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A Dyson Sphere Could Bring Humans Back From the Dead, """"""Researchers"""""""" Say (https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a35788050/dyson-sphere-digital-resurrection-immortality/)

this batshit insane chart is the icing on the lunatic cake

also why on Earth is Popular Mechanics publishing this, will articles detailing the theories of your annoying uncle who thinks 5G turns people into lizards be next?

The quality of this chart neatly explains why this fellow thinks quantum immortality is more plausible than being remembered by your legacy.
Im still surprised that people actually think quantum immortality might be a thing, and not just funny science fiction story ideas.
I'm still surprised that people who think it might be a thing can sleep at night.
Never thought of those implications... well fuck, guess im not sleeping. Thanks!
Personally I find it comforting to think of all the universes where I didn’t make it
We do too. 😁
Well the thing is that Everett was a founder of the Many Worlds Interpretation, and earnestly believed that this had implications for quantum immortality, even if he didn’t necessarily think he was guaranteed immortality as a result That gives it a lot of cache the idea doesn’t perhaps deserve
Has Popular Mechanics ever *not* been euphoric hype?
It used to be carpentry projects.
There should be a layer where wizards do it.
That's the layer with AI.
In fairness I think these charts would make excellent background material for a science fiction series. I wonder why we don’t get more good sci-fi from this community.
If you are a fan of batshit insane charts made by this prolific, um researcher, you are in luck as many more can be found on lesswrong, username turchin. Here's just one as a taster: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/L3dsN8Tr75exEK7Mz/a-roadmap-how-to-survive-the-end-of-the-universe
> In fact, to assemble and come up with these 50 ideas I spent about 200 working hours, and if I had spent more time on it, I'm sure I would have found many new ideas. Out-sneered at every turn.
A clone is less probable than time travel?
Being remembered by your loved ones is less probable than time travel!
what is this, a narrative device in a next nolan film? lol ridiculous.

” When Turchin was 11 years old, a girl in his class died. The experience planted the first seeds of the possibility of eternal life in his young mind. “I started to think in science-fiction terms about what could be done,” “.

So this all about his inability to process grief? This is kind of sad.

That's also the case with Yud. IIRC his younger brother died of cancer.
It's also pretty much exactly the plot of the TV show Devs.
Great show till they tried to explain the machine too hard.
Also Kurzweil. He just wants to resurrect his dad.
Being resurrected in a technologically advanced future, it's like heaven but it sounds more scientific

But that isn’t even what a Dyson… Nevermind, I can see you worked hard on this delicious-looking word salad, I’ll just dig in and savor the flavor. I love Bostromverse EU fanfic.

"Coffee Shop AU: Young Eliezer works long hours at the Basilisk Café. One day, a customer walks in with an unusual order and a winning smile..."

Calm down there Anakin.


you’ll eventually come back to life. So will everyone else who ever had a hand in the history of human civilization.

Note that this exludes a lot of people. Shows the privilege and exclusive of certain groups of poor people from transhuman ideas. (And that these people are simply not mentioned).

The AI will doggedly search for your DNA—it will even dig up your grave

Not only is this prob not possible (unless yoyr dyson sphere has a time machine) but it also excludes so many people, sucks for all the cremated people I guess. (Now I wonder if there are crazy anti cremation transhumanists (I already know which disgusting comparisons I fear they could make) yes im making up a guy).

> sucks for all the cremated people I guess I mean, not really. I don't understand the point of the whole exercise. **You** will still be dead, there'll just be a highly faulty and incomplete simulacrum of you existing inside some megahypercomputer. And if that's what our sentient AI overlords want to do with their time in the far, far distant future, they can have at it, I guess, but it doesn't have anything to do with us.
This is why I can't get into Greg Egan. All these guys take it for granted that the reader will be profoundly connected to their simulation / quantum double or whatever, but why should I give a shit at all?
I don't know if Egan does? He's just occasionally writing about people who do.
True but the tension in a lot of stories is predicated on the reader identifying with a protagonist whos losing their mind over superposition or whatever
His works involving weird physics look interesting. Are they, at all?
His early short stories on the ethics of possible new technologies are very good. His very latest novels are based on rigorously worked out imaginary physics. You have to go to his [home page](https://www.gregegan.net/) to see the equations, read essays and watch simulations. Not for everyone, though I'd imagine physicists love it.
I am a dropout from a PhD in optical engineering and I love his newer novels; *Orthogonal* trilogy is basically research porn.
Have you read, "Learning To Be Me" by any chance? It's a short story by Egan about someone who has doubts about whether their simulation is really them. Frankly, Egan knocks my socks off.
I see your point, but I'm personally not entirely convinced that the me from yesterday is still truly alive.
I guess the question is whether you have anxiety about the you of tomorrow being different from the you of today.
I have been feeling this myself for months. each day I feel am afraid of losing more intelligence
> Note that this exludes a lot of people. Yeah I doubt they're thinking about the billions of people who sustain humanity with ceaseless and thankless work. The educated elite is always who these types identify with despite being low-born peasants dreaming of the power their idols are born into.

On Jupiter, like the Toynbee Tiles said?

Say, was I imagining things, or did Popular Mechanics suddenly lose a massive amount of clout?

Nothing sudden here. Decades ago they were already publishing plenty of credulous nonsense about UFOs, Area 51, etc.

wow this really is fucking nuts isn’t it

Good title, needs more quotation marks.

“Physical resurrection according to God’s Will -

Confluence with god” What the fuck

[Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Fyodorovich_Fyodorov) will enter the chat, some day.
**[Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Fyodorovich_Fyodorov)** >Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov (Russian: Никола́й Фёдорович Фёдоров; surname also Anglicized as "Fedorov", June 9, 1829 – December 28, 1903) was a Russian Orthodox Christian philosopher, who was part of the Russian cosmism movement and a precursor of transhumanism. Fyodorov advocated radical life extension, physical immortality and even resurrection of the dead, using scientific methods. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)
Weird thing to sneer at, both of those are popular positions in Christian eschatology

Amazing idea

I’m glad to see LW is budding off new gods at pace.