott-alexander-with-2014-email/
[Here's the sneerclub discussion thread from a few months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/lm36nk/old_scott_siskind_emails_which_link_him_to_the/), which might make for good additional reading.
I forgot all about Elder Yud howling about how evil you'd have to be to share Siskind's own words and how this is an attack on the community of rationalists. With the very obvious subtext that the community if rationalists is 100% behind dabbling in Nazi stuff and encouraging the far-right to refine its rhetoric so it's more socially acceptable to back them.
Yud when someone dislikes Scott Siskind https://youtu.be/jico1dhKFSI?t=23
You know I never made the connection before but Siskind definitely modeled SSC after Violet Wiggin's blog.





live decent lives


Like I dunno I would simply not say “morals are genetic” if I was trying to not sound like a crank. Or attribute having manners and money purely to genetics.

He gonna say Mansa Mula acquired control of the Malian Empire’s mineral resources because of his skull shape next? Or was it his Islam-inspired rationality that did it?

Maybe he believes that an X-Men like mutation occurred in all Ashkenazi circa the late 20th century.
Granting a handful of people the power to sometimes have money in an industrialized society, and then possibly pass it on to their offspring.

They’re still posting about that Harpending paper in 2021…. lol


Does anyone here have a non-sneery perspective on the topic that they’d like to share?

I’ll qualify my request by outing myself as a relative outsider here. I enjoy works in the critical tradition. I find them challenging, as they often require that I work through psychological barriers to appreciate what’s being said rather than lazily interpreting them via my established preconceived notions. Yet, I also enjoy many ideas in the “rationality-sphere” or what you might call it, excepting everything dealing with sociocultural issues. I don’t know why, but people in this subculture can’t seem to think straight about that stuff. And yes, I can’t stand the IDW.

From what I’m reading here, both cultural and genetic explanations for the success of groups are rejected. However, I’m not sure what the alternative is supposed to be. I’ve tended to favor a cultural explanation myself.

I recently read a brilliant paper in Daedalus by Jennifer Lee on Asian Americans and selective immigration in the context of affirmative action. From the paper, cultural effects seem fairly powerful. If your parents are highly educated and expect the same of you, this will shape your upbringing.

The quote in this post seems to me to just be a precursor to the following paragraph, that if the cultural explanation holds there should be something important that we can learn and teach. Which doesn’t really strike me as an awful thing to consider.

What, exactly, is the alternative? That Jewish overachievement is a myth? That their supposed overachievement is a random fluke? That it’s the expression of something more sinister? I don’t really understand what the reasonable alternative to the cultural explanation might be, and I’d like to know.

>What, exactly, is the alternative? That Jewish overachievement is a myth? That their supposed overachievement is a random fluke? That it's the expression of something more sinister? I don't really understand what the reasonable alternative to the cultural explanation might be, and I'd like to know. Simply put, self selection: non-overachieving Jews stopped being Jewish. Land owning prohibition for Jews is largely a myth (it happened in very few places, generally for short period of time), and in facts during late antiquity and the early Middle Age Jews were fairly average folks, with a lot of farmers, a few intellectuals (mostly rabbis) and a few professionals and merchants. However, the percentage of farmers and low paid laborers among them decreased sharply through all the Middle Age. Why? Easy. *Just to prepare a single son for Bar Mitzvah,* a Jewish parent had to spend the equivalent of several years of wages of an unskilled laborers in tutoring and expensive books. Less successful Jews simply could not afford that. Moreover, spending in education (compulsory to be Jewish!) could be seen as an investment for skilled elites, but was largely useless for farmers and unskilled laborers. But even when they could gather the money for that, their income was pretty volatile: it was sufficient to not fall behind a couple times too many on the many other costs Jewish communities subjected their people to (paying the rabbi, maintaining the Synagogue, special taxes to local lords and cities, and many others) to be unable to stay Jewish. Thus, poor Jews simply gave up, and so we arrive to the late middle age, when Jews were way less (mostly because of the spontaneous dropout of the less affluent ones generation after generation), and were all skilled craftsmen, professionals or banker/merchants living in cities. In the Early Modern period, the comparative advantage given by their education and the expansion of the mercantile sector pulled them away from crafts in Western Europe, while the situation stayed pretty much the same in Eastern Europe. This is pretty much a sure fact (I suggest "The chosen few" as an excellent book on the subject). There is no need to use magical superior culture (beside mandatory literacy, which is obviously not a very salient feature today) as an explanation because self-selection is largely sufficient, and actually measurable and testable. That is not to say that Jewish culture was not particularly extraordinary for the times. The very low infant mortality rate among Jews is probably due to the extremely effective measures imposed by the Talmud (long breastfeeding period, obligation for the mother to tender to the child until they are at least 2 years old, etc.). But their cultural and economic overachievement was mainly the effect of pushing away the underachieving for about a thousand years. After that, keeping up with it was just social and cultural inertia (educated parents raise educated children and money makes more money, whatever your culture is). Also, I don't mean to be harsh, but "there should be something important that we can learn and teach, which is not an awful thing to consider" comes off a bit... Siskindian, if you understand what I mean. Sure, there are a lot of things that *would not be awful to consider,* but for sure not of them are valid avenues for research, so you should say why this one is. Sure, there *might* (how likely?) be *something* (what?) in Jewish culture (defined how? There just *a bit* of variation geographically and socially) that keeps paying dividents to this day, and *maybe**^(2)* we can "learn and teach them" (how? cultural transplants are not exactly easy, especially non spontaneous ones. What suggests you that even if this magical *something* that makes Jewish so overachieving exists, it works for gentiles?). I know that I am being overtly pedantic to say the least, but please realize how easy it is to be practically claiming something *huge* without any argument or evidence or whatever if you make your sentences too fuzzy, vaguely defined, use a lot of double negatives and keep the "just asking questions" tone even when you have actually started to state stuff. This is the main trap of that kind of writing. It is absolutely not a problem for an anon on Reddit, but I'd be mindful of this fact while reading a blog that uses the same writing style to transform an entire subculture in verbose channers.
> Simply put, self selection: non-overachieving Jews stopped being Jewish. That's fairly similar to the case with selective migration when it comes to Asian Americans, then. I haven't heard that explanation before. It makes sense. Thanks! I'll check out the book. I absolutely agree that cultural transplantation doesn't seem very easy. How does one distill whatever advantages one gets from privileged upbringings so that people from all backgrounds can benefit? It reminds me of the value of mentoring by excellent researchers; it's extremely useful and proportionally scarce. You weren't harsh! You wrote a long and informative reply, and I really appreciate that.
I mean, if you really are into ~~skull measurement~~ intelligence and success being genetically determined then yeah, that could be a possible explanation. But I would say that * It runs against Occam's razor. If you raise a kid in wealthy and educated family, who lives in a community where 80%+ of the population makes a good living out of commerce, he's probably gonna be educated and successful (and probably making a living out of commerce). We know quite well why this happens. Whilst even the most convinced HBD guy cannot point but to an handful of genes that he thinks cause greater ability or more success-oriented attitudes, and that's usually because of correlation, not because they can actually point out the biological mechanism from genes to behavior and the social one from behavior to success. Why add an explanation that's not even an explanation but an hypothesis, when the actual explanation we have works just fine? * The 500+ years part is a big problem for a genetic explanation, but not for a social one. The skills and resources needed to be successful in commerce change hugely from century to century. There is no reason to think that a guy with the genetic makeup of a successful moneylender living in 1500, if that success was due to his genetics, will be successful in today's Wall Street, the two professions are just too different in any practical aspect. Also, why most Jewish people today don't work in finance, but are skilled professionals and intellectuals (something they stopped being in the Early modern period)? Did the genes that makes a good physician disappeared 500 years ago and then magically reappered 200 years ago among Jews? Or maybe it's not genes but simply living in an education-friendly environment (both from family and peer pressure) with a lot of resources, and then going into the field where this gives you the highest comparative advantage (academia and skilled professions today, commerce 500 years ago)?
Yes, that's exactly what I am suggesting. And I don't see how it is antisemitic: is saying that if both your parents are Ivy graduates, then you don't need special ability to do better than average anti-intellectual? I honestly think that the whole discussion is deeply viced by the idea that Jewishness *must* be special, for good or for bad, and since it is clearly quite antisemitic to say that it is special for bad, we have to conclude it is special for good. But why should it be so special? I honestly think that insisting in looking the alleged Jewish uniqueness is not only futile when we have already good explanation, but also quite dangerous, because it's the first step to define Jewish otherness, which devolves in antisemitism pretty quickly
So the reason was cultural, not physical.
I mean, only if you define "culture" so broadly that has no meaning (or at least not the meaning that nearly anyone would assign to the word) anymore. It is like saying "the reason why the sons and daughter of the members of an exclusive sailing club are all educated and well of is cultural". It is true if you mean "In our culture, sailing is a status symbol that only overachievers can afford, your life outcomes are strongly dependent on the ones of your parents, so given this two cultural features we get that the children of sail aficionados will be above average", but most people would understand something like "sailing, or the culture of sailing clubs, has some unique property that make you successful", which is blatantly absurd
Culture is a collective fiction and the idea that genetics could or should determine the success of anyone's life is the biggest joke since the divine right of kings. We live in a society, or rather many overlapping ones, and that is the only thing that will ever matter. For clarification, take a gander at what Yudkowsky and Siskind are up to: cultivating societies where their way of thinking and their aesthetics and language dominate so they can have some degree of power over others by deciding what other people shall be pressured to think and do to remain in their society. Why do some people have money? Good luck. A willingness to exploit others or be exploited themselves. Nothing actionable that isn't also bad. Mutual support is great, but it won't make anyone successful just mitigate the consequences if you're not. One of the reasons wealth-hoarding is obscene.