r/SneerClub archives
Yud: Computers are the greatest possible risk or benefit to humanity. Also Yud: *never learns to code* (https://twitter.com/js_thrill/status/1424235549703999488?s=20)

“Now, I realize that no one can actually predict the future, but I understand you have a unique insight into where we might be headed as we approach the turn of the century.”

“Yeah, I do. As I see it, Catherine, the future of business–well, the future of this country, in fact–is … computers.”



“Okay, would you care to elaborate on that?”

“Oh, you bet. I think computers are great. You can keep records on them, uh, play games … they’re, well, they’re like magic.”

“Uh huh.”

“Yeah. I mean, I don’t have one yet, but I’m gonna get one, you better believe that.”

“What exactly do you do for a living, Tom?”

“Well, I’m between things right now, but all that’s going to change just as soon as I get a computer!”

This explains things.

E: I dont get why he didn’t just google it. Is this some sort of dark art move? Have others do things for you so they like you more?

i do remember reading something years ago about how getting people you dont know to do favors for you rapidly bonds them to you unreplicated im sure
Could be, although I think it's more likely he just gets pleasure and a feeling of vindication from putting his ~~cultists~~ followers to do tasks for him. Makes him feel important.

I’m surprised and I’m also not surprised.

Given how he talks about computers and AI, I assumed that he didn’t know how to code. So I’m not surprised that he doesn’t know how to code.

I AM surprised that, dude, it’s CSS. We’re not talking C, Haskell, or . This is CSS. Is it really that bad to grab a template from somewhere?

Also the mention of dns feels like it’s a flex. Like, yeah, I know what dns is, I’m one of you fellow nerds. It’s CSS! It’s visual! Browsers come with tools to tell you what stuff computes to!

I can tell that I’m going to think about this one periodically, like his one awful attempt at making a train problem meme. Thank you.

> I very distinctly remember being at a house party and meeting a comp sci student and telling them all about how I was learning HTML and CSS and seeing her look down at me sympathetically like I was Gregor Samsa and she was the housekeeper > > In my headcannon she has a southern accent and says "Well bless your heart!"
Programming is for the lackeys, the great Eliezer's mind is for greater things! For the grand plans! He is the great grand chessmaster! He will save mankind from AI with his enlightened rationally-backed correct opinions!
Okay this is really old but I'm dying to understand more of what you mean about "HTML and CSS as a route to understanding material texts in a broader context." It sounds like a really interesting intersection of two fields that I have a passing interest in and have studied with limited if any rigor or structure.
css and html, the languages that people commonly teach themselves at 12 years old with no help
i remember learning some html from neopets as a preteen
Forget computers Neopets is the greatest benefit or risk to humanity.
> his one awful attempt at making a train problem meme sauce
https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1375295311275421703 I didn't have this saved so it took some digging. I think I'm wrong about him creating it, but the """meme""" and his comment are imo both cringe.
Wait, cant you just set c to -z^2 to have the position always be a constant 0 no matter the initial value of z? Guess it was too long I did complex math because I feel like I'm missing something here. E: I know im massively wooshing here and actually interacting with his silly idea, but I just glanced at his example and thought 'that one seems trivially solvable', it just looks complex.
i think it's supposed to just be an /r/iamverysmart reference to the mandelbrot ser
That's correct, but the question is asking you to determine all such complex numbers, not just name one.
Thanks! Not really a trolly problem then, just a math question with trolley paint. Confusing math problems for trolley problems is very Rationalist of course.
it's. a meme?
~~Sure, but Yud was serious about it.~~ E: nah you are right, im falling into the trap of taking this all to serious.
No, what? Is Mr. Yudkowsky making a joke without half the requisite parts or is he genuinely warping the fantastical "trolley problem" into this "iamverysmart Mandelbrot reference", as another user so damningly nailed. Wait, I've still failed at creating the dichotomy here. Why is this shit so slippery inherently lmao.

best reply:

Roko’s Basiliscss

Having helped my wife set up a couple of websites for her home Web design business, even with a WordPress with full automated plugin suites, you have to “futz around with DNS” if you want your site to work. And if you’re wanting to avoid CSS and you can’t work out that WordPress, Squarespace or any of those drag and drop clones that get mentioned every fucking podcast is the solution then what the fuck are you doing asking your audience of supposed luminaries for that information?

This is the real way to avoid my acausal torture. Can’t be on the hook to work ceaselessly to bring me into existence if you can’t actually do anything to bring me into existence.

I mean when I was 15 and taught myself html I definitely avoided css but also I was 15 and it was like ’98 so….. doesn’t really bode well for yud

Was this bleg for the matchmaking website?

Meanwhile David Chapman coded his own site.