r/SneerClub archives

That is straight up shit hot take. They always have been ‘mask off’ I guess.

At least the user got banned. It feels kinda shitty to be complaining about things their community acknowledges as problems when there are so many absolutely garbage takes that are tolerated without any kind of action taken against them.

Excuse me what the fuck?


E: I expect to see some bans/warnings in that thread there. And it isn’t for the ’ Sub-Saharan Africans have low iq’ person. E2: im happy to report I was wrong, the racist was banned, and the person who went all in on being mad about rhe post removed their pist, it seems, before punishment could be dealt out. Happy to be wrong about this.


It was basically "I want more high IQ people, and fewer low IQ people like sub sarahans". The "sub saharans" was explicit.
Funny how they'll say it without saying it all day long, but as soon as someone takes the mask off and just says it, they have to turn and save face. I feel like I can't talk to a rationalist for 20 minutes without it coming up how sub-saharan africans are genetically inferior and that's the sole reason their continent sucks balls. They'll laugh off the idea that colonization or resource availability has anything to do with it but stick to their guns all day on the IQ issue.
It's like that game the back-of-house guys in "Waiting" play, but instead of tricking you into looking at balls, it's eugenics.
I can't see the original comment now but I have the one guy tagged previously from here so I guess this explains it: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/cykqms/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_september_02/ez7tr6p/
It was: >>!I think it depends on which populations are growing. Population growth stemming from low iq populations like those in Sub-Saharan Africa is bad but if high iq westerners would start reproducing at that same rate it would be good!< Also, looking through that guy's user page, so much, more mask-off content: ​ >>!That's a biased sample, the non hoes aren't on tinder. Also frequentist statistics are garbage. Bayesianism for life!<
Only the tinder ones, other sex workers are still fucked.