r/SneerClub archives
Wimpy Kid discovers the Basilisk. (https://i.redd.it/idr0v3ew3fc71.jpg)

These books were huge when I was in third grade. Even the kids who hated reading ate them up. Obviously, all the 8-year-olds immediately recognized the logical conclusion and became terrified of Roko’s Basilisk, so much that my teacher had to ban the books from the classroom.

> These books were huge when I was in third grade. They're still huge, wiki says the most recent one sold 171k copies it's first week.

Reminds of the Greg Egan quote ‘You know what they say the modern version of Pascal’s Wager is? Sucking up to as many Transhumanists as possible, just in case one of them turns into God’ from Crystal Nights, which I’m certain I was introduced to via reading the Rationalwiki article on Transhumanism long ago.

There's also the Benign Superintelligence BootStrap Project from Zendegi. Though not sure if Nasim's sugar daddy wosshisname was meant to be a parody of Musk or Yud.

I see him giving compliments. What I do not see him giving, however, is money.

You can recognize a real loser by how they always want to surrender fights that haven’t even started yet. Some even build their personality around it and think it makes them cool realists.

this is p funny ngl