Why stop at him as a baby? Lobotomy for everybody. And then use the organs from these organsacks to keep the other organsacks alive. So none can get the 0.5 criminal penalty.
This is the *sneer* club, mate, not the ‘high-quality intellectual dunking ritual’ club. Though, to be sure, the latter is appreciated. Very high effort, though, so I doubt you’re going to fill up the front page with it.
Edit: the above user needs actual help. I regret my antagonism in later comments, as it seems they are going through some stuff in their life, to put it lightly.
>The fuck did I say that’s a threat? All I fucking did was have a light fucking go you absolute fucking mentalist. Fuck me what a fucking nutcase: I’ve got a friend in the fucking hospital, I have to find the fucking money for a PCR test so I can fly a thousand fucking miles to a foreign fucking country so that I can keep a fucking promise to another fucking friend at the tail fucking end of a global fucking pandemic and you’re fucking posting about the fact I fucking objected in the mildest of fucking terms to your mediocre fucking post on a subreddit that I fucking moderate. Mate: fuck off, and stay fucked you thin-fucking-skinned fucking nonce, and grow the fuck up.
Then leave, or ban me. You voiced your opinion, I voiced another, and you know what? I’m also bored of this kind of snide bullshit. Say what you mean or shut the fuck up. This internet tough guy stuff was old decades ago, if you really want to boot me from this sub because you don’t like what I post then just do it. I’ve already gotten myself banned from the rationalist circles, if I get banned from here too I’ll consider it an achievement.
>Then leave, or ban me.
I said it first. Though honestly, I don’t feel all that strongly about whatever we’re talking about. You caught me at a point where I’m a little tired, generally annoyed, and currently have enough time on my hands to type out internet comments. To reiterate, I started yelling at you because of the weird internet tough guy impression above where you insinuate you’re going to ban people who “tell you how to run this sub” which is of course exactly what I did and not at all a fucking monumental leap in logic. This is a Reddit group, not a community I’m willing to put any real investment into. I had no idea you moderated this place and frankly I still don’t give a damn. If you want to ban me then go ahead. Otherwise, don’t come at me all shocked and offended about something *you* instigated.
No I didn’t, I suggested you leave the thread. But whatever, if that’s how you want to take that go ahead. If you don’t want a certain comic posted here, add it to the rules. If it’s not in the rules and you aren’t going to put it in there don’t be passive aggressive about it, is my suggestion.
Attentive readers will note that saying I threatened anyone in this conversation is fucking insane
Although I did briefly refer to them as a “fucking nonce” in a now deleted post which was my original reply to the accusation of my threatening
Very unmodly behaviour on my part, but I do have a very close friend in the hospital as of today on top of a bunch of other disasters I’m being expected to deal with this week
To add a serious reply… when SMBC directly makes use of Bayes Theorem or priors as the primary topic of a comic that feels on topic enough. When the comic is about AI and specifically uses/mocks lesswrong terminology that is relatively on topic. But I’ll agree that just because a SMBC page references misapplied economics or AI of any kind or misapplied probability theory that is almost every SMBC page and it shouldn’t be posted here. We don’t want to turn this into a SMBC repost subreddit.
So **tldr** I agree in general although the occasional specifically related SMBC comic might be okay.
You could have a weekly comic/meme/low-effort/off-topic thread? To consolidate all the comics and low-effort posts in one place. That way the front page isn’t in danger of getting spammed but we can still enjoy comics.
I’m a big fan of SMBC comics, but how many do we want on our sub? I
know the point of this sub is entirely our amusement, but I also don’t
want this sub to turn into yet another meme sub.
Now put all those organs in the utility monster so that he may live forever.
“Should we look into the social and economic conditions which produce crime?”
“No. My secret identity is Neoliberalism.”
average utility fan vs average virtue enjoyer
Two separate smbc posts on the front page, and Calvin and Hobbes, come on guys
I’m a big fan of SMBC comics, but how many do we want on our sub? I know the point of this sub is entirely our amusement, but I also don’t want this sub to turn into yet another meme sub.