r/SneerClub archives

Would be good to share this in a format that was easier to search for etc.


I think your last para is the point. The dogmatically race realist arent likly to be converted, but their ideas have more exposure lately.

Francis Collins, a former leader of the Human Genome Project, had to admit in the journal Nature Genetics that “well-intentioned statements” about the biological insignificance of race may have left the wrong impression: “It is not strictly true that race or ethnicity has no biological connection. It must be emphasized, however, that the connection is generally quite blurry.”

In Witherspoon et al. 2007 it us also said that “This implies that, when enough loci are considered, individuals from these population groups will always be genetically most similar to members of their own group”

Overrall there are many statements that are not convincing, you mention the importance of genetic discontinuity, but i dont understand why non existance of discrete boundaries between races somehow demolished the idea that races exist, lots of animal subspecies have blurry lines.

“According to modern genetic data, the vast majority of variation (>85%) is found within populations, rather than between them (<15%). Of the latter, <10% is found between large continental groups of ethnic groups (such as”white” or “Black” or “Asian”).”

But why is this important?

Overrall human races have significant morphological and medically relevant differences, its useful to categorize groups thats are different.