r/SneerClub archives
House supplements (!) drawer with placebo pills (https://mobile.twitter.com/coponder/status/1431672153653448706?s=19)


supplements are the Rationalist-Libertarian ideal: not required to prove to a regulatory body that they're effective or that they're safe or even that they contain what the label says. the free market decides what's safe and effective!
It is amusing in a way, via the rationalists communit I discovered that most of these supplements/sorry forgot the nerdy name for all the 'take this to become smarter' pills have no proven efficiency. They even linked to sites which listed which things were proven to have a little effect etc (most of the things on that site were no effect iirc). E: here look at this visualization https://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/snake-oil-scientific-evidence-for-nutritional-supplements-vizsweet/ bubbles and stuff.
I believe the word is nootropics
Even the folks at r/nootropics say the best things to do are get lots of exercise and sunshine and drink coffee, but I guess they aren't being paid to shill for vitamin startups
Ah yes thank you. That was the word I was looking for. I should have been sleeping hours ago.
I have a pill that might help with that! /s
That's extremely informative. Thanks for linking it. Do you know if modafinil works or not?
I have no idea. The nootropics people often talk about it however. So if one of them works that might be a good one. But dunno at all it has been ages I looked into it.
This isn’t quite right. On genuine medical advice I take vitamins B6 and B12 supplements to deal with the vitamin loss from alcohol abuse: I couldn’t tell you reliably whether they’ve fixed any of my issues due to all the other chemical imbalances in my body, but I prefer not to take the risk. That’s a recommendation from a public official specialising in my medical issues rather than microdosing LSD or whateverthefuck.
yeah what is that exclamation mark for. you know who also takes lots of supplements? ignorant people who think vit C or vit D cure everything.
paste that's for horses, large brain edition





“Bulbous bouffant!”

Plot twist: “Placebo” was Tylenol with codeine.

Most likely any other pill in their house supplements drawer could also be labeled ‘placebo’.

Dried basilisk pills?

I would NEVER.

I cannot explain the bile this just brought up in my throat, so I guess the placebo really does work.

edit: damn this post would be so cute if it wasn’t about enabling abusive white dudes with too much money

House supplements or horse supplements?

We think they found Zeebo Honest Placebo pills!That quote is on our bottle. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NUKW26M