r/SneerClub archives
Good sneer from Lewis Mumford (https://i.redd.it/g3dq8v28df971.png)

Iunno, seems a bit small-minded even if it happens to be true regarding rationalists

yeah, i am in love with my JerkMistress6900 sex doll, and there's nothing wrong with that!!


Man, when the other options are either to bring about global collapse or to hand power back to the people who got the world into this mess to begin with, I gotta say that becoming the god in the machine is definitely the coolest ending.
lol im so glad you brought this up. i play this game like every year. when i first beat it i was 13 and thought the helios ending was the BEST. ive been forced to accept the new dark age as the least bad option since.
I am sorry sir but that is...fucking weird. Millions will die due to the collapse of global infrastructure. Like, seriously, it's gonna be bad. I remember playing this game on 9/11. It was almost beautifully surreal. Because when news consoles talked about "the attack on New York" and I was just there eating Oreos, the reality and the game just kinda merged and I started to forget which was which.

If you talk a machine into exploding, you may be James T. Kirk.