r/SneerClub archives

(Not sure if this should be tagged NSFW or not. I’ve lurked but I’m not quite sure where the line is. I’m tagging it because this isn’t a straight up sneer.)

Will Wilkinson is, as I understand it, formerly rationalist/adjacent.

Now, I’ve come to think that people who really care about getting things right are a bit misguided when they focus on methods of rational cognition. I’m thinking of the so-called “rationalist” community here. If you want an unusually high-fidelity mental model of the world, the main thing isn’t probability theory or an encyclopedic knowledge of the heuristics and biases that so often make our reasoning go wrong. It’s learning who to trust. That’s really all there is to it. That’s the ballgame.

If they seem to have a taste for mavericks, idiosyncratic bomb-throwers, and thorns in the side of the establishment, it ought to count against them. That’s a sign of ideologues, provocateurs, and book-sale/click maximizers. Beyond prudent conservative alignment with consensus, expert identification is a “humanistic” endeavor, a “soft skill.” A solid STEM education isn’t going to help you and “critical thinking” classes will help less than you’d think. It’s about developing a bullshit detector — a second sense for the subtle sophistry of superficially impressive people on the make. Collecting people who are especially good at identifying trustworthiness and then investing your trust in them is our best bet for generally being right about things.

It seems to me that the rationalist community is primarily drawn from those who have generally rejected the consensus view of society. One might even note that this is essentially “on the tin”, in that the claim is that society as a whole is rife with irrational bias. We can also note the general obsession with finding idiosyncratic sources to be trusted, as exemplified by the idea of “super-predictors” attaining a somewhat mythical aura.

Evangelical Christianity teaches people to trust their feelings and the pastoral charisma of hucksters out to get ahead by validating their prejudices — not so different from Marianne Williamson California guru woo. Over time, this became the default epistemology of the American right. Meanwhile, Conservatism Inc. has for decades cultivated distrust in our most reliable and authoritative sources of accurate information — academics, the New York Times, etc. — in an effort to keep their base unified around and agitated by a polarized, highly mobilizing worldview that is, at best, tenuously related to reality. This propaganda shaped and reinforced the political and cultural assumptions of white evangelicals, which worked their way into the content of their weird syncretic Christianity thanks to the grifty, emotive, self-indulgence of their increasingly fused religious/political culture

It’s hardly surprising that the rationalist community has drifted further and further towards a synchronous orbit with the libertarians, the cranks and the various “race realists” of the far right.

I think the scarier truth is that many Q followers know on some level that they were handed a socially acceptable opportunity to accuse their political enemies of pedophilia and a myriad of other things and they just ran with it. That, and some people who were desperate for a scapegoat to attack got one.

I think what's scarier than that is most people DONT recognize they were handed a socially acceptable opportunity to accuse their political enemies of all manner of things. They just instinctually and intuitively recognize the opportunity and grasp it, without any thought whatsoever. It makes human nature rather more frightening.
My impression is that its just literally the European Witch Craze, the specifics differ, but the mechanics seem remarkably similar, and the tropes mostly the same.

introducing: New York Times fight v2

Every once in a while you can relive the glory when one of Scott's cult members reference the incident. It's the rationalists' Gamergate.

On LW proper they are starting to be convinced that SARS-CoV-2 is artificial, and linking to absolute nonsense about the sequence trying to justify it. The vulnerability is real.

It's fascinating, as far as I can tell that line of thinking originates from the Nicholson Baker Lab Leak article in New York Magazine, it's essentially an incredibly specific, highly technical claim about genetics being made by a fiction author with no subject matter expertise, which seems to be roundly rejected by anyone with subject matter expertise.
There is also some kind of tech entrepeneur (?) posting absolutely ludicrous sequence alignments trying to prove that indels don't happen at the S1/S2 boundary in other viruses. In order to force his alignments to be a soup of single nucleotide deletions and SNPs rather than single large indels he has to strangle the principle of parsimony so much it's absurd.

Link to the source?

I think Will is really good on this topic. But what did you mean by through the lens of Q? I don’t see a mention of that in the body of your post.

It is from the original substack link. Here is the link u/PanicZebra posted https://modelcitizen.substack.com/p/q-trust-and-you
Didn't you hear? QAnon is silly, as are those I disagree with.