Nfts can run doom is quite the statement to make. ;)
E: and yes this seems like pure technobabble. At least all the smart people in the Rationalists community are calling him out on this utter bullshit. I assume, and please for my sanity dont go check and correct me.
Roko: 'Cults are good, Cults get stuff done'.
Lol, sure. Depends a bit on what your goals are I guess. Still think it is more ethical to just be open about it and use dunno tinder or okcupid.
E: and lol, Twitter knows something, the related tweets, all racists. (And that is without being logged in).
“tell me that you know nothing about computer science without telling me you know nothing about computer science”
The line “NFTs are turing complete bitcoin” actually made me spit-take. No, a bitcoin with a hash code on it is not turing-complete.
i think they call this a gell-mann amnesia
No currency is worthwhile until it contains a complete implementation of Emacs.
Yes hello I would like to be an NFT I could pay off the rest of my house with that