r/SneerClub archives
Scott is...happy?...that Mencius Moldbug's terminology is catching on at Fox News ("mainstream TV") (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/o6cdoq/scott_ishappythat_mencius_moldbugs_terminology_is/)


I’m still puzzled by the time I read a self-described tradcath ranting about ‘The Cathedral.’

Well, no one accused them of being very bright. Like that time someone ranted about corporate control of government creating "Socialism"
As usual, projection. Half of what fashs accuse progressive of doing is exactly what they would do. Which makes sense: they assume that their attitudes and ideas are *natural* and *logically necessitated*, so anybody must be performing them. They are not catholics (how many of them do you think regularly attends mass?), they just think that social conformity and orthodoxy are the only viable model for any culture. Since modern culture is quite clearly viable (even them recognize that it kicked their ass for the last three centuries or so), then it has to have a very strong Cathedral somewhere. It is pretty much the same for all their deliria. White genocide? Well, for sure *they* would genocide anybody slightly different at the first chance. Not only that, they convinced themselves through Darwinian bullshit that *every living being* would do the same. So obviously they believe that non white people want their blood. Status games? Since they are convinced that having a high IQ unavidable leads to be a nihilist dipshit like them, the only reason why people they are forced to recognize as smart care about something must be "virtue signalling". Deporting conservatives and doing a Maoist-like cultural revolution? Well, they are more than willing to go full McCarthy, and sometimes full Pinochet. So why shoud not progressive willing to go full Mao? And so on and so forth

Just mainstream TV using terms used by neo-nazis. (And yes, Moldy isn’t a neo-nazi, but neo-nazis do use the term, or at least they did a a few years ago).

To be fair, not sure this is Scott being happy, but more neutral. Which considering the nazi angle, is a bit weird. (Esp as the nebulous term can easily include him, he wrote against this kind of shit in his anti feminist days).

He's always seemed terrified of alienating NRx-ers while taking pains not to publically endorse them. Must be a headache.
To be fair, I really feel like that term is [repurposed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cathedral_and_the_Bazaar) from the tech bros sphere.
I don't think the neo-nazis got it from ESR tbh. Even if I agree the term is prob repurposed by moldbug. ESR -> NRx -> natzis
> ESR -> NRx -> natzis Corporate wants you to find the difference between these three pictures
Lol. To be fair there are differences between the groups. Boring differences but still.
Hah, let’s not try to be fair tbqh
Fair enough ;)
It also seemed a super spurious correlation (for as much as I just wanted to vent a showerthought) But then I actually checked how [the guy](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Neoreactionary_movement#Whitewashing) was doing...
All this shit is weirdly connected, in ways that if you point them out you sound like a crazyperson to people not in the know. (Which totally fits the same pattern as qanon stuff). At least I already know of ESR from long ago else I would also have had trouble believing it.

I was also an early “sparring partner” of Moldbug. Fortunately most of that stuff is gone from the net but I just dug some out of the Internet Archive.

Eventually I gave up on it as a waste of time, but I remember the horrified feeling I got when I realized that what I thought was just a weird little corner of the internet was actually a growing influence on real politics and a significant ideological contributer to Trumpism – I think it when I learned that he was watching election returns with Peter Thiel is what did it for me.

That some of the jargon has made it to Fox News doesn’t surprise me in the least, and shouldn’t surprise Scott. There is no daylight at all between NRX and the Republican Party in 2021.

that is a truly wild thread with some absolutely horrible people in it. kudos for attempting to engage

Tucker Carlson has really changed the game at Fox News. It’s hard to imagine Moldbug and Michael Malice influencing the programming during the O’Reilly era. Gotta stay relevant!

I could see Glenn Beck dropping some refs.
Everything’s coming up rational.

That same post cites Glenn Greenwald (who used to have a reputation as a leftist, but is now just an out-and-out fascist and Fox talking head) take on the Lafayette Park incident.


According to a recent current affairs article before his rep as a leftwinger, greenwald had sone pretty rightwing opinions on stuff like immigration, so he certainly is a man of contrasts.
He's only a man of contrasts from your perspective. From his, everything is done to own his posting enemies.
Some people in the us were broken by 9/11. Greenwalds 9/11 was being subtweeted by dril.
His credibility-destroying obsession with defending Donald Trump may just come down to their shared commitment to shitposting.
My impression is that he WAS broken by 911, just in a skightly more convolutef way than others

Michael Malice sounds like a Marvel supervillain.

Don't encourage him. I'm not sure what Michael Malice actually *does*. He's been a "character" in New York hipster circles for years and became a cheerleader and ambassador for the alt-right when that became lucrative. He seems to carry a lot of charge in certain quarters by the sheer force of his obnoxiousness.
I hear he’s an expert on North Korea because he travelled there once.
He’s a radio host, I think? Oh, you meant what he *actually* does.

Ah, Michael Malice- yet another paragon of free-thinking radical centrism.

Ben Domench doesn’t have a fucking chin and so he cuts his shitty beard to give him the appearance of a chin.

The term of art for this is [bloatee.](http://achewood.com/index.php?date=09072005)