r/SneerClub archives

All right, this had me rolling: >For example, it would obviously not be ethical to run a kingdom based on slave labor, even if you end up freeing the slaves when you die. In the most generous interpretation, this is at best morally neutral.

Here's where I got hooked: >Study philosophy, preferably seriously and adequately, and you’re well on your way to control an unprecedented share of global power.
t. plato

High effort sneer. Beautiful.

Shit im a neonreactionary now. The king of neonreaction.

Good thing all the neoreactionaries are obsessed with Europe, otherwise they'd have come up with the concept of "King of Kings", and would dissolve into incoherence. Your position is safe, your highness.
When I saw the title I assumed it was a neoreactionary post, it didn’t even occur to me it was satire until I started to read it.

This was well done for clarifying what “just be a billionaire!” is all about, which is that you should support and perpetuate the status quo because change is bad and anyone who isn’t rich isn’t worth listening to.

This is an often used argument against sneerclub. 'The sneerclubbers arent successful!' It is always eyeroll worthy when it happens.
Yes, people are always using that observation against Sneerclub. This place definitely doesn't constitute a vanguard of intellectual elites left out of the enviable spoils of the American tech economy. No sir.
Lol that is even weirder and more specific than I said, it even assumes the weird American focus, excellent parody of a angry Rationalists, I say, well done sir, I tip my hat to you.
*tips fedora back*
If you don't like sneerclub you don't need to come here

I lost it at the chart comparing satisfaction rates between a baron, duke and peasant.

Thank you good sir (or should I say “my (future) leige”?), one of the funniest sneers I have read

This deserves to be debated by The Motters
Nah man, they are not great at sarcasm. They would probably think that a sneerer is actually trying to become king and their persecution complex would become even worse, if that's possible

I love that this is more concise and readable than most of rationalist verbiage

This is fantastic

Still too believable as a genuine position.

It’s hard to know how happiness scales at this extraordinary level of power, but we can at least make a rough estimate. The Kefir chart shows life satisfaction increasing around 0.5 points (on a 5 point scale) when power increased from 10th percentile to 90th percentile. Naively extrapolating, we get that being in the top 10 most powerful people in the world (99.9999999th percentile) would be 8 more orders of magnitude, putting you at around 7.4. Again, it’s a 5 point scale, so that’s incoherent, but the point is you still stand to gain a substantial amount of wellbeing.


Or alternatively, we can just kill them when they crop up and save us a boat load of trouble.

You think this is a joke but this is the actual document that led to the assassination of the President of Haiti Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ

This but unironically.